Reverse Dependencies of astropy
The following projects have a declared dependency on astropy:
- VSPEC — Simulate Observations of Exoplanets in Variable Star Systems
- vspec-vsm — The VSPEC Variable Star Model as a standalone package.
- vtspy — VERITAS analysis tool
- watts — Workflow and Template Toolkit for Simulation
- wcosmo — A package for cosmology calculations with arbitrary numpy-like APIs
- wearablehrv — Wearablehrv: A Python package for the validation of heart rate and heart rate variability in wearables.
- weaveio — WEAVE-IO query interface for accessing WEAVE data
- webb-scraping — Web scraping for JWST
- webbpsf — Creates simulated point spread functions for the James Webb Space Telescope
- webbpsf-ext — WebbPSF Extensions
- wellfit — A wellfit package to fit wells well.
- wfc3tools — Python Tools for HST WFC3 Data
- wfpc2tools — Tools for use with WFPC2 (Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2)
- whampy — Python Package to Interact with, Visualize, and Analyze the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper - Sky Survey
- widefield-plate-solver — An astronomical image plate solving package.
- winternlc — no summary
- winterrb — no summary
- wintertoo — no summary
- wis — gives satellite positions at requested times. It manages kernel downloads. It requires astropy and spicepy.
- wiserep-api — API to access WiserRep data from command lines
- wisetool — Wavelet Image Segmentation and Evaluation
- wl-utilities — Utility code to perform QAG and SV analysis
- wtlike — Time-dependent analysis of point sources in Fermi-LAT data
- wxgen — A package for generating arbitrarily long weather time-series
- xarray-cube — xarray extension for spectral cube analysis
- xarray-fits — xarray Datasets for FITS-like data
- xarray-quantity — xarray extension which supports astropy quantities.
- xarray-simpleunits — Simple unitful calculations with `xarray`
- xarray-units — xarray extension for handling units
- xbinary-classifier — no summary
- xga — Python package to easily generate and analyse X-ray astronomy data products, ideal for investigating large samples.
- xicam — The CAMERA platform for synchrotron data management, visualization, and reduction.
- xmatch — Cross correlation of several catalog at once
- xmmpysas — Python wrapper for XMM-Newton SAS.
- XP-Extinction-Toolkit — Extinction correction package using extinction curves derived from XP spectra
- xpipeline — The eXtreme (and eXtensible) pipeline for analysis of high contrast imaging and spectroscopy data
- xradio — Xarray Radio Astronomy Data IO
- xraybinaryorbit — A package for x-ray binary orbital modulations.
- xraydlps — Tools to help plot the X-ray duration-luminosity phase space and use it for classification.
- xrayvisim — An open-source Python library for Fourier or synthesis X-Ray imaging instruments.
- XSpect-EW — Python3 - User guided equivalent wideth measurement and analysis tool for stellar absorption spectra
- xstatix — Space and Time Algorithm for Transients In X-rays
- xtof — A Python package to convert XLSX files to FITS files.
- xwavecal — no summary
- xymass — package to generate random samples of 2D position and mass from common stellar density and IMF models, including binary companions
- yaqq — Yet Another Quantum Quantizer - Design Space Exploration of Quantum Gate Sets using Novelty Search
- yet-another-wizz — Implementation of the Schmidt et al. (2013) clustering redshift method.
- yggdrasil-framework — A framework for combining interdependent models from multiple languages.
- yieldplotlib — A Python pipeline to generate plots for exoplanet yield simulations.
- yippy — A Python and JAX wrapper to create a coronagraph object from a yield input package
- your — A unified reader for sigproc filterbank and psrfits data
- ysfitsutilpy — Convenience utilities made by ysBach especially for dealing FITS files in astronomical sciences.
- yspacepy — companion package
- ysphotutilpy — Convenience utilities made by ysBach especially for photometry
- z2n-periodogram — A package for interative periodograms analysis.
- zap — ZAP (the Zurich Atmosphere Purge) is a high precision sky subtraction tool.
- zfinder — Redshift finding algorithm
- zodipy — A Python package for zodiacal light simulations
- zoobot — Galaxy morphology classifiers
- ZTF-Check — ZTF Check! The quick way to check out your target's FOV in ZTF.
- ztfcosmo — Simulating Transient in the sky and how to observe them
- ztffp — ZTF Forced-Photometry library (Unaffiliated)
- ztfin2p3 — IN2P3 pipeline for the ZTF survey
- ztfquery — Python package to access ZTF data
- ztv — Simple python image viewer, largely intended for astronomical applications
- zuds — ZTF/ZUDS image processing pipeline