Reverse Dependencies of astropy
The following projects have a declared dependency on astropy:
- sofia-image-pipeline — SIP takes a SoFiA generated source catalog and produce images for publication or quick inspection. Images include HI contours overlaid on multiwavelength images, HI moment maps, pixel-by-pixel SNR maps, pv-diagrams with SoFiA mask, and spectra with and without noise.
- solar-dynamics-observatory — A Python library to download and analyze images from the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).
- solar-ft — A Python lib for Solar Feature Tracking
- solarannotator — A tool to annotate images of the Sun
- SolarGUI — A program which contains information about the solar system planets, moon, pluto, Sun, and more.
- solarmach — Multi-spacecraft longitudinal configuration plotter
- solarmap — Get HEE Coordinates for spacecraft around the Sun
- solarmask — An active region segmentation library
- SOLARNET — A python 3 client to access the RESTfull API of the SOLARNET Virtual Observatory
- solarsystemMB — Solar System procedures for nexoclom and general use
- solo-epd-loader — Data loader for Solar Orbiter/EPD energetic charged particle sensors EPT, HET, and STEP.
- solstar — A package to simulate GHz radio Sun spectral image cubes
- sora-astro — Stellar Occultation Library
- sorcha — The survey simulator post processing code for the LSST
- sorcha-addons — no summary
- sospice — Python data analysis tools for Solar Orbiter/SPICE
- soxs — Simulated Observations of X-ray Sources
- soxspipe — A python package and command-line tools to The data-reduction pipeline for the SOXS instrument
- space_analysis — Python library for data analysis in space physics
- — Python library for data analysis in space physics
- SPACE-labelling-tool — Interactive python tool designed to label radio emission features of interest in a temporal-spectral map
- space-phunk — Fit photometric phase curves of asteroids.
- space-ska — Spectral-Kit for Asteroids
- spacekit — Astronomical Data Science and Machine Learning Toolkit
- spacerocks — A Python Package for Solar System Ephemerides and Dynamics.
- spacevlbi — Python package to simulate and optimise space-based VLBI missions
- spalipy — Detection-based astrononmical image registration
- SpamScope — Fast Advanced Spam Analysis tool
- spatial-detrend — A Python library to mitigate spatially-correlated systematic noise in Kepler light curves
- spatial-maps — Compute spatial maps for neural data.
- SPEARS — SPEARS : SPARCL Pipeline for Emission-Absorption Line Retrieval and Spectroscopy
- speasy — A simple Python package to deal with main Space Physics WebServices (CDA, CSA, AMDA and SSC).
- spec-map-analysis — An astronomical spectral map analysis package
- spec-plots — Create preview plots of HST or JWST spectra.
- spec2flux — Given a FITS spectrum file, this script fits a Voigt profile to each emission line, facilitating flux calculation and data validity assessment. It generates plots for each line and outputs comprehensive results in both FITS and ECSV formats. These files contain all necessary information for analysis or reproduction.
- specex — Extract spectra from fits cubes
- specfit — Infer polynomial spectral models with covariancess
- special — Package for SPEctral Characterization of ImAged Low-mass companions
- specidentify — Specidentify is for identifying spectral lines and calibrating spectroscopic observations
- species — Toolkit for atmospheric characterization of directly imaged exoplanets
- speclite — Lightweight utilities for working with spectroscopic data
- speconed — A lightweight package for the manipulation of 1-D astronomical specta
- specpolFlow — Tools for the analysis of stellar spectropolarimetric data
- specreduce — Astropy coordinated package for Spectroscopic Reductions
- specsim — Quick simulations of fiber spectrograph response
- SpecStacker — This is a new rest-frame spectral stacking code.
- specsy — Model fitting package for the chemical analysis of astronomical spectra
- spectacle — Modeling and analysis package for spectroscopic data.
- spectcube — Resampling spectrums in 1D, 2D or 3D shapes.
- spectools-ir — Tools for analysis and modeling of IR spectra
- spectra-ez-download — no summary
- spectral-cube — A package for interaction with spectral cubes
- spectrAOD — This package is for measuring the apparent optical depth of spectra
- spectre-core — The core Python package used by the spectre program.
- spectrogrism — Grism-based spectrograph modeling
- spectrolib — SPECtro es un paquete que te permite trabajar con mayor facilidad los datos
- SpectroscopicBinarySystem — Python astronomy tools for spectroscopic binary system
- spectroSLEUTH — no summary
- spectrum-overload — Spectrum class that overloads operators.
- specutils — Package for spectroscopic astronomical data
- specviz — An interactive astronomical analysis tool
- specvizitor — Python GUI application for a visual inspection of astronomical spectroscopic data
- specwizard — .
- speedyfit — MC approach to fit photometric SEDs
- speedystar — speedystar v1.0.1
- spelunker — spelunker: a library to extract guidestar data and observe technical and stellar events
- spender — Spectrum encoder and decoder
- speXtra — Tool to manage and manipulate astronomical spectra.
- spexxy — spectrum fitting package
- spherical-geometry — Python based tools for spherical geometry
- sphericalpolygon — A package to handle the spherical polygon
- spherinator — Rotation-Invariant Hyperspherical Variational Convolutional Autoencoder
- sphinx-asdf — Sphinx plugin for generating documentation from ASDF schemas
- sphinx-astropy — Sphinx extensions and configuration specific to the Astropy project
- spiakid-simulation — Data simulation of SPIAKID project
- spice-kernels — no summary
- spice-stew — Correct the pointing of SOLO/SPICE with SPICE kernels
- spicer — Library to make SPICE a bit easier
- spiir — A Python library for the SPIIR gravitational wave science pipeline.
- spiir-p-astro — Low-latency classification of GW triggers from compact binary coalescence
- splat — SpeX Prism Library Analysis Toolkit
- splendsp — Splendid Digital Signal Processing of time series data for small physics experiments
- splintegrate — Splintegrate splits and combines integrations up.
- splotch — Simple PLOTs, Contours and Histograms is a small package with wrapper functions designed to simplify plotting calls from matplotlib.
- spluscalib — S-PLUS calibration pipeline
- splusdata — Download SPLUS catalogs, FITS and more
- spot-motion-monitor — User interface for Spot Seeing Monitor.
- spot-nik — Site Planning and Observation Tool
- SpotDIPy — An Easy Way for Stellar Doppler Imaging of Cool Single Stars
- spright — Bayesian radius-density-mass relation for small planets.
- spwc — A simple Python package to deal with main Space Physics WebServices (CDA,CSA,AMDA,..) mainly written to ease development of SciQLop.
- spyderwebb — JWST NIRSpec reduction software
- spyrit — Toolbox for deep image reconstruction
- squishyplanet — A package for dealing with non-spherical exoplanets
- SRPAstro.FITS — Tools for handling FITS files under SRP
- srusp — Python package for the SRUSP method
- ssos — The ssos Pipeline - Detection of Solar System Objects in astronomical images
- sst-crispy — A Python package for using data from the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope's CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter instrument.
- ssv1 — Simple Spectra Viewer for Data Central
- stackarator — A tool for stacking interferometric data of extended sources (such as nearby galaxies) to extract weak emission lines.