Reverse Dependencies of dill
The following projects have a declared dependency on dill:
- rats-pipelines — Rats Pipelines
- rats-processors — Rats Processors
- raynest — raynest: Parallel nested sampling based on ray
- reactives — A declarative reactive programming framework.
- reactord — Package for the simulation and design of chemical reactors
- reactpy-django — It's React, but in Python. Now with Django integration.
- readet — This patch includes several improvement to RAGs, summarizers, downloders and retrievers; plus compatibility for windows installation
- realsense-copilot — RealSense Copilot is AI programming for Intel RealSense cameras in your terminal
- realtime-client — no summary
- rebase-toolkit — Rebase Python toolkit
- redis-pal — Store things in Redis without worrying about types or anything, just do it!
- redmind — Package for building Machine learning models
- RefactoringIdioms — code refactorings with Python idioms
- regelum-control — Regelum is a flexibly configurable framework for agent-environment simulation with a menu of predictive and reinforcement learning pipelines.
- regularizepsf — Point spread function modeling and regularization
- regulon-enrichment — This package leverages pathway information and gene expression data to produce regulon-based protein activity scores
- ReiL — no summary
- remote-compression — rcomp helps to perform x265 video compression on remote server.
- remotejob — Run python functions in a remote docker container
- remotemanager — remote run management tool
- renku-lock — Python SDK and CLI for the Renku platform. lock package
- repype — Reproducible batch processing using pipelines for scientific computing.
- reservoirpy — A simple and flexible code for Reservoir Computing architectures like Echo State Networks.
- reservoirpy-fbessou — A simple and flexible code for Reservoir Computing architectures like Echo State Networks.
- rex-lib — Robotic Environments with jaX (REX)
- riddle — Python library for encryption
- rising — no summary
- riverapi — Python client for interacting with online-ml river server
- rlberry — An easy-to-use reinforcement learning library for research and education
- rmsp — Resource management system for python
- rnaglib — RNAglib: Tools for learning on the structure of RNA using 2.5D geometric representations
- rnl — RNL - Robot Navigation Learning
- robbie — Run experiments on the Robbie Cloud
- robbytorch — Cool package for robust AI
- robobo-emotion — Librería para detectar emociones en imágenes y audio usando Robobo
- robot-chat — RobotChat is AI robotics programming in your terminal
- RoboticsLanguage — The Robotics Language
- robustness — Tools for Robustness
- robustnessgym — Robustness Gym is an evaluation toolkit for machine learning.
- rocketPy — Advanced 6-DOF trajectory simulation for High-Power Rocketry.
- roiextractors — Python module for extracting optical physiology ROIs and traces for various file types and formats
- rolldecay-estimators — A template for scikit-learn compatible packages.
- rookify — Enable Ceph-Cluster migrations to Rook
- route — Python library for interacting with the file system
- rrt-ml — Rapidly exploring random trees with machine learning
- rrtools — Raster Restoration tools
- rs232-to-pdu — Converts RS232 serial data to SNMP commands to control PDUs.
- rs232-to-tripplite-pdu — no summary
- rstojnic-tfds-nightly — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- rtm-fast — A fast unification ds code package
- rul-pm — Remaining useful life estimation utilities
- runforrest — Batch and run your code in parallel. Simply.
- runml-infuse — Algorithms for outlier detection, concept drift and metrics.
- runnable — Add your description here
- runtime-client — Model Server implementation for AI Runtime.
- RusticML — A simple machine learning framework
- rvtools-python — Simple app to collect information from vSphere
- rx-scripts — Generic utilities for data analysis
- safeserializer — Hopefully safe and deterministic serializer to binary format, including Pandas data
- sagemode — Deploy, scale, and monitor your ML models all with one click. Native to AWS.
- sail — Python package for streaming data and incremental learning
- salesforce-merlion — Merlion: A Machine Learning Framework for Time Series Intelligence
- sallron — Collected data middleware for DB.
- sameproject — Notebooks to Pipelines, reproducible data science, oh my.
- sammo — A flexible, easy-to-use library for running and optimizing prompts for Large Language Models (LLMs).
- sampo — Open-source framework for adaptive manufacturing processes scheduling
- sasctl — SAS Viya Python Client
- saturn-notebook — Plain-text Python notebooks with checkpointing
- save-load-vars — Save and load vars, functions ...
- scabha — Parameter validation, substitution, configuration and other onboard services for Stimela
- scalable — Assist with running models on job queing systems like Slurm
- scalems — Reference implementation of the SCALE-MS data flow scripting and graph execution API for molecular science computational research protocols.
- sccross — Single cell multi-omics cross modal generation, multi-omics simulation and perturbation
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- scenic — The Scenic scenario description language.
- scglue — Graph-linked unified embedding for unpaired single-cell multi-omics data integration
- schedula — Produce a plan that dispatches calls based on a graph of functions, satisfying data dependencies.
- schwimmbad — A common interface for parallel processing pools.
- scidb-strm — Python library for SciDB streaming
- sciris — Fast, flexible tools to simplify scientific Python
- score-card-model — Risk Score Card Model
- ScoreCardModel — simple tools for score card model
- scorecardpipeline — 评分卡pipeline建模包,封装toad、scorecardpy、optbinning等评分卡建模相关组件,API风格与sklearn高度一致,自持自定义模型报告输出
- scorep-jupyter — This is the Score-P Python Kernel that enables you to execute Python code in Jupyter Notebooks with Score-P. The kernel is based on the Score-P Python bindings.
- scqubits — scqubits: superconducting qubits in Python
- sea-urchin — The Electrolyte Machine is a set of Python tools to post-process trajectories from AIMD, MD and metadynamics simulations.
- sealion — SeaLion is a comprehensive machine learning and data science library for beginners and ml-engineers alike.
- seaqube — Semantic Quality Benchmark for Word Embeddings, i.e. Natural Language Models in Python. The shortname is `SeaQuBe` or `seaqube`. Simple call it '| ˈsi: kjuːb |'
- SEAVE — Python package for a synthetic EAVE
- seclea-ai — Seclea integration.
- SEDkit — Spectral energy distribution construction and analysis tools
- seeme — No-Code/Low Code AI Platform: Innovate. Integrate. Iterate.
- segfast — A library for interacting with SEG-Y seismic data
- segmentation-lib — Library for images segmentation
- segmentationextractors — Python module for extracting optical physiology ROIs and traces for various file types and formats
- seisflows — An automated workflow tool for full waveform inversion
- seismicutils — no summary
- sema-toolchain — Python symbolic execution package
- semtagger — SEM tool for text annotation
- semvergit — Manage your project's version numbers.