Reverse Dependencies of traitlets
The following projects have a declared dependency on traitlets:
- QhX-new-dynamical — QhX_new_dynamical: New package with dynamic mode for light curve analysis
- qiskit-alice-bob-provider — Provider for running Qiskit circuits on Alice & Bob QPUs and simulators
- qiskit-ibm-provider — Qiskit IBM Quantum Provider for accessing the quantum devices and simulators at IBM
- qiskit-ibmq-provider — Qiskit provider for accessing the quantum devices and simulators at IBMQ
- qsmap — Package provides functionality for working with geographical data, routing, and mapping
- qtconsole — Jupyter Qt console
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- quartic-sdk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quartic-sdk-gsk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quizwiz — A quiz system for developers
- ra-crypto — A python module with encryption and decryption algorithms for RSA based IBE and AES
- ragavi — Radio Astronomy Gain and Visibility Inspector
- raid-tool — RAID: Rapid Automated Interpretability Datasets tool
- randydata — Tools for SQL or Excel of observational data handling.
- rapy-genius — a python api to collect data from using their API
- raster2tiles — no summary
- rasterarea — This package provides a more accurate way to claculate the area of rasters.
- rayoptics — Tools for image forming optical design and analysis
- RCAEval — no summary
- readet — This patch includes several improvement to RAGs, summarizers, downloders and retrievers; plus compatibility for windows installation
- reaper — Reaper
- Recourse — actionable-recourse is a python library for recourse verification and reporting.
- refnx — Neutron and X-ray Reflectometry Analysis
- rej — Interactive image registration tool for JupyterLab
- reportify — Generate report-like documents from Jupyter notebooks
- res-access-crypto — A python module with encryption and decryption algorithms for RSA based IBE and AES
- research-access-abac — Implementation of ABAC for research data files
- restfulContentManager — A ContentManager for IPython/Jupyter that queries a restful API for entries.
- rezolve-ai-ingestion — A private package for ingesting and processing SharePoint data with AI capabilities
- rofi-tpb — Dynamic menu interface for TPB, built with rofi in mind.
- rpcclient — rpcclient for connecting with the rpcserver
- rtm-fast — A fast unification ds code package
- rudaux — Canvas Course Management with JupyterHub & nbgrader.
- rvtools-python — Simple app to collect information from vSphere
- sbcoyote — SBcoyote: An Extensible Python Based Reaction Editor and Viewer.
- sbi — Simulation-based inference.
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- scenestats — A PyTorch port of the Freeman-Simoncelli model introduced in J. Freeman and E. P. Simoncelli, “Metamers of the ventral stream,” Nat Neurosci, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 1195–1201, Sep. 2011, doi: 10.1038/nn.2889.
- scifit — Scientific Fit for Python
- scikit-rt — Toolkit for analysis of radiotherapy data
- scProject — Transfer learning framework for single cell gene expression analysis in Python
- scraper-project-rami — no summary
- scsims — Scalable, Interpretable Deep Learning for Single-Cell RNA-seq Classification
- scUNAGI — A Python package for UNAGI
- sdmbc — Sub-Daily Multivariate Bias Correction (SDMBC)
- seeq-azureml — Seeq Add-on that integrates with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (AML) models as a web service
- seeq-plot-curve — A Seeq add-on tool for fitting curves to tabular data and pushing resulting formulas to Seeq.
- seeq-udf-ui — A Seeq add-on tool for managing user-defined formula functions.
- seismometer — seismometer: Data Science visualization and investigation tools for AI Trust & Assurance
- sentinel-downloader — A Python package for downloading and processing Sentinel satellite images.
- sharebook — Sharebook
- shs-identification — no summary
- sidepanel — Sidepanel extension for Jupyter
- sim2lbuilder — Simtool builder
- singletrader — a package for backtesting and factor analysis
- singularitytechnologies.easymodelskeras — Easy to use Keras Machine Learning Model
- skyatc — no summary
- social-gpt — Social gpt
- solidipes — Python package that aids the processes of curating, publishing, and sharing research data
- song-and-spell — A configurable, mutable toddler radio that encourages spelling
- sparksampling — pyspark-sampling
- spectrochempy — Processing, analysis and modelling Spectroscopic data for Chemistry with Python
- speechwidgets — A library with Jupyter widgets for speech processing
- sphynxml — no summary
- spyder-notebook — Jupyter notebook integration with Spyder
- sql_connectors — A simple wrapper for SQL connections using SQLAlchemy and Pandas read_sql to standardize SQL workflow.
- sql_magic — no summary
- sshspawner — SSH Spawner: A custom spawner for Jupyterhub to spawn notebooks over SSH
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- stats-comp — A package to explore and visualize huge data sets
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- superduperreload-core — Backend package for superduperreload's core functionality
- suraida — Creates a simple GUI for interactive plotting with sliders
- SuRFM — SuRFM is a Python package for conducting RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis of customers. It provides tools for segmenting customers based on their transaction behavior and identifying high-value segments.
- survival-analysis — Survival Analysis: Customer Churn and CLV Prediction
- syne-tune — Distributed Hyperparameter Optimization on SageMaker
- systracker — Real-time system statistics monitoring.
- tabensemb — A framework to ensemble model bases and evaluate various models for tabular predictions.
- tabrec-v — tabrec-v
- Task-4-5-Maihitooy — A task
- tasklit — A task scheduling app build on streamlit.
- teda — Yet Another FITS Viewer
- tensorflow-ml — Tensorflow ML
- terminado — Tornado websocket backend for the Xterm.js Javascript terminal emulator library.
- testcore — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- TFOD-Automatic — Automated Object detection for Beginner using python and Tensorflow
- th2-data-services-utils — th2_data_services_utils
- thermohw — Package for converting thermo homework assignments
- tid-home-prices-prediction — Train a xgboost model to predict housing prices in Bangalore
- tid-salary-survey-prediction — Train a gradient boosted tree to predict the salary of US residents from a salary-related survey dataset
- tomoco — A CNN Channel Pruning System
- tonelab — Platform designed for lightweight documentation and quantitative analysis in Sino-Tibetan tonal languages
- toquevee — convert jupyter notebook to Quiver notebook
- torchwrapper — A Wrapper for PyTorch Models
- tpds-core — Microchip(SPG) Trust Platform Core
- TPOT2 — Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool
- tracllm — A context tracing tool for LLM