Reverse Dependencies of colorlog
The following projects have a declared dependency on colorlog:
- pycentral — Aruba Central Python Package
- pyckaxe — An expressive Minecraft utility library revolving around data manipulation and generation.
- pycmdtf — PyCmdTF: Command Testing Framework
- pydbapi — A simple database API
- pydent — Aquarium's Python API for planning, executing, and analyzing scientific experiments.
- pyentrypoint — pyentrypoint manages entrypoints in Docker containers.
- pyFEM — Python Finite Element Method
- PyFemtet — Design parameter optimization using Femtet.
- pygama — Python package for data processing and analysis
- pygconsole — ANSI terminal emulation for Pygame
- pyhgtmap — Creates OpenStreetMap suitable contour lines from NASA SRTM data
- pyinitlog-util — logging的初始化
- pyinventory — Web based management to catalog things including state and location etc. using Python/Django.
- PyISY — Python module to talk to ISY devices from UDI.
- PyISY-beta — Python module to talk to ISY devices from UDI.
- pyisyox — Python module for asynchronous communication with Universal Devices, Inc.'s ISY & IoX controllers.
- pyLBM — A flexible Python package for lattice Boltzmann method
- pylingdocs-gui — A rudimentary GUI editor for pylingdocs.
- pyload-ng — The free and open-source Download Manager written in pure Python
- pylocalpmanager — no summary
- pymccool — Reusable Python Utilities by McCool
- pymicroconnectors — Make connection easier for your microservices
- pynani — A package to wrap the Messenger API
- pynext — Library that will allow you to manage selfbots.
- pyNextGen — [UNSTABLE] A package of custom tools to tackle bioinformatic projects.
- pyontutils — utilities for working with the NIF ontology, SciGraph, and turtle
- pypca — A python cli for PCA 301 smart plugs.
- pyplanet — Maniaplanet Server Controller
- pyposeidon — Framework for Sea Level Hydrodynamic simulations
- pyramid-helpers — Helpers to develop Pyramid applications
- pyremotedata — A package for low- and high-level high-bandwidth asynchronous data transfer
- pyrobud — A clean selfbot for Telegram with an emphasis on quality and practicality.
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- pyscenekit — PySceneKit is an open-source Python library designed for common 2D and 3D scene processing and visualization tasks.
- pysen — Python linting made easy. Also a casual yet honorific way to address individuals who have entered an organization prior to you.
- PySimultanUI — no summary
- pysistentclass — A small settings module for python
- pysme-astro — Spectroscopy Made Easy
- pyterraform — A wrapper to terraform tool
- python-kis — 파이썬 한국투자증권 REST 기반 Trading API 라이브러리
- python-matrix-runner — Helper to run command with matrix configurations
- python-simple-logger — A simple logger for python
- python-utilities — A set of simple utility APIs for higher-level python functions.
- pythonion — Python package for Ternion microcontroller board
- PythonSLM — Python Package for Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Development
- pywebdoc — CLI application to quickly open web documentation about Python
- pywlf — Common utils for python3.
- Qantio.Sdk.Public — The official SDK to interract with time series analysis and prediction services.
- qface-qtqml — Qt QML generator based on the QFace library
- qrmr — Terminal login toolkit for Amazon Web Services (AWS) enforcing and simplifying use of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
- QualiFyr — Package to read in output files relating to quality and assess overall pass/fail.
- quick-python-project — A CLI tool to create empty Python projects
- qwikstart — Code generator for automating configuration, setup, and yak shaving.
- radio-dstools — A processing pipeline to produce dynamic spectra from visibilities.
- Rado — The InterFace Test Framework based on PyTest, Request and Allure
- rakam-systems — no summary
- ramses-rf — A stateful RAMSES-II protocol decoder & analyser.
- rapid-rest-client — API Client
- rapidae — Rapidae: Python Library for Rapid Creation and Experimentation of Autoencoders
- rasengan — Is a command-line tool for automated testing of multiple kind of integrations tests for domains, with a simple and flexible YAML definition syntax.
- rats-apps — research analysis tools for building applications
- rca — Recompress Audio
- reactive-uart2ip — TCP server that mediates UART serial communication
- ReactPy — Reactive user interfaces with pure Python
- recbole — A unified, comprehensive and efficient recommendation library
- recstudio — A modular, efficient, unified, and comprehensive recommendation library based on PyTorch.
- reddit-api — Reddit API for Airflow
- redhat-qe-cloud-tools — Python utilities to manage cloud services, such as AWS.
- redis-diagnose-tool — redis-diagnose-tool is a tool for diagnosing Redis/Tair client connection errors.
- redkyn-grader — A grading framework for evaluating programming assignments
- remax-pipeline — A Python package designed for scraping data from Remax, enabling local use and integration with Celery for handling ETL workers tasks.
- remote-docker-aws — Client to control a remote-docker agent
- reqs-cli — no summary
- reSW — Highly customizable static site generator for reStructuredText markup
- ricecooker — API for adding content to the Kolibri content curation server
- riscv-ctg — RISC-V CTG
- riscv-isac — RISC-V ISAC
- river-core — RiVer Core Verification Framework
- rlmc — Python utils for AI 🚀
- rmotr_curriculum_tools — A set of tools to ease the work with curriculum
- rmx — Remote code deployment and execution for ML researchers.
- robolog — Personalized logger for RPA solutions
- robust-downloader — A Simple Robust Downloader written in Python
- robusta-api — no summary
- roc-validator — A Python package to validate RO-Crates
- romsearch — One Stop ROM Shop
- ros-get — Simple tools for working with ROS source packages
- rpa-suite — Conjunto de ferramentas essenciais para Automação RPA com Python, que facilitam o dia a dia de desenvolvimento.
- rpi-intercom — Intercom library for a raspberrypi
- rpysuite — Reactive user interfaces with pure Python
- rsstt — A Telegram RSS bot that cares about your reading experience
- rtk-lookup — A command line program that helps looking up kanji in James Heisig's book
- rtsf — a test service framework
- rust-sgx-gen — Rust code generator for the Authentic Execution framework
- s2fft — Differentiable and accelerated spherical transforms with JAX
- s2wav — Differentiable and accelerated wavelet transforms with JAX
- s3vaultlib — Python library to expose S3 as vault to store encrypted data
- saaya — Saaya is a Python framework based on Mirai
- sagas — sagas ai stack
- salt-packets — portable, reusable, self-managed salt projects