Reverse Dependencies of dill
The following projects have a declared dependency on dill:
- hypnotoad — Grid generator for BOUT++
- i8t — no summary
- ibotta-uplift — Machine learning tools for uplift models
- icl_sharpy — SHARPy is a nonlinear aeroelastic analysis package developed
- idict — Lazy dict with predictable deterministic universally unique identifiers
- iftc — Spelling Correction for Vietnamese Informal Text
- iglu — IGLU: Interactive Grounded Language Understanding in Minecraft
- illumon-jpy — Illumon fork of jpy Bi-directional Python-Java bridge
- iloscar — iLOSCAR
- iloscar-win — iLOSCAR_win
- image-crawler-utils — A rather customizable image crawler structure, designed to download images with their information using multi-threading method. Besides, several wheels have been implemented to help better build a custom image crawler for yourself.
- immuneML — immuneML is a software platform for machine learning analysis of immune receptor repertoires.
- imteksimfw — Fireworks additions
- incx — no summary
- inf-datacenter-sdk — no summary
- inference — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-core — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-cpu — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-gpu — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inferless — no summary
- inferrd —
- informatics — Framework of fast implementation data processing and operating pipelines
- innateml — Innate stands for Integrated Neural Network Automatic Trainer and Evaluator
- insights-sandbox — bubblewrap sandbox for insights components.
- insolver — Insolver is low-code machine learning library, initially created for the insurance industry.
- instaviz — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- interkamen-career — Manage mining company.
- interpret-core — Fit interpretable machine learning models. Explain blackbox machine learning.
- interval-git — Top-level package for igit.
- iotfunctions — Open source component of the Maximo Asset Manager pipeline
- ip6words — Converts IPv6 addresses to and from a user friendly format using words.
- ipilot — IP Information Lookup Tool
- isocompy — An open source library for environmental isotopic modelling
- isolate — Managed isolated environments for Python
- isolate-cloud — SDK and cli for the fal isolate Cloud service
- ivis — Artificial neural network-driven visualization of high-dimensional data using triplets.
- ivy-web — Run Unified AI Framework ivy on web.
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jax-spcs-kinematics — Implements the Selective Piecewise Constant Strain (SPCS) approach to model the kinematics of continuum soft robots.
- jaxnet — Neural Nets for JAX
- jerryrigserialgen — jerry-rigged license system with UUID check (preventing more than one installation) and expiration date
- jerryrigserialver — jerry-rigged license system with UUID check (preventing more than one installation) and expiration date
- jetset — A framework for self-consistent modeling and fitting of astrophysical relativistic jets SEDs
- jijbench — Experiment management and benchmark tools for mathematical optimization
- jlhfw — Custom FireWorks additions
- JLpyUtils — General utilities to streamline data science and machine learning routines in python
- jmstorage — Key value caching machanism with backends: disk, Sqlite, Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL.
- jointforces — A Python package to conduct 3D Traction Force Microcopy on multicelluar aggregates (spheroids).
- joyrl — A Library for Deep Reinforcement Learning
- js-ng — system automation, configuration management and RPC framework
- jsrm — Kinematic and dynamic models of continuum and articulated soft robots.
- jum — An alternative to Joblib's Memory to cache python function in-file
- jumper-kernel — This is a Jupyter Python Kernel for performance engineering. Beside performance data as CPU, GPU, memory utilization it supports performance data recording with Score-P.
- junctionart — Procedural HD Map and Intersection Generator
- jupyter-inheritance — Inherit from Jupyter kernels
- jupyter-jobstorm — A tool to run a function written in Jupyter cell as a job
- jupyter-save-load-vars — Saves and loads variables to/from a IPython/Jupyter workspac
- jupyter-workflow — Jupyter Workflow Kernel
- just-bench-it — A simple benchmarking tool for RL algorithms on Atari games
- just-jobs — A friendly and lightweight wrapper for arq.
- justblast — Simple program to more efficiently run blast in multicore systems, as well as rough taxonomomic annoation using BASTA LCA
- k1lib — Some nice ML overhaul
- k8s-job-scheduler — Kubernetes job scheduler for Python
- kairosml — Python library for the core causal modelling functionality of our products.
- kedro-datasets — Kedro-Datasets is where you can find all of Kedro's data connectors.
- keras-generators — Multi-dimensional/Multi-input/Multi-output Data preprocessing and Batch Generators for Keras models
- KerasModelManager — A wrapper for Keras models
- keyar-mining — Package for machine learning algorithm and data mining
- kgc — Cold Start Construction of Knowledge Graph.
- kgtk — no summary
- kgtk-wukunhuan — no summary
- kiri — Kiri
- kishu — Intelligent Python Checkpointing
- klepto — persistent caching to memory, disk, or database
- klio-core — Core klio library for common functionality
- kmcos — kMC modeling on steroids
- kognitos-bdk-poetry-plugin — Kognitos BDK Poetry Plugin
- koldstart — koldstart is an easy-to-use Serverless Python Framework
- kordesii — A framework for decoding encoded strings and files in malware via IDA Pro IDAPython scripting.
- kozmo-supervisor — Algorithms for monitoring and explaining machine learning models
- kozmo-supervisor-detect — Algorithms for outlier detection, concept drift and metrics.
- kq — Kafka Job Queue for Python
- kraken-build — no summary
- kraken-cli — no summary
- krisi — Testing and Reporting framework for Time Series Analysis
- kts — A framework for fast and interactive conducting machine learning experiments on tabular data
- kubeflow-kale — Convert JupyterNotebooks to Kubeflow Pipelines deployments
- kumparanian — Kumparanian CLI
- kyqlos — A python client package for using the Kyqlos API.
- lambchop — My package description
- lambdser — fast lambda expression serializer
- larq-zoo — Reference implementations of popular Binarized Neural Networks
- latexify-py — Generates LaTeX math description from Python functions.
- lazy-dataset — Process large datasets as if it was an iterable.
- lazycls — Python Utilities for the Super Lazy
- lazytracker — Caching of functions with respect to code changes and disk-file changes
- lcrl — Logically-Constrained Reinforcement Learning
- LDAQ — Data acquisition and generation with live visualization.
- ldict — Lazy dict
- leapfrog — Boost productivity by using a range of tools helping with ETL, modelling, reporting, and dashboards