Reverse Dependencies of astropy
The following projects have a declared dependency on astropy:
- astro-gdt-hete2 — Gamma-ray Data Tools: hete2 Mission
- astro-gdt-integral — Gamma-ray Data Tools: Integral Mission
- astro-gdt-maxi — Gamma-ray Data Tools: MAXI Mission
- astro-gdt-rxte — Gamma-ray Data Tools: RXTE Mission
- astro-gdt-swift — Gamma-ray Data Tools: Swift Mission
- astro-ghost — A package to associate transients with host galaxies, and a database of 16k SNe-host galaxies in PS1.
- astro-ghost-ysepz — Database of supernovae and the photometric and spectroscopic properties of their host galaxies
- astro-gleam — Galaxy Line Emission and Absorption Modeling
- astro-metadata-translator — A translator for astronomical metadata.
- astro-otter — no summary
- astro-prost — no summary
- astro-ranch — Radio AstroNomy Cubes Handler (RANCH)
- astro-reduce — A simple CCD-image reducer for the Observatoire de Paris-Meudon.
- astro-sedpy — Simple tools for astronomical spectral energy distributions, particularly filter projections.
- astro-synthesizer — Generate astronomical synthetic observations from the command-line
- astro-tigger — yet another FITS image viewer
- astro-tigger-lsm — Python libraries and command-line tools for manipulating Tigger LSMs
- astro-tigress — TIGRESS data release and associate python scripts
- astro-tulips — Creates diagrams of stellar structures and their evolution
- astro-virgo — A Versatile Spectrometer for Radio Astronomy
- astro-wcpy — A UI for wavelength calibration.
- Astro3Words — astro3words - get a simple 3-word coordinate of your favorite object!
- astroai — AI tools for Astronomy
- astrobase — Python modules and scripts useful for variable star work in astronomy.
- astrobject — astrobject: Basic tools for astrophysics and cosmology
- astrocalculator — A locally hosted Flask application for astronomical calculations.
- astrocut — Cutout tools for astronomical images
- AstroDART — Astronomical image reduction.
- astrodash — Deep Learning for Automated Spectral Classification of Supernovae
- astrodata — A package for managing astronomical data through a uniform interface
- astrodatautils — Utility functions from UCLA Astrophysics Data Lab
- astrodb-scripts — astrodb_scripts: scripts for interacting with the astrodb database
- astrodb-utils — astrodb_utils: scripts for interacting with the astrodb database
- astrodbkit — Astronomical database handler code
- astrodbkit2 — Astronomical database handler code
- astrodendro — Python package for computation of astronomical dendrograms
- astrogrism — HST & JWST Grism Data Analysis
- astrohack — Holography Antenna Commissioning Kit
- astroimages-fits — FITS files related routines and classes
- astroimtools — Astronomical Image Tools
- AstroInstrumentAD — A Python package to characterise the impact of atmospheric dispersion on a spectrographs throughput
- astrokobe — KOBE: Key Observing Block Establishment
- astrolabel — A lightweight Python package for managing astronomy plot labels
- astromartini — Synthetic datacube creation from simulations.
- astromet — One and two body astrometry
- astrometry-net-client — A Python interface for the API.
- astroML — Tools for machine learning and data mining in Astronomy
- astromodule — Astronomy Tools
- astromy — Astronomy data analysis package.
- astromy-ds9 — Reproducing SAOImageDS9 Colormap in Python
- astronomica — A Python library that deals with astronomy and mathematical calculations. It also helps with Julian Dates
- AstronomyCalc — no summary
- astrool — Python package for Astronomers in a Hurry
- astropalmerio — A Python package for scientific data analysis and visualization.
- astrophot — A fast, flexible, automated, and differentiable astronomical image 2D forward modelling tool for precise parallel multi-wavelength photometry.
- astropic — Tool for editing astronomical object pictures
- astroPIPS — Processes photometric data for variable stars
- astropixel — AstroPixel project made for CodeAstro!
- astropixie — LSST EPO python library.
- astropixie-hr — LSST EPO Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram library.
- astropixie-widgets — LSST EPO
- astroplan — Observation planning package for astronomers
- astropop — Astronomical Polarimetry and Photometry Pipeline
- astropy-healpix — BSD-licensed HEALPix for Astropy
- astroQTpy — astroQTpy implements a quadtree data structure to explore 2D parameter space
- astroquery — Functions and classes to access online astronomical data resources
- astroramjet — no summary
- astrorapid — Real-time Automated Photometric IDentification of astronomical transients
- astroraytrace — Ray tracing for astronomical optics and instruments
- astrosa — Astronomical Observation Schedule Assessment Framework
- AstroScheduller — AstroScheduller algorithms and packages for planning astronomical observations.
- astroscrappy — Speedy Cosmic Ray Annihilation Package in Python
- astroslam — A forward model using SVR to estimate stellar parameters from spectra.
- astrosn — Supernova analysis library by @emirkmo
- astrosource — Analysis script for sources with variability in their brightness
- astrospice — A package for finding SPICE kernels and using them with astropy coordinates.
- astroSQL — SQL database introspection and methods in Python to access existing astronomy databases.
- astrostarfish — Covariance tools for fitting stellar spectra
- AstroSubtractor — Machine learning classifier
- astrosurveyutils — Astronomical survey utilities
- astroSynth — Very Basic Astrophysics Synthetic Generation Suite
- AstroSynthWrappers — Data Wrappers meant to mimic the astroSynth data interface
- AstroToolkit — A package for the gathering, plotting and analysis of astronomical data.
- astroutils — Many utility functions for astronomical research
- astroviper — Astro Visibility and Image Parallel Execution Reduction
- astrowidgets — Widgets for the Jupyter notebook and JupyterLab
- astrowisp — Tools for extracting photometry from wide-field night sky images
- asydo — Astronomical Syntetic Data Observations
- asydo-dev — Astronomical Syntetic Data Observations - Development branch
- ATARRI — A TESS Archive RR Lyrae Classifier
- atflagger — Simple method for flagging UWL data.
- ATLAS-Object — For clening ATLAS light curves
- atmosphyre — A Python package to characterise the impact of atmospheric dispersion on a spectrographs throughput.
- atomicdataMB — Atomic data procedures for nexoclom and general use
- atomneb — atomneb: Python Package for Atomic Data of Ionized Nebulae
- Auriga — A neural network for structure parameter determination
- autoarray — PyAuto Data Structures
- autoastro — Astro modelling
- autoeap — Automated version of Extended Aperture Photometry developed for high amplitude K2 variable stars.
- autogalaxy — Open-Source Multi Wavelength Galaxy Structure & Morphology