Reverse Dependencies of altair
The following projects have a declared dependency on altair:
- great-expectations-cta — Always know what to expect from your data.
- h2o-nitro-altair — Altair plugin for H2O Nitro
- hades-nlp — Homologous Automated Document Exploration and Summarization - A powerful tool for comparing similarly structured documents
- haniwers — Analysis tool for TanQ/FunQ project
- hanzo-dev — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- hanzo-developer — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- heartbeatpy — Heartbeat survey analysis in python
- hexdropper — Python package for determining the hex colour code given a cropped image.
- hierarchical-review-plots — Module of hierarchical review plots
- hygia — A short description of the package.
- ibis-vega-transform — Evaluate Vega transforms using Ibis expressions.
- icanexplain — Explain why metrics change by unpacking them
- icat-iml — Interactive Corpus Analysis Tool
- idendrogram — Interactive dendrograms compatible with scipy, scikit-learn and hdbscan
- image_vector_diego — no summary
- impedance — A package for analyzing electrochemical impedance data
- incawrapper — General Repository for Omics Data Handling tools
- insightly-outliers — Individual work for the discipline of configuration management and software evolution at the university of Brasília - Gama for semester 2022.2
- inspectus — Analytics for LLMs
- intelligence-toolkit — Interactive workflows for generating AI intelligence reports from real-world data sources using GPT models
- interbase-code — Projeto GCES
- ipl-stats — no summary
- jrvc — Libraries for RVC inference
- jupyter_book — no summary
- jupyterlab-omnisci — Omnisci integration with JupyterLab
- justpy — no summary
- kauldron — Kauldron is a ML research library optimized for quick iteration and modularity.
- kenna — no summary
- Kit-Big-Data-To-Do-List — To Do List helps you manage your agenda by creating a list of your tasks
- KolaViz — Compute a collective dynamics from MOOC's discussion forums.
- lactate-thresholds — Convenience functions for analysis of lactate-intensity curves.
- lakehouse-engine — A configuration-driven Spark framework serving as the engine for several lakehouse algorithms and data flows.
- lamp-cortex — The Cortex data analysis toolkit for the LAMP Platform.
- laptools — Fast constrained linear assignment problem (CLAP) solvers
- larch6 — no summary
- lesley — Lesley is a lightweight Python package designed to create interactive, github-style, calendar-based heatmaps using altair.
- lib-metabase-gces — A library that helps developers visualize data made in the GCES course at UnB.
- libpup — no summary
- libra — Ergonomic machine learning
- lineapy — Data engineering, simplified. LineaPy creates a frictionless path for taking your data science artifact from development to production.
- linreg-ally — A package to test linearity assumptions to determine whether a linear regression model is good or not
- ljdv384ytwg7w3y — AI software engineer
- llama-agi — Building AGI loops using LlamaIndex and Langchain
- llm-explorer — A Lakehouse LLM Explorer. Wrapper for spark, databricks and langchain processes
- llmcode-chat — Llmcode is AI pair programming in your terminal
- localchatgpt — Local Chat Assistant powered by Ollama
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- lux-api — A Python API for Intelligent Data Discovery
- magicpandas — A dead simple interface for manipulating pandas dataframes
- magicwand — The Magicwand Data Tool is a platform generate TCP traffic data for identifying differences between normal TCP traffic and malicious 'low volume' denial of service traffic.
- magmaviz — This package contains four different data visualization functions with the magma theme for EDA.
- marimo-base — A library for making reactive notebooks and apps
- marley — Marley - A framework for multi-agent reinforcment learning
- mathdistops — This package provides function for calculating pnorm, qnorm, pexp and qexp.
- Mesa — Agent-based modeling (ABM) in Python
- mesa-interactive — Interactive visualization of Mesa simulations
- misas — Model Interpretation through Sensitivity Analysis for Segmentation
- mkreports — A package to programmatically create mkdocs sites.
- ml4h — Machine Learning for Health python package
- mlflow-vismod — MLflow model flavor for managing visualizations as models
- mlflow-vismod.styles.altair — MLflow Vismod style for altair
- mlflow-vizmod — MLflow model flavor for managing visualizations as models
- mlflow-vizmod.styles.altair — MLflow Vizmod style for altair
- mlpforecast — Multilayer Perceptron Learning Models for Time Series Forecasting
- mocca — MOCCA (Multivariate Online Contextual Chromatographic Analysis) is an open-source Python project to analyze HPLC–DAD raw data.
- model-sketch-book — A package for sketching ML models
- mosaicml-streaming — Streaming lets users create PyTorch compatible datasets that can be streamed from cloud-based object stores
- mosaiq — A generalized mosaic plotting function for categorical and numerical data.
- mosqlient — client library for the mosqlimate client library
- MOVE3 — Maintence of Variance Toolbox
- multidms — Joint modeling of multiple deep mutational scanning experiments.
- my-minpy-pkg — My first python package
- MyST-NB — A Jupyter Notebook Sphinx reader built on top of the MyST markdown parser.
- neptune-contrib — contributions library
- neptyne-kernel — The Neptyne kernel
- netdata-llm-agent — A language model agent that interacts with Netdata API
- netspeedlogger — A python library for keeping track of your internet speed over time.
- niceml — Welcome to niceML 🍦, a Python-based MLOps framework that uses TensorFlow and Dagster. This framework streamlines the development, and maintenance of machine learning models, providing an end-to-end solution for building efficient and scalable pipelines.
- nleis — A NLEIS toolbox for that provides RC level nonlinear equivalent circuit modeling (nECM) and analysis
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- nx-altair — Draw NetworkX graphs with Altair
- nysmix — pulling nys fuel mix data from nysiso
- oasis-workshop — Helper functions for oasis-workshop
- oceanum.eidos — Python bindings for the EIDOS framework. Create and edit EIDOS specs from python.
- odoo12-addon-kpi-dashboard-altair — Create dashboards using altair
- oipd — Generate probability distributions on the future price of publicly traded securities using options data
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- omicscope — OmicScope: from quantitative proteomics to systems biology.
- ontime — Your library to work with time series
- oolab — JupyterLab computational environment
- openhunt — A Python library to expedite the analysis of data during hunting engagements
- openmetadata-data-profiler — Data Profiler Library for OpenMetadata
- openTEPES — Open Generation, Storage, and Transmission Operation and Expansion Planning Model with RES and ESS (openTEPES)
- opipy-pm — OPI Solutions Python package for Predictive Maintenance
- optical — Utilities for vision related tasks
- opvia-scripts — no summary
- osc-transformer-presteps — OS-Climate Data Extraction Tool
- ou-tm351-py — Python package installation for OU module TM351
- own-knowledge-gpt — Custom Knowledge GPT