Reverse Dependencies of GitPython
The following projects have a declared dependency on GitPython:
- apophenia — Extract and structure all the data from a Git repository to make them usable in RAG.
- appthreat-chen — Code Hierarchy Exploration Net (chen)
- appworld — AppWorld: A Controllable World of Apps and People for Benchmarking Interactive Coding Agents
- apu — Antons Python Utilities
- apx-changelog — Generate changelog from a git repository
- arc-ai — Economies of models
- arca — A library for running Python functions (callables) from git repositories in various states of isolation with integrating caching.
- arcgitflow — A Python implementation of the GitFlow process
- archimedes-flow-utils — Common code for all our prefect flows
- Architectural-Lens — Thesis project
- archivy-git — Archivy extension to integrate your knowledge base as a syncable git repository with version control.
- ArchLens-Preview — Designed for visualizing package dependencies and highlighting differences between branches in GitHub pull requests. It offers customization options to tailor package views.
- archub — no summary
- arcli — A TravisCI inspired builder
- arcnet — Economies of models
- arcos — Economies of models
- argops — Promote argo application between environments
- ark-cli — Command line tool to manage ark app
- armadilloml — no summary
- arrayqueues — Multiprocessing queues for numpy arrays using shared memory
- artec — Creates a configurable python project template in a given directory.
- ascender — The CLI tool for working with AscenderFramework: Installation, command execution and version management
- aserehe — a semantic release helper CLI
- asimov — A Python package for managing and interacting with data analysis jobs.
- asimov-agents — A library of primitives for building agentic flows.
- askanna — The AskAnna CLI & Python SDK is part of the AskAnna platform to kickstart your data science projects
- asrtt — An automated time tracker
- assemblyline-v4-service — Assemblyline 4 - Service base
- assetutilities — utilities for general use
- assigner — Automatically assign programming homework to students on GitLab
- astblick — Web git repository viewer
- asthook — Analyse apk source code and make a dynamic analysis
- astronomer-e2e-test — Astronomer scripts for internal use
- astroramjet — no summary
- atlas-init — no summary
- atlas-metadata-validator — A MAGE-TAB validator for Expression Atlas and Single Cell Expression Atlas
- atom-runtime — atom runtime
- atomic-agents — A versatile framework for creating and managing intelligent agents.
- atopile — A toolchain bringing the best of software development to the real-world!
- audio-curation — Some scripts for checking and curating audio file contributions to the Mahabharata audio project.
- audiossl — no summary
- auditree-framework — Tool to run compliance control checks as unit tests
- augpathlib — Augmented pathlib. Everything else you could do with a path.
- aura-security — Security auditing and static analysis for python
- aurblobs — Automatically build AUR packages and serve them from a repository
- aurora-cli — An application that simplifies the life of an application developer for the Aurora OS.
- auto-bump-version — A command-line tool to automatically bump the version of a Python project
- auto-changelog — Simple tool to generate nice, formatted changelogs from vcs
- auto-coder — AutoCoder: AutoCoder
- auto-coder-chat-lite — a simple code chat tool inspired by auto coder
- auto-tag — Automatically tag a branch based on commit message
- auto-tag-rc8 — Automatically tag a branch based on commit message
- auto1111sdk — SDK for Automatic 1111.
- autoauditor — Semi-automatic scanner and vulnerability exploiter
- autobazaar — The Machine Learning Bazaar
- autodocumentation-python — Automated documentationstring generation for python files within repositories, folders or for sinlge .py files.
- autoformalism-with-llms — no summary
- AutoGitSemVer — Generate a semantic version based on commits made to a git repository.
- autograder-py — The Python interface for the autograding server.
- autohaus-updater — update server for autohaus server
- autohelm — Declarative Helm configuration with Git capability
- AutoIntegrityCheck — A tool to validate the integrity of Automatic1111/SdNext environments
- autollm — Ship RAG based LLM Web API's, in seconds.
- autology — File-based life log
- automated-marking — Python script designed to clone Git repositories, detect programming languages, validate the code, and log the results to an Excel file.
- automatic-deployer — A CLI App to watch git repo and automatically run a command (deploy command, ex. build and run docker container) after inspecting some changes.
- automation-fw-setup — A tool for setting up a test automation project with various frameworks and platforms.
- autonomi-nos — Nitrous oxide system (NOS) for computer-vision.
- autopack-tools — Package Manager for AI Agent tools
- autopilot — Helper to create and distribute Python packages
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- autopush — autopush cli tool allows to run git commands more simply
- autoreduce-scripts — ISIS Autoreduce helper scripts
- autoreduce-utils — ISIS Autoreduce
- autorelease — Tools to keep the release process clean.
- autossl — SSL certificates monitoring, renewal and deployment.
- autotransform — A component based framework for designing automated code modification
- autovar — Experiment variables management framework.
- awemecommit — no summary
- aws_client — Collectrium AWS clients
- aws-stuff-doer — ASD is a utility to help manage your AWS projects and sso sessions.
- awsnap — AWSnap: an AWS Utility to help manage your projects and sso sessions.
- ax-env — dependency manager for XENONnT package
- axon-synthesis — A package to synthesize artificial axons
- axtreme — A development library for the RaPiD project
- ayuda — Program for save your notes and share between git
- azdev — Microsoft Azure CLI Developer Tools
- azdevops-cli — An Azure DevOps cli tool
- aziona — aziona cli
- azure-ai-generative — Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Client Library for Python
- azure-devtools — Microsoft Azure Development Tools for SDK
- azureml-assets — Utilities for publishing assets to Azure Machine Learning system registries.
- azureml-contrib-automl-dnn-forecasting — Azure Automated Machine Learning DNN package for timeseries forecasting.
- azureml-rag — Contains Retrieval Augmented Generation related utilities for Azure Machine Learning and OSS interoperability.
- b2luigi — Task scheduling and batch running for basf2 jobs made simple
- backplane — a dead-simple backplane for Dockerized applications
- backup-devops — no summary
- backupz — The application allows you to generate CHANGELOG files based on Git tags.
- badger-mk — Makes badges from templates
- badgey — A library and a CLI to locally generate project badges