Reverse Dependencies of altair
The following projects have a declared dependency on altair:
- datasci — Data science utilities
- dataspace — Data wrangling and visualization
- datastep — A base class and utilities for creating steps in DAGs that are tied to large amounts of data.
- dataverk-tools — Theming and colors for dataverker and python dataviz
- datpro — EDA
- deephaven-altair — plugin for deephaven
- delay_finder — Analyze and predict airline delays!
- DelugeWebBrowser — to complete later
- demogpt — Autonomous AI Agent for Gen-AI App Generation
- deneb — Visualization library build on top of Altair and Vega
- deploya-aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- desdeo-vis — Visualisations and preference selection widgets for the DESDEO interactive multiobjective optimization library
- dev-install — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- dff — This package has been renamed to Chatsky.
- dftimewolf — Digital forensic orchestration.
- dicekit — Domain specific environment for dice
- digautoprofiler — Automatically profile your pandas dataframes in jupyter lab.
- diginlineprofiler — Inline data profiles for pandas dataframes in jupyter
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- doeasyeda — This package creates standard EDA plots for your data.
- dont-fret — Analyze confocal solution smFRET data
- draco — Visualization recommendation using constraints
- DRAM-bio — Distilled and Refined Annotation of Metabolism: A tool for the annotation and curation of function for microbial and viral genomes
- drapps — CLI client for custom application in Data Robot
- driviz — Data Visualization Library containing the Dribia Theme.
- dsbundle — Streamline your data science setup with dsbundle in one effortless install.
- dsci-310-group-11-pkg — package for dsci310 report
- dscigametrics — Computing Google Analytics Metrics!
- dubo — Analytics made simple
- duck-plot — Plot the output of duckdb query
- duqtools — Dynamic uncertainty quantification for Tokamak reactor simulations modelling
- dycw-utilities — no summary
- easyphysics — A package with useful physics formulas to make physics easy and fun for users!
- ebk — A lightweight tool for managing eBook metadata
- edahelper — Toolset to make EDA easier!
- edahub — EDAHub helps structure exploratory data analysis (EDA) results.
- edea_ms — EDeA Measurement Server
- EDS-Scikit — eds-scikit is a Python library providing tools to
- edsteva — EDS-TeVa provides a set of tools that aims at modeling the adoption over time and across space of the Electronic Health Records.
- eduardo-gces-poetry — no summary
- edubotics-core — Core modules for edubotics-based LLM AI chatbots
- emat — Add a short description here
- emb3d — command line inteface to work with embeddings.
- embcompare — EmbCompare is a small python package that helps you compare your embeddings both visually and numerically.
- Emergenx — Useful tools to work with NN in Python
- emgdecompy — A package for decomposing multi-channel intramuscular and surface EMG signals into individual motor unit activity based off the blind source algorithm described in Francesco Negro et al 2016 J. Neural Eng. 13 026027.
- emsigma — spectral interpretation using gaussian mixtures and autoencoder
- enhancez — no summary
- enrich-omics — Package to perform enrichment analysis in python using EnrichR and OpenTargets APIs
- errudite — NLP error analysis.
- estimark — Frictionless Estimation
- evoflow — Genetic algorithms for humans
- face-recognition-and-drowsiness-detection — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- fancylit — Contains pre-packaged Streamlit code to render fancy visualizations, run modeling tasks, and data exploration
- fastdeck — A library for creating and managing slide decks
- feedzai-altair-theme — Feedzai's theme for Altair charts.
- fh-altair — Make is easy to use altair in FastHTML
- final-code-203 — no summary
- financial_analyzer — Calculate basic metrics of sales data and visualize the results.
- finstar — Modeling financial time series. WIP!
- flexmeasures — The *FlexMeasures Platform* is the intelligent backend to support real-time energy flexibility apps, rapidly and scalable.
- flowchem — Flowchem is a python library to control a variety of instruments commonly found in chemistry labs.
- flowshow — A tool for visualizing nested task execution flows
- flowtask — Framework for running Tasks and from CLI and API for orchestation. Component-based Task builder/Runner for non-programmers.
- fmcore — A specialized toolkit for scaling experimental research with Foundation Models.
- forxpy — Package to access daily exchange rates and forex conversion
- fraggler — Fragment Analysis package in python!
- friktionless — Friktionless is a Python package providing simplified interfaces to Friktion data. It aims to be the fundamental building block for doing data engineering and data analysis in Python for Friktion.
- fuz — perform probability fusion
- fxtracker — A package that plots current and historical price graphs for currency pairs as well as converts currency.
- Gao-Anime — AI Head
- gces-2022-2-poetry — no summary
- gces-bib — Pacote de dependências Python do projeto.
- gces-denysrogeres — Trabalho desenvolvido na matéria de Gestão Configuração e Evolução de Software da Universidade de Brasília
- gces-isadora-2022-2 — no summary
- gces-kevin-180042386 — no summary
- gces-poetry — no summary
- gces-teste — no summary
- gces-trab1 — Biblioteca do trabalho prático de GCES PUC Minas
- gces-trabalho-final-pedror — no summary
- gces-trabalho-individual-2022-2 — Empacotamento do trabalho individual da disciplica de GCES
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- gdsfactoryplus — GDSFactory+: adds powerful features such as foundry PDKs, simulations, and verification tools like DRC and LVS.
- geo-activity-playground — Analysis of geo data activities like rides, runs or hikes.
- ggfm — no summary
- gic-calculator — CalculateGIC interets and payout with comparison and plots.
- GitHubHealth — GitHubHealth is a Python library for monitoring code health in GitHub.
- gmpacket — ANSS Ground Motion Packet
- gmprocess — USGS Automated Ground Motion Processing Software
- gobbli — Uniform interface to deep learning approaches via Docker containers.
- google.meridian — Google's open source mixed marketing model library, helps you understand your return on investment and direct your ad spend with confidence.
- gpdvega — GpdVega GeoPandas and Altair intergation
- gpx-vis — Visualising your Komoot/Strava tours
- gpxplotter — A package for reading gpx files and creating simple plots
- gradio-frp — Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models
- gradio-test-client-pypi — Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models
- gradio-test-pypi — Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models
- granite-tsfm — Public notebooks and utilities for TSFM
- grater-expectations — A grated application of Great Expectations to create greater Expectations
- great-expectations — Always know what to expect from your data.