Reverse Dependencies of altair
The following projects have a declared dependency on altair:
- pad-final-project — Final project for the 'Python for data analysis' subject in the UNAV Master's degree in Big Data Science.
- padar — Processing Accelerometer Data and Do Activity Recognition
- pandora-app — Streamlit interface for the pandora_ai project.
- pandstat — Package for easy statistical testing and useful dataframe methods in pandas!
- panel — A high level app and dashboarding solution for Python.
- panel-vegafusion — Build interactive big data apps with Altair and Vega easily using Panel + VegaFusion.
- panTeX — Quickly build beautiful LaTeX documents from python/pandas
- papert-lab — papertlab is an AI pair programmer in your browser.
- partypy — Simulate attendance at your party!
- patoka — A collection of Jupyter Lab widgets for IBM Qiskit
- pca-tools — PCA tools for data analysis
- pciSeq — Probabilistic cell typing for spatial transcriptomics
- pcolor — specific color scheme
- pedroai — no summary
- persist-ext — PersIst is a JupyterLab extension to enable persistent interactive visualizations in JupyterLab notebooks.
- pharmpy-core — Pharmacometric modeling
- PicSimSearch — Python package for image search based on keypoint-based feature extraction and matching
- pitchmark — Exploring golf shot strategy.
- pkdb-analysis — pkdb-analysis are utilities to work with PKDB.
- pl_viz — Fetch and visualize data from PL.
- plantcv — PlantCV: Plant phenotyping with computer vision
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- plotto — functions to create interactive charts with Altair
- poetry-190048221 — no summary
- poetry-190048221-rodrigo — no summary
- poetry-docs — no summary
- poetry-gces — no summary
- poetry-ger — no summary
- poetry-meu-pip — Projeto final da disciplina de gces - UnB
- poetry-sirius — no summary
- poetry-victordscabral-gces — Trabalho individual de GCES
- poetry-vital14 — no summary
- poetrygces-pedro-vieira — no summary
- polars-bloomberg — Python library providing a Polars DataFrame interface for easy and intuitive access to Bloomberg API.
- PoreFinding — PoreFinding package based on HOLE and MDAnalysis
- pptx-replace — python package for replaceing elemnets in pptx files
- prelim-eda-helper — A preliminary EDA helper.
- prince — Factor analysis in Python: PCA, CA, MCA, MFA, FAMD, GPA
- PrivacySherlock — A Python package for PII detection and classification
- prompt-verse — The PromptVerse package is designed to enhance the capabilities of developers in writing prompts, logging them, and providing a prompt registry.
- ps2ff — Approximated rupture distances from point source
- pull-the-pitcher — Predicting when AL managers will remove their starting pitchers.
- py-outliers-utils — Dealing with outliers
- pyAFQ — pyAFQ: Automated Fiber Quantification ... in Python
- pybeepop — Assessing the Influence of Pesticide Usage, Parasitic Factors, and Climate on Honey Bee Populations in the United States (2015-2019)
- pybids — bids: interface with datasets conforming to BIDS
- pybloqs — Data Visualization and Report Building
- pycricketpred — A package for predicting and find interesting cricket related statistics!
- pydantic-ro-crates — Create Research Object Crates (RO-Crates) using Pydantic types
- pydemic-ui — Pydemic Web interface
- pyeasyeda — Make exploratory data analysis easier!
- pyFBS — pyFBS: A Python package for Frequency Based Substructuring and Transfer Path Analysis
- pyft — no summary
- pylaptoppred — prediccting laptop prices base on algorithms
- pymechtest — Python package to automate the boring bits of mechanical test data analysis!
- pynarrative — Una libreria per creare visualizzazioni narrative con Altair
- pypeds — A python package to help facilitate the collection and analysis of education-related datasets.
- pypi-poetry — no summary
- pypkgs-jk — Toy Python package for UBC DSCI 524
- pyquanttrade — Library for backtesting algorithmic trading strategies using Quandl data
- pyrankability — Ranking Python Library
- pyreball — Python reporting tool.
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- pystockwatch — A package which calculates and visualizes the profitability and the volume change of stocks
- python-203-main — no summary
- pythoncharmers-meta — Meta package with dependencies for Python Charmers training courses
- qbstreamlit — Functions for Streamlit apps displaying detailed quizbowl stats
- quanteda — Perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) on quantitative data.
- quilt3distribute — A small wrapper around quilt3 to make distributing manifest style datasets even easier.
- quizwiz — A quiz system for developers
- qurro — Visualizes differentially ranked features and log-ratios of their sample abundances
- qytoolspkg — qytoolspkg is a package for data processing and data analysis.
- ranked — Player Ranking Algorithm benchmarks
- rda-toolbox — no summary
- realsense-copilot — RealSense Copilot is AI programming for Intel RealSense cameras in your terminal
- recoflow — Deep Recommender System for Humans
- redis-admin-client — High level redis client
- repl-streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python
- rid-ant — Python package for data analysis both quantitative and qualitative
- robot-chat — RobotChat is AI robotics programming in your terminal
- robust-statistics-simulator — Interactive simulations that demonstrate properties of robust statistics
- rocat — A simple and user-friendly library for AI services
- roux — Convenience functions.
- sagemaker-data-insights — Data Insights Library for Amazon SageMaker.
- sammy-init — no summary
- samplingsimulatorpy — This is a sampling simulator
- sbmlsim — sbmlsim are utilities for simulation of SBML.
- scheduler-tools — Tools for composing interdependent tasks on a scheduler (i.e. SLURM)
- scicom — Simulating various aspects of scientific communication via Agent-based models.
- scikit-na — Missing Values Analysis for Data Science
- sctn — Spiking Continues Time Neuron
- seating-planner — A package for optimizing seating arrangements
- senior-swe-ai — SeniorSWE-AI is a command-line interface for in-context embedding that leverages the semantic comprehension capabilities of large language models to analyze the intended codebase and engage in a conversation with it, mimicking the behavior of a seasoned software engineer.
- shantay — investigating the EU's DSA transparency database
- shap-app — A comprehensive application for interpreting machine learning models using SHAP values
- shapelets-platform — Data Scientist platform
- shinywidgets — Render ipywidgets in Shiny applications
- simplefit — Package that will clean the data, do basic EDA and provide an insight to basic models, LR and ridge
- simpliml — Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics
- skcredit — scorecard