Reverse Dependencies of colorlog
The following projects have a declared dependency on colorlog:
- harmonic — Python package for efficient Bayesian evidence computation
- harpo — A GPG-based secret storing/sharing library
- hazen — An automatic MRI QA tool
- hermes-audio-server — An open source implementation of the audio server part of the Hermes protocol
- hikari — A sane Discord API for Python 3 built on asyncio and good intentions
- histexport — A Python utility to export Chromium-based browser history and downloads to various formats.
- hmd-cli-app — Support tools for the HMD NeuronSphere development platform.
- hmd-cli-bartleby — CLI for bartleby transform
- hmd-cli-bender — CLI for bender transform
- hmd-cli-build — Generic build tool.
- hmd-cli-configure — CLI tools for configuring other HMD tools
- hmd-cli-docker — Implementation for docker cli command
- hmd-cli-explorer — CLI for managing Explorer portal assets
- hmd-cli-librarian — CLI tool for developing Librarians locally
- hmd-cli-librarian-sync-manager — no summary
- hmd-cli-librarian-sync-watcher — no summary
- hmd-cli-neuronsphere — Local NeuronSphere Control CLI
- hmd-cli-python — Implementation for python cli command
- hmd-cli-repo — Implementation for repo cli command
- hmd-cli-transform-deploy — Command for deploying transforms
- hmsdbmitc-stack — A command line program to manage a Docker stack.
- homura-core — a fast prototyping library for DL research
- horast-rereleased — human-oriented ast parser/unparser
- HPI — A Python interface to my life
- httprunner-ex — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- hubspot-tech-writing — Support technical writing on HubSpot using Markdown.
- humidifier — Create human-friendly IDs from strings.
- hydra-colorlog — Enables colorlog for Hydra apps
- hyperbox — Hyperbox: An easy-to-use NAS framework.
- hyperglot — Detect language support for font binaries
- ibllib — IBL libraries
- iblutil — IBL utilities
- idom — It's React, but in Python
- iGenius-lokalise-exporter — Export strings from
- igniter — no summary
- implant — Remote execution via stdin/stdout messaging.
- impm — Python utilities for improving interoperability between Minecraft data packs.
- infrared — InfraRed - easy-to-use plugin-based CLI for Ansible based projects
- infrared-V3 — InfraRed - easy-to-use plugin-based CLI for Ansible based projects
- inmanta-core — Inmanta deployment tool
- innocuous-api — Innocuous Book API
- innocuous-magic — innocuous library
- innopy — API for communicating with Livisi/Innogy Smarthome
- instabotnet — Instagram readable yaml rpc api for easy instagram scheduling and promotion
- instrulink — Python package to interface diverse laboratory instruments
- iris-hector-patino — IRIS MODEL ROTE
- irspack — Implicit feedback-based recommender systems, packed for practitioners.
- is-wire — Python implementation of application support layer.
- is-wire-mod — no summary
- isc-book-maker — no summary
- isimip-qc — A command line tool for the quality control of climate impact data of the ISIMIP project.
- isimip-utils — This package contains common functionality for different ISIMIP tools.
- isomorphic — isomorphic interfaces for cli, api, yaml, json, gui
- itsdevtime — no summary
- japanese-vocabulary-extractor — A utility to extract vocabulary lists from manga.
- jaraco.abode — A library interfacing to the Abode home security system
- jetconf — Pure Python implementation of the RESTCONF protocol
- jiav — Jira Issues Auto Verification
- jogger-python — Johnny Logger (Jogger) in Python3
- jot-iris — Super simple test sequencer for production testing
- jpipes — Jenkins Pipeline Automation
- jst-django — no summary
- jug-schedule — Automatic DRMAA scheduling with resource management for Jug
- jupyter-rstudio-singularity — Launch RStudio with Singularity from the command line.
- jupyterlab-minio — JupyterLab extension for browsing Minio object storage
- juxtorpus — Juxtorpus compare and contrast two ATAP corpus.
- k8s-setup — Setup local and production hybrid clusters, using Ansible and Vagrant
- kasalkar-utils-lib — Python library for dashboard
- kaxi — Run pipelines similar to github actions
- kaze-python — Python Node and SDK for the kaze blockchain
- keepass_http — Python Keepass HTTPD for ChromeIPass and PassIFox
- kennard-stone — A method for selecting samples by spreading the training data evenly.
- khldaemon — Plugin system based on
- kicad-to-openpnp — Transform a KiCad footprint into a OpenPnP package
- kipoi — Kipoi: model zoo for genomics
- kipoi_veff — kipoi_veff: variant effect prediction plugin for Kipoi
- kiwi-blockchain — Kiwi blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.
- kohlrahbi — Tool to generate machine readable files from AHB documents
- kompaas — CLI for helm chart customization and deployment
- kontext-copilot — Kontext Copilot is an AI empowered assistant for data analytics that can run on your local computer.
- kubernetes-square — no summary
- kubeyard — A utility to develop, test and deploy Kubernetes microservices.
- labda — Library for Advanced Behavioural Data Analysis
- langroid — Harness LLMs with Multi-Agent Programming
- langroid-slim — Harness LLMs with Multi-Agent Programming
- latexpp — Latex preprocessor — apply macro definitions, remove comments, and more
- lava-cactus — Static site generation and deployment.
- legend-pydataobj — LEGEND Python Data Objects
- leosatpy — LEOSatpy is a highly-automated end-to-end pipeline for the reduction, calibration, and analysis of Low Earth Orbit Satellite observations from various telescopes.
- letsformat — Simple File Format Converter
- lgblkb-tools — Helper tools for lgblkb)
- libcontractvm — Contractvm client library
- libexploit — Python exploit development utility library
- libranet-logging — Easy-to-use logging-configuration using a logging.yml-file
- Lightflow — A lightweight, distributed workflow system
- lightwood — Lightwood is Legos for Machine Learning.
- lincolnlogs — A handy logger for identifying message sources during development
- lingtreemaps — Plot data on linguistic trees and maps.
- liquidctl — Cross-platform tool and drivers for liquid coolers and other devices
- lisa-api — LISA Project API