Reverse Dependencies of astropy
The following projects have a declared dependency on astropy:
- standard-classification — A tool to classify young stellar objects based on the Lada standard classification.
- star-privateer — Module for stellar surface rotation and activity analysis
- starbug2 — JWST PSF photometry in complex crowded fields.
- starcatalogquery — A package for building an offline star catalog query database
- starepandas — STARE pandas extensions
- starextractor — A package for extracting stars and doing photometry from an astronomical image
- stark-package — Spectral exTraction And Reduction Kit
- starmatch — A package to handle the Star chart matching and astrometric positioning
- starred-astro — A two-channel deconvolution method with Starlet regularization
- starsearch — Package to dig into the ESO archives
- starsign — StarSign: more fun than normal horoscopes!
- starstream — Asynchronous satellite data downloading for CDAWeb, JSOC, etc.
- stasma — Stellar surface maker
- stcal — STScI tools and algorithms used in calibration pipelines
- stdatamodels — Core support for DataModel classes used in calibration pipelines
- stellar-matchmaker — A package to identify and select reference stars by colour and magnitude
- stellarmortis — A package to synthesise populations of dead stars and calculate microlensing events caused by this population.
- stellarphot — A package for performing stellar photometry.
- stginga — Ginga products specific to STScI data analysis
- stips — STIPS is the Space Telescope Imaging Product Simulator.
- stispectrograph — A replacement for "ST-i Spectroscopy Program" by SBIG.
- stissplice — Splicer of STIS Echelle Spectra from Hubble Space Telescope
- stistools — Tools for STIS (Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph)
- stixdcpy — STIX data center APIs and data analysis tools
- STMint — State Transition Matrix Integrator
- stonesoup — A tracking and state estimation framework
- stpipe — Framework for calibration pipeline software
- stpreview — build downsampled previews of space telescope products
- stpsf — Creates simulated point spread functions for Space Telescopes (James Webb, Roman)
- structurefunction — Compute the second-order structure function
- stsci.skypac — Sky matching on image mosaic
- stwcs — Computes the WCS of HST images.
- subphot — SubPhot library. Image Subtraction photometry pipeline for astronomy.
- sunback — Sets your desktop background to the most recent images of the Sun.
- sunblocker — A (python pyrap) method to remove solar-like RFI from interferometric data
- sundata — Simple module to get the angle of the Sun relative to the Horizon for a given geographic location and datetime.
- sunkit-magex — Solar Magnetic field Extrapolation
- sunpy — SunPy core package: Python for Solar Physics
- sunpy-soar — A sunpy FIDO plugin for accessing data in the Solar Orbiter Archive (SOAR).
- sunraster — sunraster is an open-source Python library that provides the tools to read in and analyze spectrogram data.
- supernnova — framework for Bayesian, Neural Network based supernova light-curve classification
- superphot — Photometric classification of supernovae
- superraenn — Python package to classify supernovae based on optical light curves
- surfvis — Per-baseline time/freq and Chi-Square plots
- suricat-beams — MeerKAT primary beam model handling utilities
- surveycodex — Tiny library of galaxy surveys most useful parameters with units
- surveySim — no summary
- susie — Susie allows users to input exoplanet transit data and return information detailing possible tidal decay.
- svgdigitizer — svgdigitizer is a Python library and command line tool to recover the measured data underlying plots in scientific publications.
- svo_filters — A Python wrapper for the SVO Filter Profile Service
- SweeplineVT — Voronoi Tessellation using Sweep-line algorithm
- swift_comet_pipeline — Data reduction pipeline for determining water production rates from the Swift telescope's UVOT images
- swiftbat — Routines for dealing with data from BAT on the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory
- swiftest — no summary
- swiftpipeline — Pipeline for producing galaxy scaling relation plots.
- swxtools — Collection of tools to work with space weather data, developed at KNMI.
- symdim — An algebraic manipulation and dimensional analysis tool using SymPy and Astropy.units
- symmetrize — Symmetrization and centering of 2D pattern using nonrigid point set registration
- syncfit — no summary
- synphot — Synthetic photometry
- sysml2py — no summary
- tabcorr — Tabulated Correlation Functions
- tables-io — Input/output and conversion functions for tabular data
- tart — Transient Array Radio Telescope Imaging and Operation Library
- tart-tools — Transient Array Radio Telescope Command Line Tools
- tart2ms — Convert TART observation data to Measurement Sets
- tat-pulsar — timing library for high energy Pulsar observation
- taurex — TauREx3
- taurex-2d — TauREx 2D plugin
- tcup — no summary
- tdpy — A python library of numberical routines
- tdsreduction — Reduce data obtained at Transient Double-beam Spectrograph
- teareduce — Utilities for astronomical data reduction
- teda — Yet Another FITS Viewer
- telassar — Two dimEnsionaL spectrAl analysiS for muSe And xshooteR
- TelescopeML — An End-to-End Python Package for Interpreting Telescope Datasets through Training Machine Learning Models, Generating Statistical Reports, and Visualizing Results
- tendrils — (Cosmic) Tendrils is the generic API for (cosmic) FLOWS project and pipeline.
- terra-2.0 — Script to simulate planet formation or engulfment
- tess-asteroids — Create TPFs and LCs for solar system asteroids observed by NASA's TESS mission.
- tess-backdrop — no summary
- tess-bite — Take a bite out of TESS Full Frame Images using HTTP range requests.
- tess-cloud — Analyze NASA TESS data in the cloud.
- tess-coadds — Cutouts from coadded TESS images
- tess-ephem — Where are Solar System objects located in TESS FFI data?
- tess-ida-tools — Collection of utilities to download and analize TESS Photometer Network data from IDA files
- TESS-Localize — Package for localizing variable stars in TESS Photometry
- tess-locator — Fast offline queries of TESS FFI positions and filenames.
- tess-point — Determine pixel coordinates for TESS targets
- TESS-PRF — Tools to display the TESS pixel response function (PRF) at any location on the detector
- tess-sip — Demo tool for creating a Systematics-insensitive Periodogram (SIP) to detect long period rotation in NASA's TESS mission data.
- tessbkgd — Spatially varying background for large TESS target pixel files.
- tesscentroidvetting — TESS Centroid Vetting
- tesscube — no summary
- tessLATTE — Lightcurve Analysis Tool for Transiting Exoplanets
- tessproposaltool — no summary
- tesstractor — TESS photometer reading software
- tesswcs — no summary
- testreverseautoslitcode — Test Compiling of Code
- TFCat — Time-Frequency Catalogue (TFCat) Python module.
- TGIF — no summary