Reverse Dependencies of GitPython
The following projects have a declared dependency on GitPython:
- cacheless-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- CADET-RDM — A Python toolbox for research data management.
- CADPR — Standardize and Automate processes utilized by the DAMs at Nike in CA
- caex2 — Automatically extract all exercises from a carpentries lesson.
- CalibDBReader — Reader for the calibration database
- calisum — A scraper and summarizer for caliap
- calkit-python — Reproducibility simplified.
- calver-auto-release — Automatically create GitHub releases using Calendar Versioning (CalVer)
- camminapy — My personal code collection.
- candycan — can wrapper for applications
- candypi — Continuous Delivery tool for raspberry pi project
- canonical-sphinx-extensions — A collection of Sphinx extensions used by Canonical documentation
- capsula — A Python package to capture command/function execution context for reproducibility.
- carpo — Run, profile, and save Jupyter notebooks from the command line
- cartogram — Compute continous cartograms (anamorphic maps)
- cased — Cased CLI adds security and visibility features to the command line tools you and your team love.
- catalyst-rl — Catalyst.RL. PyTorch framework for RL research.
- catchpoint-trace — Catchpoint Python agent
- cbcflow — A package for enabling CBC analyses
- cbig-network-correspondence — A toolbox for exploring network correspondence across atlases
- cbmc-starter-kit — CBMC starter kit makes it easy to add CBMC verification to a software project
- cbox-tool — A powerful multi-repository management tool for Git projects
- cc-sphinx-changelog — Automatically generates a releases-style changelog based on conventional commit messages.
- cccs-yara — A CCCS utility for YARA rule metadata validation
- CCFT-PyMarkdown — A Python wrapper around jackdewinter's PyMarkdown linter to suppress errors, caused by custom-formatted tables in Markdown files
- ccguard — Prevent code coverage regressions
- ccres-weather-station — CCRES codes to convert weather data from text files to NetCDF files
- ccscanner — A SBOM scanner for C/C++
- cdci-data-analysis — A Python Framework for CDCI online data analysis
- cdev — CLI for cdev sdk
- cdpdev-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- cellfinder-analyst — Group level analysis of cellfinder results.
- cellfinder-core — Automated 3D cell detection in large microscopy images
- cellfinder-napari — Efficient cell detection in large images
- cellshape — 3D shape analysis using deep learning
- cellshape-cloud — 3D cell shape analysis using geometric deep learning on point clouds
- cellshape-cluster — 3D shape analysis using deep learning
- cellshape-helper — 3D shape analysis using deep learning
- cellshape-voxel — 3D shape analysis using deep learning
- cellxgene-census — API to facilitate the use of the CZ CELLxGENE Discover Census. For more information about the API and the project visit
- cf-changelog — Conflict-Free Changelog manager
- cf2tf — Convert Cloudformation Templates to Terraform.
- cfde-submit — A command line tool for submitting CFDE Datasets
- cfg-manager — git based config files manager and installer
- cfgnet — A Framework for Tracking Configuration Dependencies Across a Software Project
- cfn-stk — Opinionated CloudFormation deployments
- cfntagger — A Cloudformation tagging tool
- cgdevxcli — no summary
- cgecore — Modules used throughout the tools developed and maintained by the Center for Genomic Epidemiology (CGE).
- cgelib — Description of my package
- cgse-common — Software framework to support testing hardware
- cgse-core — Core services for the CGSE framework
- chai-sacred — Facilitates automated and reproducible experimental research
- chainedci — Chaine Gitlab CI pipelines
- changeln — The application allows you to generate CHANGELOG files based on Git tags.
- changelog-gen — Changelog generation tool
- changelog-pre-commit — no summary
- changelogbuilder — ChangeLog Builder application
- changelogged — Automated management of your changelog and other versioned files, following the principles of Keep a Changelog and Semantic Versioning.
- changing-dot — ChangingDot Repo
- chap-core — Climate Health Analysis Platform (CHAP)
- chart-vendor — Tool for vendoring Helm charts into a Git repository
- chatsky-ui — Chatsky-UI is GUI for Chatsky Framework, that is a free and open-source software stack for creating chatbots, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
- cheat-ext — Cheat Extension
- check-exercises — Checks your Codeup exercises to find any missing files
- check-git-repos — A command line interface to check git repositories within a directory
- checkout-code — Tool to checkout a specific commit to a unique location
- checkov — Infrastructure as code static analysis
- checkov2 — Infrastructure as code static analysis
- chibi-command — run terminal commands
- ChildProject — LAAC@LSCP
- chip-wallet-dstack — dstack is an open-source orchestration engine for running AI workloads on any cloud or on-premises.
- chloroscan — A computational workflow designed to recover plastid genomes from metagenomes.
- Chocolate-App — no summary
- chrisversiontest — Testing some versioning stuff in isolation
- Chrysalio — SDK to build Pyramid Web site with user management
- chunklog — no summary
- ci-buildbot — Slack client for reporting on CodePipeline runs
- ci-cd-secrets — A secrets scanner for CI/CD.
- ci-cd-tool — CI/CD 자동화 도구
- ci-jira-releaser — Simple way to release past(or current) commits within Jira
- ci-plumber — Plumb together different CI/CD services
- ci-secrets — A secrets scanner for CI/CD.
- Cibyl — no summary
- cicconf — Configuration and Revision tool
- cicdcli — no summary
- cicdtest — no summary
- cico — deploy CI results to git
- citerus — citerus retrieves your crypto citations
- citest-poetry — no summary
- citros — A cli entrypoint for the citros system.
- citros-test — A cli entrypoint for the citros system.
- civis-jupyter-notebook — A tool for building Docker images for Civis Platform Jupyter notebooks
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- cjk6-source-ci-secrets — A secrets scanner for CI/CD forked from ci_secrets.
- ckanext-toolbelt — no summary
- cktgym-discovery-server — BWRC AMS ML Discovery Server
- cktgym-discovery-shared — BWRC AMS ML Discovery Shared
- clairview-boraq — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Clairview apps
- classroom-tool — A package to help instructors work with GitHub Classroom