Reverse Dependencies of colorlog
The following projects have a declared dependency on colorlog:
- lisa-api — LISA Project API
- litescript — Utility package for streamlined Python scripts with logging, common imports, and essential utilities
- litie — Pytorch-lightning Code Blocks for Information Extraction
- livedownload — no summary
- livisi — Connection library for the abandoned Livisi Smart Home system
- lljz-tools — 常用工具封装
- LLoghelper — A helper module for logging.
- lmn — LMN: A simple launcher
- log_utils — Utils for generic python logging package
- log9 — 简单封装的彩色日志模块
- logease — A Python logging library designed to replace traditional logging mechanisms using decorators and modules.
- logflex — LogFlex, a robust and flexible logging extension for Python, enhances the standard logging module by providing streamlined configuration via environmental variables and TOML files. This library supports comprehensive log management with features like dynamic log levels, multiple output handlers (console, file, and Syslog), and automatic log rotation. Ideal for developers looking to implement advanced logging practices easily in any Python application.
- loggable-jdv — Logging package. Alpha. Not meant for wider release.
- logger-bundle — Logger bundle for the Pyfony framework
- logger-lib — Logger Library for Gauge Test
- logging-colorizer — This library is based on the requests library but it colorizes the logs.
- logging-reporter — Lightweight logger decorators for python
- loggingtools — Python logging dictionary configuration from yaml, json or dictionary.
- logpro — A simple logger for python.
- lohrasb — This versatile tool streamlines hyperparameter optimization in machine learning workflows.It supports a wide range of search methods, from GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCVto advanced techniques like OptunaSearchCV, Ray Tune, and Scikit-Learn Tune.Designed to enhance model performance and efficiency, it's suitable for tasks of any scale.
- lokalise-exporter — Export strings from
- lokilogger — This a custom `logging` for `Loki`
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- LoraLogger — Custom logging handler for AskLora projects
- loran — Core Paradigm of Automation Framework
- lorrystream — A lightweight and polyglot stream-processing library, to be used as a data backplane-, message relay-, or pipeline-subsystem.
- ltxpdflinks — Extract links in PDF graphics for inclusion in LaTeX documents
- lumeo — Helper library for Lumeo video analytics platform
- lupupy — A python cli for Lupusec alarm panels.
- luscious-downloader — CLI tool for downloading albums from Luscious
- lux-discord — Lightweight Python Discord bot framework
- lxdock — LXDock is a tool for orchestrating LXD containers.
- lzhpy — no summary
- machin — Reinforcement learning library
- macrostrat.utils — Core utilities for Macrostrat and Sparrow
- magik — SDK to write and run tests for your LLM app
- magma-lang — An embedded DSL for constructing hardware circuits
- maildiff — Package to email color git diff
- mamba-clip — A package for training mamba vision model and text encoder using CLIP
- mangokit — 测试工具
- mapyllary — Unofficial Mapillary API
- marianoleonardo.dojot.module — Library for new dojot modules development
- markkk — Python convenient utilities for personal usage
- masa-ai — MASA SDK - Masa's AI Software Architecture
- mase-tools — Machine-Learning Accelerator System Exploration Tools
- masterai-scrapy-extensions — A Scrapy extension that report your log from your scraped data.
- max-ble-hci — BLE HCI Test interface for controllers capable of the UART transport
- mbed-ls — mbed-ls is a Python module that detects and lists mbed-enabled devices connected to the host computer
- mcblueprints — Text-based structures for Minecraft.
- mccurse — Minecraft Curse CLI Client
- mcdreforged — A rewritten version of MCDaemon, a python tool to control your Minecraft server
- mcgen — Python utilities for downloading and processing Minecraft's generated data.
- mdmparis-defense-finder — Defense Finder: allow for a systematic search of all known anti-phage systems.
- melobot — A bot framework with much high level features.
- merak — Python binary package builder (via Cython)
- metalnetes — Tools for managing multiple Kubernetes clusters on KVM (on 3 Centos 7 VMs) running on a bare metal Fedora 29 server (Ubuntu 18.04 was tested until Kubernetes v1.14)
- metametameta — Generate with dunder meta.
- metatrader-sockets-client — Client SDK of MetaTrader Sockets API
- midea-local — Control your Midea M-Smart appliances via local area network
- mindsdb — MindsDB's goal is to make it very simple for developers to use the power of artificial neural networks in their projects.
- mini-toolbox — Python迷你工具箱,包含简化的常用工具,旨在帮助脚本快速开发。
- miniav — MiniAV Project
- mixbytes-tank — Benchmark engine for blockchains
- mixtape — Gstreamer python application mini-framework
- ml-ai-ops — no summary
- modbuspy — no summary
- mode — AsyncIO Service-based programming.
- mode-ng — AsyncIO Service-based programming.
- mode-streaming — AsyncIO Service-based programming
- modlog — ('Set logger with logging/colorlog automatically',)
- molmap — MolMap: An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network Based Molecular Deep Learning Tool
- moodle-dl — Moodle-DL downloads course content fast from Moodle (eg. lecture pdfs)
- morph-cli — no summary
- morph-data — Morph is a python-centric full-stack framework for building and deploying data apps.
- morph-lib — no summary
- morphdb-utils — no summary
- morphinder — From gloss to lexicon ID
- mortal-log — 'mortal工具集::log'
- moside — Modern Pyside6!!!无学习成本,傻瓜化使用,快速为您的PySide6项目添加现代UI和实用的功能。
- motion-python — A framework for building and maintaining self-updating prompts for LLMs.
- motllo — Project patterns like I like them
- motr — Max's Obvious Task Runner.
- mountains — a util collection for python developing
- mrilabs — Software Framework for Task Automation and Scheduling
- mrsal — Mrsal is a simple to use message broker abstraction on top of RabbitMQ and Pika.
- mtmai — no summary
- musicbot — Music swiss army knife
- mustrd — A Spec By Example framework for RDF and SPARQL, Inspired by Cucumber.
- mutant-rogue — Rogue Cli
- muttr — Muttr. Mute all inputs, or change audio outputs and inputs easily.
- muzlin — Muzlin: a filtering toolset for semantic machine learning
- mwj-apitest — 无需编码的接口测试框架,目前支持json、yaml、py文件格式的用例,命令行mwj查看帮助。
- mwr-raw2l1 — Readers for the most prominent types of operational ground-based K- and V-band microwave radiometers and a writer for NetCDF files according to E-PROFILE/ACTRIS standards.
- myColorfulLog — Colorful logger for terminal and log files. Based on previous work code by xyztank,
- nagato-ai — no summary
- nameko-wamp — WAMP extension for nameko
- nannos — Fourier Modal Method for multilayer metamaterials
- NanoCount — NanoCount estimates transcripts abundance from Oxford Nanopore *direct-RNA sequencing* datasets, using an expectation-maximization approach like RSEM, Kallisto, salmon, etc to handle the uncertainty of multi-mapping reads
- nasty-utils — Independent useful utilities created during NASTY's development.
- nba-analytics — A package for collecting and analyzing NBA player data.