Reverse Dependencies of traitlets
The following projects have a declared dependency on traitlets:
- nbsphinx — Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx
- NehorayRapid — Rapid base tools package
- NehorayRapid1 — Rapid base tools package
- neno — NeNo (Network Notebooks) is a tool that allows you manage and trigger your Jupyter notebooks remotely over the network using HTTP.
- netcdfella — Netcdfella is providing multiple ways to convert netcdf filed into other data types such as ASCII, PNG and JPG, and even create graphs.
- neurocat — Interface Design for Neurocat's Research Engineer Test
- new2 — Optimizing the payment process of e-commerce
- ngshare-exchange — nbgrader exchange to use with ngshare
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- nomad-camels — CAMELS is a configurable measurement software, targeted towards the requirements of experimental solid-state physics.
- noos-jupyter-authenticator — JupyterHub authenticator for the Noos platform.
- notebookflow — Fearless interactivity for Jupyter notebooks.
- notebookplus — Fearless interactivity for Jupyter notebooks.
- notion-wrapped — A tool to recursively process your Notion workspace to produce plots and analytics
- nrt-validate — Validation of alerting system results produced by tools like nrt
- ntdgotv-langtools — # ntdGoTV_langtools
- nucypher — A threshold access control application to empower privacy in decentralized systems.
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- oae — Optimal Action Extraction for Random Forests and Boosted Trees
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- oauthenticator — OAuthenticator: Authenticate JupyterHub users with common OAuth providers
- ocean-jupyter-server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.
- odh-elyra — Elyra provides AI Centric extensions to JupyterLab
- ohmt — Train decision trees, both univariate and multivariate.
- oipd — Generate probability distributions on the future price of publicly traded securities using options data
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- open-api-tcbs — Library connect Open-API of TCBS
- open-variant — OpenVariant provides different functionalities to read, parse and operate different multiple input file formats, being able to customize the output.
- openeo-pg-parser-networkx — Parse OpenEO process graphs from JSON to traversible Python objects.
- openscm-calibration — Calibration tools for simple climate models (with potential for applications elsewhere)
- oqtant — Oqtant Desktop Suite
- orionservermanager-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Engines to manage remote server.
- p-tree — A program for counting CFUs in petri dishes
- pad-final-project — Final project for the 'Python for data analysis' subject in the UNAV Master's degree in Big Data Science.
- pandas3js — a pandas dataframe interface for traitlets and pythreejs
- pangeo-forge-runner — Commandline tool to manage pangeo-forge feedstocks
- papermill-report — Microservice to generate Jupyter reports
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- PayOpt — Optimizing the payment process of e-commerce
- perspective-python — Python bindings and JupyterLab integration for Perspective
- PicFetch — Receive images from the internet or local. Save them anywhere in the memory. Display a single image or multiple images.
- PicSimSearch — Python package for image search based on keypoint-based feature extraction and matching
- pinkfish — A backtester and spreadsheet library for security analysis.
- pints — Probabilistic Inference in Noisy Time-Series
- podmanclispawner — PodmanCLISpawner for JupyterHub
- podpac — Pipeline for Observational Data Processing, Analysis, and Collaboration
- pollux — Sophisticated corpus linguistics
- pop-autocar3 — AIoT AutoCar3 library for pop
- pop-serbot2 — AIoT serbot2 library for pop
- PREAGeoFuns — A package for geo tools used to map card score
- pricetool — no summary
- primer-automate-client — A client for interacting with Automate
- proactive-jupyter-kernel — A proactive kernel for Jupyter
- project-to-installer — no summary
- projjetta-pipeline-nexus — Pipelines para integração de dados
- promptflow-gui — Create flowcharts to control LLMs
- promptz — A Python package for interactive prompts
- proofs — Mathematical proof assistant for students and amateurs.
- punctuation-stylometry — This package represents the code used for the publication of the article
- py-processors — A wrapper for interacting with the CLU Lab's processors library.
- py2ls — py(thon)2(too)ls
- py5jupyter — Jupyter tools for py5
- pybsn — pybsn is a python interface to Big Switch Networks' products
- pyccolo — Declarative instrumentation for Python
- pydeck — Widget for maps
- pyDEM — Software for calculating Topographic Wetness Index (TWI)
- pydisconet — analyzing the co-authorship network of researchers in the field of biology
- pyflame — A Flamegraph generator for Python
- pygraphedit — Graph editor for Jupyter
- pygwalker — pygwalker: turn your data into an interactive UI for data exploration and visualization
- pyhelios — The Helios' toolbox
- pyIcarus — Tools library for Security Research
- pyiron-base — Core components of the pyiron integrated development environment (IDE) for computational materials science
- pyironflow — react xyflow for pyiron
- pymondo — python wrapper for mondo
- pyplatex — A scalable and versatile ANPR package leveraging YOLO for detection and multiple OCR options to accurately recognize license plates.
- pyproject-local-kernel — Python Jupyter kernel using project/environment manangers like Rye, Uv, PDM, Poetry, Hatch etc.
- pyprql — Python extensions for PRQL
- pyquibbler — Interactive, reproducible and efficient data analytics
- pyquickhelper — Various functionalities: folder synchronization, simple logging function, helpers to generate documentation with sphinx, sphinx extension, to run a command line, to run a notebook...
- pyrit-library — no summary
- pyrkviewer — COYOTE: An Extensible Python Based Reaction Editor and Viewer.
- pyrof — Python wrappers for dynamic menus (rofi, fzf)
- pyrosetta-distributed — meta package to install dependecies needed for `pyrosetta.distributed` framework
- PySLAM — Python implementation of Source Live Audio Mixer
- pyswarms — A Python-based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) library.
- pytest-zy — 接口自动化测试框架
- python-core — there is no description available
- python-filmaffinity-fork — Simple python scraping for the FilmAffinity.
- pythreejs — Interactive 3D graphics for the Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab, using Three.js and Jupyter Widgets.
- pytorch-vision-classifier — This library is to help you train and evaluate PyTorch classification model easily and quickly
- pywwt — The AAS WorldWide Telescope from Python
- pyxcp — Universal Calibration Protocol for Python
- pyyaledoorman — Python library for the Yale Doorman Smart API
- qc-benchmark-dwave — caict qc benchmark tooklit for Dwave Leap cloud
- qgridnext — An Interactive Grid for Sorting and Filtering DataFrames in Jupyter
- QhX — QhX: New package with dynamic mode for light curve analysis
- QhX-dynamical — QhX_dynamical: Extending QhX with dynamic mode for light curve analysis