Reverse Dependencies of GitPython
The following projects have a declared dependency on GitPython:
- badwolf — Docker based continuous integration and code lint review system for BitBucket
- baldwin — Simple tracking of your home directory with easy-to-read diffs.
- bali-cli — Simplify gRPC services and clients
- ballet — Core functionality for lightweight, collaborative data science projects
- ballet-assemble — Submit ballet modules from within JupyterLab
- ballet-submit-labextension — Submit ballet modules from within JupyterLab
- banana-cli — The Banana CLI helps you build Potassium apps
- bandit — Security oriented static analyser for python code.
- bapi — A Beancount REST API
- bar-raiser — Bar-Raiser is a cutting-edge framework designed to help engineering teams tackle technical debt, streamline development workflows, and elevate code quality.
- base-aux — collect all my previous modules in one package
- base-version-checker — Dev utility to verify hardcoded versions are in sync & updated
- bashrc — no summary
- BatCave — BatCave Utilities module.
- batchgit — Tool to manage multiple git repos
- bc-devtool — Gadgets to help with development
- bdm2 — no summary
- beaker-gantry — Gantry streamlines running Python experiments in Beaker by managing containers and boilerplate for you
- beatrica-embedding — A Python package for embedding and analyzing code changes in git repositories.
- beatrica-git — A Python package for analyzing git differences between branches in a local repository.
- beefore — Performs pre-merge checks (such as code style) on a pull request.
- beegen — BeeGen is an intelligent command-line tool designed to assist developers with everyday tasks, leveraging the power of generative AI.
- behave4git — This project provides an extension (testing domain) of Behave to use Git and GitLab (and GitHub in the near future).
- belay — no summary
- benchmark-templates — Workflow Templates for Reproducible Data Analysis Benchmarks
- benchmarkit — Benchmark and analyze functions' time execution and results over the course of development
- bento-cli — Free program analysis focused on bugs that matter to you.
- bento-headless — Git-aware utility for automated program analysis
- bentodev — BentoBox Local Development System
- bert-etl — A microframework for simple ETL solutions
- bertagent — Quantify linguistic agency in textual data.
- bfjira — Create Git branches from Jira tickets
- bgcflow_wrapper — A snakemake wrapper and utility tools command line interface for BGCFlow.
- bgspace — Anatomical space conventions made easy
- bigbang-py — BigBang is a toolkit for studying communications data from collaborative projects. It currently supports analyzing mailing lists from Sourceforge, Mailman, ListServ, or .mbox files.
- bigquery_sync — no summary
- bincrafters-conventions — Bincrafters script to apply Conan conventions and update CI jobs
- BINocular — Common Binary Framework
- binsync — A Collaboration framework for binary analysis tasks.
- bionic — A Python framework for building, running, and sharing data science workflows
- biorepo — no summary
- biosimulations-modeldb — Command-line program for publishing the ModelDB model repository to BioSimulations.
- biothings — a toolkit for building high-performance data APIs in biology
- biscuit-api — The uncompromising code editor
- biscuit-editor — A lightweight, fast, and extensible code editor with a growing community
- bisi — A Python based runner for docker images.
- bitbucket-pipeline-runner — Run a bitbucket pipeline locally
- bitcommit — No more commenting your code: Use the GPT3-based CodeCommenter
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- bittensor-cli — Bittensor CLI
- bjec — Batch Job Executor & Collector
- blabpy — no summary
- blackhc.notebook — Notebook setup code
- blackhc.project — Notebook setup code
- blind — Blind Client: The easiest ML tracking library
- blueapi — Lightweight bluesky-as-a-service wrapper application. Also usable as a library.
- bluepyemodel — Blue Brain Python E-Model Building Library
- boar-pv — High throughput parameter extraction and experimental design with Bayesian optimization
- board-automate — Automate remote exection on linux based embedded boards
- board-game-scraper — Board games data scraping and processing from BoardGameGeek and more!
- boilerplate-x — Create project boilerplate for any programming language in minutes, with just an idea.
- boilerplates — Various boilerplates used in almost all of my Python packages.
- bootstrap-py — Template tool to easily generate your Python packages.
- bossman — Automation framework
- botoolkit — BO toolkit
- bottleneck — Fast NumPy array functions written in C
- boxmot — BoxMOT: pluggable SOTA tracking modules for segmentation, object detection and pose estimation models
- bpy-build — Find Blender sources in version control, create build scripts
- brain-ai — Build your own intelligent personal assistant.
- brainatlas-api — A lightweight python module to interact with atlases for systems neuroscience
- brainglobe-segmentation — Segmentation of anatomical structures in a common coordinate space
- brainglobe-space — Anatomical space conventions made easy
- brainglobe-workflows — A collection of end-to-end data analysis workflows executed using BrainGlobe tools.
- brainreg-napari — Multi-atlas whole-brain microscopy registration
- brainreg-segment — Manual segmentation of 3D brain structures in a common anatomical space
- brainstat — A toolbox for statistical analysis of neuroimaging data
- braintrust — SDK for integrating Braintrust
- branch-detective — Detect which commits are absent between branches.
- branchesv — Python package to get the information of all the repos in a directory
- BrewPi — For the fans of the original Arduino temperature controller
- BrewPi-Remix — For the fans of the original Arduino temperature controller
- bricker — CLI tool for syncing a Databricks folder structure with a local git repo.
- briefcase — Tools to support converting a Python project into a standalone native application.
- bro-pkg — The Zeek Package Manager
- bronotes — A commandline note organization tool.
- brood — A flexible concurrent command runner.
- bsl-appcli — A library for adding CLI interfaces to applications in the brightSPARK Labs style
- bucketcloner — no summary
- bugcatcher — Faster Than Light Command Line Test Client
- bugzoo — A platform for safely studying historical software versions.
- build_harness — CI build harness embodying best practices for Python projects.
- buildingspy — Package for simulating and testing models from the Modelica Buildings and IBPSA libraries
- Buildpan-CLI — no summary
- buildrunner — Docker-based build tool
- bumping — Python tool to calculate SemVer based on conventional git commit messages.
- bup — Backup utility
- butcher — General-purpose build system for projects spanning multiple git repos
- c2 — No more commenting your code: Use the GPT3-based CodeCommenter
- c6t — Unofficial Administrative Command Line Interface for Contrast Security
- cabrita — Create dashboard from docker-compose.yml