Reverse Dependencies of altair
The following projects have a declared dependency on altair:
- 170051277-trab-final-gces — Pacote utilizado para o deploy do trabalho final da disciplina Gerência de Configuração e Evolução de Software (GCES).
- 2022-2-gces-ifpf — no summary
- accuracy — It's pronounced accura-see. For spaCy models.
- aequitas — no summary
- aequitas-lite — The bias and fairness audit toolkit.
- agentic-devops — Agentic DevOps Tool for automating and managing various DevOps tasks and configurations.
- agentpress — Building blocks for AI Agents
- aics-dask-utils — Utility functions and documentation related to Dask and AICS
- aicsdaemon — Python Class defining a daemon process. An implemented class that inherts from this should be runnable as a daemon.
- aicsimageprocessing — A generalized scientific image processing module from the Allen Institute for Cell Science.
- aicspylibczi — A python module and a python extension for Zeiss (CZI/ZISRAW) microscopy files.
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- aidkit-client — aidkit for your CI/CD and j-notebooks.
- airpyllution — A package which provides various functionalities on air pollution data.
- allvissone — All Data Science Visualization package in single line
- alph — alph
- altair-catplot — Utility to generate plots with categorical variables using Altair.
- altair-cnn — A theme for Python's Altair statistical visualization library
- altair-data-server — A background data server for Altair charts.
- altair-extra-color-schemes — Additional named color schemes for Altair via a custom renderer.
- altair-morberg — A personal theme for Altair
- altair-nx — Draw interactive NetworkX graphs with Altair
- altair-recipes — A collection of ready-made statistical graphics for vega
- altair-reveal — Reveal theme for Altair library
- altair-saver — Altair extension for saving charts to various formats.
- altair_tiles — altair_tiles
- altair-transform — A python engine for evaluating Altair transforms.
- altair-upset — Create interactive UpSet plots using Altair
- altair-viewer — Viewer for Altair and Vega-Lite visualizations.
- altmol — no summary
- altplotlib — matplotlib style OO bindings for altair
- application-gces-2-2022-douglasmonteles — no summary
- arakawa — Build interactive reports in seconds using Python
- arkalos — Arkalos is an easy-to-use framework for data analysis, building data apps, warehouses, AI agents, robots, ML, training LLMs with elegant syntax. It just works.
- audio-recorder-streamlit — no summary
- autil — Some Python snippets for a researcher's daily use
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- auto-pi-lot — Distributed behavioral experiments
- autobiasdetector — tools for detecting bias patterns of LLMs
- autobright — Automatically adjust display brightness with external sensor
- awesome-panel-cli — A CLI tool to speed up your workflow when developing Panel applications
- awesome-panel-extensions — A package of awesome Panel extensions. Provided by
- backtest-reg — no summary
- baguette-bi — no summary
- BaldrApp — Simulating Baldr - the Zernike Wavefront Sensor for Asgard
- bccovideda — A package to download BC covid data and create simple EDA
- biblealignlib — Code for managing Word-level alignments for Bibles, including both automatic alignments and manually corrected alignments.
- blackfish — ORCA quantum chemistry data parser
- boexplain — BOExplain
- bohra — A bioinformatics pipeline for analysing short read Illumina data microbiological public health.
- bored-charts — Easy, minimal, PDF-able data reports with python and markdown.
- bs-python-utils — my Python utilities
- calitp-data-analysis — Shared code for querying Cal-ITP data in notebooks, primarily.
- camminapy — My personal code collection.
- camper-dramkit — A tool to use the CAMPER dataset
- canvascli — A CLI to reformat and review Canvas grades
- capon — Capital Market in Python
- carbonplan-forest-risks — forest carbon potential and risks
- carbonplan-forests — forest carbon potential and risks
- carbonplan-styles — CarbonPlan plotting styles
- cartes — A generic toolbox for building maps in Python
- chart_me — Charting that keeps you in the EDA flow
- chartlets — Backend for server-configured UI contributions.
- chat2plot — chat to visualization with LLM
- chatsky — Chatsky is a free and open-source software stack for creating chatbots, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
- checkrs — Tools for simulation-based model checking and diagnostics.
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- cluestar — Gain a clue by clustering!
- codeforge — no summary
- codemetrics-report — Quick reporting of codemetrics minings
- cogclassifier — Classify prokaryote protein sequences into COG functional category
- coinflip — Randomness testing for humans
- collinearity-tool — Identify multicollinearity issues by correlation, VIF, and visualizations.
- colourpycker — A Python package that can be used to extract colours from images for use in data visualization projects.
- conjurer — Python library to help you to perform magic on your data analytics project
- cotengra — Hyper optimized contraction trees for large tensor networks and einsums.
- covidify — Stay up to date with corona virus data - Download and generate reports
- covizpy — Provides access to Covid-19 data from Our World in Data, and functions to generate relevant charts and summaries.
- crim-intervals — CRIM intervals package
- crunch-kernel — Kernel connecting functions
- crunchkernelpackage — Kernel connecting functions
- cryptocurrencyeda — A package to analyze historical cryptocurrency prices and performance
- csvkitcat — 'The unofficial extended family of csvkit: semi-awkward tools for command-line data parsing
- csvviz — Create visualizations from CSV files and the command line
- ctrlair — A toolbox for Altair.
- culib — Coils Utilities Library (CULib) is a Python package for modeling air-core electromagnet coils and calculating their physical characteristics based on their geometry and wire informations.
- cupid-matching — Solves, simulates, and estimates separable matching TU models
- curvesim — Simulate Curve pools
- custom-streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python
- cyberguard-sdk — Open source, AI-driven cybersecurity SDK for system analysis, actor identification, autonomous threat detection, analysis and mitigation.
- dacy — A Danish pipeline trained in SpaCy that has achieved State-of-the-Art performance on all dependency parsing, NER and POS-tagging for Danish
- DADMSPeakSolver — Program for the automated analysis and sample selection of high-throughout LC-DAD-MS data.
- data-prep-toolkit-transforms — Data Preparation Toolkit Transforms using Ray
- data-science-pipeline-automation — Python library to help you to automate the data science pipeline
- database-testing-tools — A package to test our databases
- datacube-wps — datacube-wps is an implementation of the Web Processing Service standard from the Open Geospatial Consortium.
- datamode — A tool to quickly build data science pipelines
- datapane — Datapane client library and CLI tool
- datapane-components — Reusable Datapane components and sample reports and apps
- datarobotx — DataRobotX is a collection of DataRobot extensions