Reverse Dependencies of colorlog
The following projects have a declared dependency on colorlog:
- negmas — NEGotiations Managed by Agent Simulations
- neo4j-utils — Little extra convenience in managing Neo4j access
- network-pipeline — Distributed Network Packet Analysis Pipeline for Layer 2, 3 and 4 Frames
- neura-library — Utility tools for system neuroscience research, including Open Source Wrapper or Parser
- neuronsphere — Python bundle for all public NeuronSphere components
- new-frontera — A scalable frontier for web crawlers
- news2play — News for play.
- nexula — (In development) Tools on Benchmarking Machine Learning Toolkit
- nexusai — Add your description here
- ngsderive — Forensic analysis tool useful in backwards computing information from next-generation sequencing data.
- niftytorch — Deep Learning Library for NeuroImaging
- ninjecto — Ninja Injection Tool. Template rendering and variable injection made easy.
- no-name-bot — Python noname bot
- nox — Flexible test automation.
- nrask — Viking Makt Framework
- ns-lab-aws — AWS Console Tool
- numdiff — Numerical backends in Python
- nxbrew-dl — NXBrew Downloader
- nytxw-puz-cli — CLI tool to convert NY Times crosswords into Across Lite files (.puz)
- oak-build — no summary
- occ — Octavia Chicken Checker looks for abandoned Octavia load balancer artifacts, amphoras, and so forth. Optionally it will clean them up as well.
- octo-framework — Octo-Framework is a framework designed to simplify the setup and development process for Django projects. It is based on the Octo-Lunch template and provides a set of tools and features that help developers build robust and flexible web applications faster and more efficiently.
- OctoBot — Cryptocurrencies alert / trading bot
- OctoPrint — The snappy web interface for your 3D printer
- OCyara — A Yara rule engine that scans images for matches using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). See the Github page for more information about the Cython, Tesseract, and Leptonica prerequsites.
- odiff — no summary
- Onekey — Onekey Steam Depot Manifest Downloader.
- online-judge-api-client — API client to develop tools for competitive programming
- online-judge-template-generator — A simple template generator for competitive programming
- online-judge-verify-helper — no summary
- openai-parallel-toolkit — OpenAI-Parallel-Toolkit is a Python library for handling multiple OpenAI API keys and parallel tasks. It provides API key rotation, multithreading for faster task execution, and utility functions to boost your OpenAI integration. Ideal for efficient large-scale OpenAI usage.
- openapi2awsapigateway — Adapt OpenAPI and Swagger files to include AWS API Gateway Integrations
- opengate — Simulation for Medical Physics
- openlrc — Transcribe (whisper) and translate (gpt) voice into LRC file.
- OpenNIR-XPM — OpenNIR: A Complete Neural Ad-Hoc Ranking Pipeline (Experimaestro version)
- openseneca — OpenSeneca
- openshift-cluster-management-python-wrapper — Wrapper around
- openshift-python-wrapper — Wrapper around
- opentakserver — A server for ATAK, WinTAK, and iTAK
- ophyd-async — Asynchronous Bluesky hardware abstraction code, compatible with control systems like EPICS and Tango
- opsdis-pycentral — Aruba Central Python Package, with changes by opsdis waiting for pull #12 to be merge
- optimum-benchmark — Optimum-Benchmark is a unified multi-backend utility for benchmarking Transformers, Timm, Diffusers and Sentence-Transformers with full support of Optimum's hardware optimizations & quantization schemes.
- optuna — A hyperparameter optimization framework
- orger — Converts data into org-mode
- otpme — OTPme: A flexible One-Time-Password system
- Package-Version-Manager — Package release tool
- paddle3d — no summary
- paddleaudio — Speech audio tools based on Paddlepaddle
- paddlehub — A toolkit for managing pretrained models of PaddlePaddle and helping user getting started with transfer learning more efficiently.
- paddlenlp — Easy-to-use and powerful NLP library with Awesome model zoo, supporting wide-range of NLP tasks from research to industrial applications, including Neural Search, Question Answering, Information Extraction and Sentiment Analysis end-to-end system.
- paddlesci — A library for scientific machine learning
- paddletools — no summary
- palabox — Toolbox of useful functions, with focus on Text Analysis and Stats
- pancollection — PanCollection based on UDL (
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- paper2cmap — A package that automatically generates a concept map for a PDF document using LLM.
- paque — paque simplifies running simple workflows you want to run. It offers a few features of `make`, but removing most of its power
- parsftp — Transfer files through SFTP, launching multiple transfers in parallel.
- pbutils — MacOS paste board utilities
- pedlam — Python memory allocation helper
- penin — Information gathering and penetration testing framework
- perry-the-docker-agent — Your cool remote docker agent in the cloud
- pgi-logging — no summary
- pillar — Building Blocks for Python Applications
- pioreactor — The core Python app of the Pioreactor. Control your bioreactor through Python.
- pipiyiTools — Personal tool library
- pistar — pistar: functional testing with Python
- pistar-echo-agent — pistar echo agent: support Huawei CloudTest execute test case
- pitrix — pitrix test tool
- pixelart-tracker — Show YouTube subscribers and Crypto-currency tracking on an iDotMatrix 32x32 pixels screen
- plex-nfs-watchdog — A utility to trigger Plex partial-scans on NFS configurations, on which inotify is not supported
- ploupy-sdk — SDK for writing bots in
- plumbery — Cloud automation at Dimension Data with Apache Libcloud
- pm-process-video — Process Python Morsels screencast file for publication
- pm-td-ameritrade-api — A python client library for the TD Ameritrade API.
- pocpoc — no summary
- pocsuite3 — Open-sourced remote vulnerability testing framework.
- podder-task-foundation — no summary
- polybench — Multivariate polynomial arithmetic benchmark tests.
- polycloud — Manage your open polycloud platform.
- powerflex-monitoring — Tools to assist in monitoring a Python service.
- prettylog — Let's write beautiful logs
- probabilistic-word-embeddings — Probabilistic Word Embeddings for Python
- profi-log — Продвинутая библиотека для логирования в Python
- propulate — Massively parallel genetic optimization through asynchronous propagation of populations
- ProxNest — Proximal nested sampling for high-dimensional Bayesian model selection
- psinspect — Power spectra inspector for the SO LAT experiment
- psq — A simple task queue using Google Cloud Pub/Sub
- pt-cli — It uses an pivotal tracker api and does lot of cool stuffs like creating tickets.
- pto-transits — Planner for Transits Observations.
- pueblo — Pueblo - a Python toolbox library.
- puts — Python Utility Tools
- pwnic — Awesome `pwnic` is a Python cli/package created with
- py-color-log — python color log
- py-easy-logger — Easy Logger
- py-lambda-packer — Helps build AWS Lambda zip files for Python projects.
- py2log — no summary
- pyAGI — Autonomous agent for building the python app using OpenAI with AGI concept
- pybanyan — API library and command-line interface for Banyan Security
- PyCCX — Simulation and FEA environment for Python built upon Calculix and GMSH