Reverse Dependencies of GitPython
The following projects have a declared dependency on GitPython:
- fluen — LLM-based AI powered Code Documentation Generator
- fluidattacks-core — Fluid Attacks Core Library
- fluidreleaser — ProjectFluid OTA releaser.
- flux-local — flux-local is a python library and set of tools for managing a flux gitops repository, with validation steps to help improve quality of commits, PRs, and general local testing.
- flybrains — Transforms to map between different Drosophila template brains
- fn-deps — no summary
- foliantcontrib.init — Create Foliant projects from templates.
- followthemoney-predict — no summary
- font-v — Font version reporting and modification tool
- foodx-backup-source — A backup utility for FoodX source code.
- foolbox — Foolbox is an adversarial attacks library that works natively with PyTorch, TensorFlow and JAX
- foran — In front or behind (Danish: foran eller bagved)? Answering the question if a local repository status is in front of or behind its remote.
- forest-benchmarking — QCVV and Benchmarking
- forestHog — Searches through git repositories for high entropy strings, digging deep into commit history.
- forge.pb — Node manager for the Provenance Blockchain
- fork-github-repo — Fork, clone, add remote and branch a GitHub repo
- forked-ecephys-spike-sorting — Tools for spike-sorting Allen Institute Neuropixels data
- fortimanager-template-sync — FortiManager Template Sync
- fortytwocli — command line tool for 42 intra.
- fosslight-util — FOSSLight Util
- fourier-robot-descriptions — Fourier Robot Descriptions
- foursight — Serverless Chalice Application for Monitoring
- foursight-cgap — Serverless Chalice Application for Monitoring
- foursight-core — Serverless Chalice Application for Monitoring
- foursight-smaht — Serverless Chalice Application for Monitoring
- foxy-changelog — A tool which generates a changelog and manage version for any git repository using conventional commits specification
- foxy-project — A tool which generates a changelog and manage version for any git repository using conventional commits specification
- foxysafe — GitLab backup tool.
- frappe-bench — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
- freedom — A pure-python git and pypi release management tool
- freitag.releaser — Release facilities to ease the management of buildout based projects.
- freva — Free Evaluation and Analysis Framework (Freva)
- friday-d33pster — Hey Siri and Ok Google type Voice Assistant implemented in python+rust, Iron Man style!
- frmbase — no summary
- fsactl — Install and update MSFS2020 addons
- fsai-pottery — Redis for humans. 🌎🌍🌏
- fsd — Core engine powering Zinley Studio - an AI-powered development environment
- fsociety — A Modular Penetration Testing Framework
- fuego — Fuego
- fuga — Fuga - Helper toolset for Google Cloud Cimposer
- fugit — Git diff handling in Python.
- fumedev — AI pair programmer
- function-parser — This library contains various utils to parse GitHub repositories into function definition and docstring pairs. It is based on tree-sitter to parse code into ASTs and apply heuristics to parse metadata in more details. Currently, it supports 6 languages: Python, Java, Go, Php, Ruby, and Javascript. It also parses function calls and links them with their definitions for Python.
- funix — Building web apps without manually creating widgets
- furiosa-llm — "Furiosa LLM
- fury — FURY - Free Unified Rendering in pYthon. A free and open-source software library for Scientific Visualization and 3D animations
- fwd — fwd: forward
- fxq-ae-agent — Analytics Engine Agent Client, Provisions and executes docker pipelines from git repo yml
- g2g — Easy migration between GitLab instances for specific group with it's repositories and subgroups.
- g3core — System G3 Core C/ST library codebase parser
- g4edge-testdata — Retrieve g4edge test data from Python
- gable — Command line interface (CLI) and software development kit (SDK) to interact with Gable API
- gadd — Sort imports, remove unused imports, run Black, flake8, pylint, vulture in one go for al staged .py files
- gaiah_toolkit — no summary
- gait — Review your code changes in a git repository using an LLM
- gaitmap_challenges — A set of benchmark challenges for IMU based human gait analysis
- galacteek — Browser for the distributed web
- galaxy-importer — Galaxy content importer
- gameta — CLI Tool for managing meta-repositories
- ganzo — Project creator (from templates)
- garden-ai — Garden: tools to simplify access to scientific AI advances.
- gardener-cicd-libs — Gardener CI/CD Libraries
- gardener-gha-libs — Gardener CI/CD Libraries for GitHubActions
- gareth — Tool to automate the developer setup of GrimoireLab
- garm-rate-limiter — Rate Limiter for Flask
- gator — Change Propagator
- gatorgrader — Automated Grading Tool that Checks the Work of Writers and Programmers
- gcg — Git Changelog Generator
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- gee2drive — Google Earth Engine to Drive Export Manager
- gen-changelog — A very simple script to generate a changelog from a repo with Conventional-Commits-compatible commit messages.
- gen-ui-kit — Gen-UI-Kit is a developer tool that generates starter web UI kits based on project ideas and descriptions. Leveraging LangChain and Cloudscape Design System, it simplifies the process of starting a project by providing a customizable UI kit. Developers can easily connect the generated kit to their APIs or backends, accelerating the early stages of development for new apps or front-end interfaces.
- geneflow — A light-weight platform-agnostic workflow engine for scientific computing.
- geneflow3 — A light-weight, extendable workflow engine for scientific computing.
- generate-changelog — Generate a changelog file from a local git checkout
- generate-tools — A Secure and Powerful Python-Telethon Based and Python-Pyrogram Based Library For Your Userbot Module.
- generic-tree — Python package repository template
- genesia — genesia cli
- geniac — Automatic Configuration GENerator and Installer for nextflow pipeline
- gertty — Gertty is a console-based interface to the Gerrit Code Review system.
- get-cdk — Helper script for installing shinnytech cdk
- get-repo — Small cli utility for cloning git repos in an orderly manner
- getdeck — Deck, a CLI that creates reproducible Kubernetes environments for development and testing
- getise — Get networks and devices from Cisco ISE
- gg — Git and GitHub for the productivity addicted
- gh-fake-analyzer — An OSINT utility for downloading, analyzing and detecting potential suspicious activity patterns in GitHub profiles
- gh-pr-update-description — Update Github PR description with top commit title + body
- ghchain — Chain pull requests from your devbranch's commits.
- ghcopy — Clone, fetch, pull user's Github repositories
- gherald — A python package to assess the risk of a change during code review.
- ghostcoder — no summary
- ghostwriter — GhostWriter lets you edit a website via lektor, a flexible and powerful static content management system for building complex and beautiful websites out of flat files - for people who do not want to make a compromise between a CMS and a static blog engine.
- ghpro — (IPython/Jupyter) GitHub project tools
- ght — GIT Template Render (GITTR)
- ghtc — ghtc service
- ghubunix — Browse GitHub like it is Unix
- gicha — Operating Chalice from Github
- gigachain-cli — CLI for interacting with LangChain
- gigawork — A tool for extracting GitHub Actions workflows
- gilot — a git log visual analyzer