Reverse Dependencies of dill
The following projects have a declared dependency on dill:
- mhagenta — MHAgentA allows you to design and run simulations with containerized Modular Hybrid Agents.
- MicroLIA — Machine learning classifier for microlensing
- middleware2mysql — use kafka and redis by mysql
- mimir-ai — no summary
- minibatch — Python stream processing for humans
- minimagen — Minimal Imagen text-to-image model implementation.
- miniperscache — miniperscache is a small Python library for persistent caching of function results.
- minitrade — A personal automated trading system
- minmlst — Machine-learning based minimal MLST scheme for bacterial strain typing
- mipego — Mixed Integer Parallel - Efficient Global Optimization with GPU support
- mippy — Modular Image Processing in Python
- miso — Python scripts for training CNNs for particle classification
- miso2 — Python scripts for training CNNs for particle classification
- mitosis — Reproduce Machine Learning experiments easily
- Mizar — Official API for the MizarAI platform
- mk-feature-store — Python SDK for Feast
- ml-dash — A Beautiful Visualization Dashboard For Machine Learning
- ml-extra — no summary
- ml-logger — no summary
- ml-report — Automated reporting for training and evaluating Machine Learning models
- ml4a — A toolkit for making art with machine learning, including an API for popular deep learning models, recipes for combining them, and a suite of educational examples
- mlbench-core — A public and reproducible collection of reference implementations and benchmark suite for distributed machine learning systems.
- mldev — mldev is a tool for running reproducible experiments
- mlem — Version and deploy your models following GitOps principles
- mlinnate — Innate stands for Integrated Neural Network Automatic Trainer and Evaluator
- mljet — minimalistic ML-models auto mljetnt tool
- mlkits — Common tools and training models for machine learning.
- mllaunchpad — Deploy Machine Learning Solutions with Ease
- mlModelSaver — Make life easier for saving and serving ML models
- mloperations — A framework for conducting MLOps.
- mlops-ods — no summary
- mlpl — A data science pipeline tool to speed up data science life cycle.
- mlpro — MLPro - The Integrative Middleware Framework for Standardized Machine Learning
- mlpype-sklearn — no summary
- mlrunner — A light-weight script for maintaining a LOT of machine learning experiments.
- mlte-python — An infrastructure for machine learning test and evaluation.
- mlwiz — Machine Learning Research Wizard
- MLXP — A framework for conducting machine learning experiments in python
- mmanalysis — MultiModalAnalysis is a package to easily postprocess GIWAXS data.
- mmcore — mmcore
- mmodes — Metabolic Models based Ordinary Differential Equations Simulation
- mocca — MOCCA (Multivariate Online Contextual Chromatographic Analysis) is an open-source Python project to analyze HPLC–DAD raw data.
- mocker-db — A mock handler for simulating a vector database.
- modelbase2 — A package to build metabolic models
- molab-ext — molab extension
- moldrug — moldrug is a python package for drug-oriented optimization on the chemical space.
- molgroups — Molecular Modeling for Scattering Data Analysis
- monapipe — MONAPipe provides natural-language-processing tools for German, implemented in Python/spaCy.
- monitaur — Monitaur Client Library
- morpheus-core — A framework for scaling pixel-level analysis to large images
- morpheus-spatial — no summary
- morphodynamics — Cell segmentation and windowing
- mortuary — no summary
- mote-praekelt — Mote - the pattern library framework.
- mpi_map — Tools running parallel processes
- mpimap — Parallel function mapping using mpi4py
- mpipool — Implementation of the futures and multiprocessing Pool interfaces based on MPI.
- mplfig — Save and load matplotlib figures like MATLAB's .fig files!
- mr-uplift — Machine learning tools for uplift models
- mrx-link-core — A simple AI/ML modeling tool, Link™ ensures a smoother flow and a better experience throughout the model development cycle.
- ms-deisotope — Access, Deisotope, and Charge Deconvolute Mass Spectra
- mtmtool — imutum's tool packages
- mu-alpha-zero-library — Library for running and training MuZero and AlphaZero models.
- muDIC — A digital image correlation toolkit
- multilearn — Multi-task learning with Pytorch.
- multiprocca — Enables multiprocessing with caching, eliminating the need for __main__, and ensuring unique results without duplicates
- multiprocess — better multiprocessing and multithreading in Python
- multiprocessing-wrap — Elegant multiprocessing without the boilerplate and confusing syntax
- multiprocnomain — multiprocessing without __main__
- muuusiiik — simple utilities
- muvi — MuVI: A multi-view latent variable model with domain-informed structured sparsity for integrating noisy feature sets.
- mvesuvio — Analyse Vesuvio instrument data
- mw-adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- mynacode — no summary
- mystic — constrained nonlinear optimization for scientific machine learning, UQ, and AI
- myz-tools — Python helper tools
- mzcn — matchzoo-py的中文语料改造版本,更合适搭建中文语料的深度学习匹配模型
- nbcheckmate — Small package to test code inside a jupyter notebook
- nclick — Code for Laziness.
- nctoolkit — A Python package for netCDF analysis and post-processing
- negmas — NEGotiations Managed by Agent Simulations
- NehorayRapid — Rapid base tools package
- NehorayRapid1 — Rapid base tools package
- neo-cli — A NEO command line tools
- neograd — A deep learning framework created from scratch with Python and NumPy
- Netbase — Netbase : Wikidata World Graph
- netcdfella — Netcdfella is providing multiple ways to convert netcdf filed into other data types such as ASCII, PNG and JPG, and even create graphs.
- neuro — Python client for using npu api
- neurodiffeq — A light-weight & flexible library for solving differential equations using neural networks based on PyTorch.
- neuroflex — An advanced neural network framework with interpretability, generalization, robustness, and fairness features
- neurokernel — An open architecture for Drosophila brain emulation
- neuromancer — Neural Modules with Adaptive Nonlinear Constraints and Efficient Regularization
- NeuroVisKit — NeuroVisKit
- nheri-simcenter — NHERI SimCenter Python Dependencies
- nhkv — Library for simple key-value storage
- NiChart-Viewer — Viewer to visualize neuroimaging chart (NiChart) image descriptors and biomarkers
- nimblebox — ML Inference 🥶
- nlp — HuggingFace/NLP is an open library of NLP datasets.
- nlp-uncertainty-zoo — PyTorch Implementation of Models used for Uncertainty Estimation in Natural Language Processing.
- nlpstack — Modules for NLP