Reverse Dependencies of GitPython
The following projects have a declared dependency on GitPython:
- dcm-processor — A Command line tool for the dicom processor library
- dcontainer — no summary
- dcspy — Integrating DCS (Digital Combat Simulator) planes with Logitech G13/G15/G510/G19 LCD
- ddf_utils — Commonly used functions/utilities for DDF file model.
- deadsimplevenv — Dead simle wrapper for venv
- debops — Your Debian-based data center in a box
- decalmlutils — Useful functions when working with Machine Learning in Python
- decisionlib-mhentges — Taskcluster task-builder
- declair — Package for declarative hyperparameter search experiments.
- decofre — Neural coreference resolution
- deep-dashboard — This project is the dashboard to interact with the DEEP services.
- deephyper — Scalable asynchronous neural architecture and hyperparameter search for deep neural networks
- deepomatic-cli — Deepomatic CLI
- deepreg — DeepReg is a freely available, community-supported open-source toolkit for research and education in medical image registration using deep learning.
- DefoldSdk — Python Package made by Mhadhbi Issam .
- dekcli — no summary
- delfino-core — Delfino core plugin
- delphai-ml-utils — A Python package to manage delphai machine learning operations.
- — Package for Robust Statistics
- delphi-utils — Shared Utility Functions for Indicators
- delta-core — Delta core
- deltaresult — Tracks changes for multiple script runs with similar results
- demisto-sdk — "A Python library for the Demisto SDK"
- dep-license — Report licenses information for dependencies in use by a Python project
- dependencmake — Dependencies manager for projects using CMake
- deploydb — Deploy your database objects automatically when the git branch is updated.
- deployfish — AWS ECS related deployment tools
- derek-git — no summary
- desertislandutils — A collection of personal convenience utilities
- determined — Determined AI: The fastest and easiest way to build deep learning models.
- deut-repo-utils — Repository utilities to facilitate collaborative and modularized coding.
- dev-assistant-client — Dev Assistant client
- dev-bot-cli — no summary
- dev-utilities — no summary
- Dev101 — A tool for automating the creation of software engineering tutorials
- devchat — DevChat is an open-source tool that helps developers write prompts to generate code and documentation.
- devchat-ask — no summary
- devcli — no summary
- devjournal — no summary
- devopscodegen-common — Common python modules for all devops code generators like CI/CD pipeline code generator, infrastructure code generator, database code generator, virtual machine image code generator, deployment code generator, container image code generator, container deployment code generator, etc.
- devpair — Pair script that manage a pair programming session using git.
- DevRewind — no summary
- devyzer — Devyzer Cli: a cli that connects to devyzer to enable developers using cli intelligently in addition to native devyzer featuers
- dexter-cqa — A Benchmark for Complex Heterogeneous Question answering
- dfsync — no summary
- diagran-bench — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
- diff-cov-lint — Linting and coverage reports for diff only
- diffdigest — Generate commit messages from git diffs of any size using LLMs to cluster and summarize
- diffenv — Compare development environments
- diffeqtorch — DifferentialEquations.jl with PyTorch.
- diffsyncer — A tool to auto sync git diffs to a remote server
- diffusers — State-of-the-art diffusion in PyTorch and JAX.
- diffusersv — State-of-the-art diffusion in PyTorch and JAX.
- diffy — Forensic differentiator
- digitalhub — Python SDK for Digitalhub
- digitalhub-core — Python SDK for DHCore core layer
- DigLabTools — Tools to interact with the DigLab metadata collection standard
- dikort — Commit messages checking tool.
- dimweb-persona-bot — A dialogue bot with a personality
- dipr — A revision control independent dependency and sub-repository management package.
- dirac — DIRAC is an interware, meaning a software framework for distributed computing.
- diracx-cli — TODO
- diracx-core — Common code used by all DiracX packages
- directory-api-client — Python client for Directory API.
- directory-ch-client — Python API client for Export Directory Companies House.
- directory-client-core — Python common code for Directory API clients.
- directory-cms-client — Python API client for Directory CMS.
- directory-components — Shared components library for Great services.
- directory-forms-api-client — Python API client for Directory forms .
- directory-sso-api-client — Python API client for Export Directory.
- directory-validators — Django validators for GREAT.
- distrunner — This library allows for the easy construction and management of Dask clusters.
- divio-docs-gen — Turn all the markdown files in your repos into one big, divio structrured documentation
- diz — 用来构建大模型环境的工具
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-bigbuild — The open-source engine that powers bigbuilder, the Los Angeles Times Data Desk's system for publishing standalone pages
- django-cbim-general-service — Django app that every service implemented using DJango in CBIM should use
- django-git-version — django
- django-google-sheets — Não é oficial do google
- django-koldar-utils — Some stuff that i used when developing with django_toolbox
- django-l10n-extensions — Extend Django with L10N features.
- django-learngual — Learngual helper package
- django-migration-fixer — Resolve migration errors
- django-nest — DjangoNest: A Python CMS with the Elegance of Django DjangoNest is a Content Management System (CMS) built with a powerful combination of Python and Django, providing an agile and flexible development experience. The project was born from the need to create an intuitive solution for efficient content management in web environments.
- django-project-version — Django reusable app to show your project version
- django-revision — Track the git revision with every model instance saved
- django-status — Application that provides an API to check the status of some parts and some utilities like ping.
- django-unmigrate — Smart reversion of Django migrations based on Git diff
- djangocms-git-md-page — no summary
- djangogoboot — Get a full Django stack up and running ASAP
- dkube-cicd-controller — CICD controller to automate component building, pipeline deployment to DKube.
- dls-backup-bl — A backup tool for beamlines for pmacs, terminal servers, zebras
- dlt — dlt is an open-source python-first scalable data loading library that does not require any backend to run.
- dlt-dataops — dlt is an open-source python-first scalable data loading library that does not require any backend to run.
- dockapt — A magical fusion of Docker and APT for Humans™
- docker-devbox-ddb — ddb - Erase environment differences, make developers happy !
- docker-registry-driver-git — Docker registry backend git driver
- docker-release — no summary
- dockeranalyser — Analyse Docker images.
- dockhand — The right way to build, tag and ship shared Docker containers.