Reverse Dependencies of dill
The following projects have a declared dependency on dill:
- pistar — pistar: functional testing with Python
- pitszi — Python code to model ICM pressure fluctuations, generate Monte Carlo Sunyaev-Zeldovich data, and fit the model to input data
- pkns — Public Key Name System Framework
- PLAMS — Python Library for Automating Molecular Simulations
- playplot — Create and sync multiple interactive matplotlib plots to a piece of audio.
- ploomber — Write maintainable, production-ready pipelines using Jupyter or your favorite text editor. Develop locally, deploy to the cloud.
- plotstream — plotstream is a Python package that allows you to stream plots to a web browser using Streamlit.
- PlutoManager — no summary
- pmpt — A Python Package Advanced Manager
- pnlp — A pre/post-processing tool for NLP.
- pocomc — Preconditioned Monte Carlo
- podium-nlp — no summary
- poker-ai — Open source implementation of a CFR based poker AI player.
- polyatomic-complexes — no summary
- polymorph — A real time network packet manipulation framework
- pop-up-ide — A brief description of your package
- popframe — Provision assessment for cities of an urban region
- poplar — A python package for modelling selection effects with machine learning
- portfoliofinder — Tool to help find an optimal portfolio allocation
- potc — Python object to code module.
- powergridsim — Optimization Model of Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch with Calculation of LMP Prices
- PowerNovo — PowerNovo: A New Efficient Tool for De Novo Peptide Sequencing
- powsolver — Proof of Work solver mainly for CTF challenges
- ppft — distributed and parallel Python
- pplkit — Pipeline building toolkit
- prairiedog — Graphing bacterial genomes for fun and profit
- pram2mesa — Tools for translating PyPRAM's Probabilistic Relational Agent-Based Models to Mesa's Agent-Based Models
- prenacs — PRovenance-tracking ENtity "+ "Attribute batch Computation and database Storage system
- prepCV — Define preprocessing pipelines using nested callable functions and parameter grids for them.
- prevision-quantum-nn — Prevision Automating Quantum Neural Networks Applications
- primrose — Primrose: a framework for simple, quick modeling deployments
- priori-regulon-enrichment — Priori predicts transcription factor activity from RNA sequencing data using prior, literature-supported regulatory relationship information.
- proboscis-data-tree — no summary
- processional — multiprocess and multithread functional programming library
- progressbar2 — A Python Progressbar library to provide visual (yet text based) progress to long running operations.
- progressbar3 — A Python Progressbar library to provide visual (yet text based) progress to long running operations.
- progshot — A debugging tool to take 'screenshot' of your program
- project-abstraction — Python library for encrypting scripts
- prolif — Interaction Fingerprints for protein-ligand complexes and more
- PromptEHR — Sequence patient electronic healthcare record generation with large language models (LLMs) as the neural database.
- proq — Process Queue
- protosync — Sync code with a remote server in real time
- pryngles — PlanetaRY spanGLES: general photometry of planets, rings and shadows
- psopt — A particle swarm optimizer for general use
- psycop-feature-generation — no summary
- psycopmlutils — A collection of machine-learning utilities used across the psycop-projects.
- psyneulink — A block modeling system for cognitive neuroscience
- pto-transits — Planner for Transits Observations.
- pulumi — Pulumi's Python SDK
- py-data-modori — LMOps Tool for Korean
- py-entangle — A python native parallel processing framework based on simple decorators.
- py2flowchart — Generates flowchart from Python functions.
- py4ai-data — A Python library of data structures optimized for machine learning tasks
- py4DSTEM — An open source python package for processing and analysis of 4D STEM data.
- py4DSTEM-lite — A lite version of the open source python package, py4DSTEM.
- pyaf — Python Automatic Forecasting
- pyaiml21 — Simple interpreter for AIML 2.1
- pyasdf — Python module for the Adaptable Seismic Data Format (ASDF).
- PyBADS — Bayesian Adaptive Direct Search in Python.
- pyBIA — Convolutional Neural Network for Ly-alpha Blob Detection
- pyblp — BLP demand estimation with Python 3
- pybryt — Python auto-assessment library
- pyCamSet — Object oriented cameras for computer vision
- pycentroid — @themost-framework alternative for python
- pycharge — Electrodynamics simulator for calculating the fields and potentials generated by moving point charges and simulating oscillating dipoles.
- pyCHX — pyCHX - CHX XPCS Data Analysis Package
- pycosmo — A multi-purpose cosmology calculation tool
- pydags — A simple, lightweight, extensible DAG framework for Python
- pydaisi — A Python Client Interface for the Daisi Platform
- pydata-wrangler — Wrangle messy data into pandas DataFrames, with a special focus on text data and natural language processing
- pydecor — Easy peasy Python decorators
- pydelling — Package providing a variety of utility methods for mathematical modelling
- pydens — Framework for solving differential equations with deep learning
- pyDEW — Python library for performing Deep Earth Water (DEW) calculations.
- pyDewesoft — A Python module to read Dewesoft datafiles
- pydex — A Python package for optimal experiment design.
- pydisconet — analyzing the co-authorship network of researchers in the field of biology
- pydra-config — A flexible configuration library in pure Python
- pydsge — Solve, filter and estimate DSGE models with occasionaly binding constraints
- pyDSlib — General utilities to streamline data science and machine learning routines in python
- pydumpling — Python post-mortem debugger
- pyfltr — Python Formatters, Linters, and Testers Runner.
- PyForms-Web — Pyforms Web is Python 3 framework to create single-page web applications.
- PyFstat — a python package for gravitational wave analysis with the F-statistic
- PyFunctional — Package for creating data pipelines with chain functional programming
- pyglimer — Pythonic Lithospheric Imaging using Earthquake Records
- pyglyph — Symbolic regression tools.
- pygop — Python package that implements various algorithms using Generalized Operational Perceptron
- pygpso — Bayesian optimisation method leveraging Gaussian Processes surrogate
- pygradproject — Lightweight Automatic Differentiation in Python.
- pyhms — The HMS (Hierarchic Memetic Strategy) is a composite global optimization strategy consisting of a multi-population evolutionary strategy and some auxiliary methods. The HMS makes use of a tree with a fixed maximal height and variable internal node degree. Each component population is governed by a particular evolutionary engine. This package provides a simple python implementation with examples of using different population engines.
- PyIBS — Inverse Binomial Sampling in Python.
- pyina — MPI parallel map and cluster scheduling
- pyiotools — Provides several utilities for handling I/O
- pyiron-potentialfit — Repository for user-generated plugins to the pyiron IDE.
- pykx — An interface between Python and q
- pylearn-ml — no summary
- pyleoclim — A Python package for paleoclimate data analysis
- pylint — python code static checker
- pylint-gitlab — This project provides pylint formatters for a nice integration with GitLab CI.