Reverse Dependencies of traitlets
The following projects have a declared dependency on traitlets:
- image_vector_diego — no summary
- impresso-commons — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- ImputeHiFI — no summary
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- insyde — GUI wrapper for static code analysis and visualization tools.
- intrinsic-dimensionality — Dense and fastfood transform wrappers to reproduce "Intrinsic dimensionality of objective landscapes" by Li et al. (2018)
- ipyannotator — The infinitely hackable annotation framework
- ipyflow-core — Backend package for ipyflow's dataflow functionality
- ipykernel — IPython Kernel for Jupyter
- ipympl — Matplotlib Jupyter Extension
- ipyopenlayers — OpenLayers Jupyter Widget
- ipyparallel — Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython
- ipypdf — Jupyter widget for applying nlp to pdf documents
- ipypublish — A workflow for creating and editing publication ready scientific reports, from one or more Jupyter Notebooks
- ipyregulus — Regulus extension for Jupyter
- ipysensitivityprofiler — Jupyter Widgets for visualizing local sensitivity profiles of functions.
- ipytablewidgets — A set of widgets to help facilitate reuse of large tables across widgets
- ipython — IPython: Productive Interactive Computing
- ipython-flux — InfluxDB access via IPython
- ipyvisus — Visus viewer widget
- ipyvolume — IPython widget for rendering 3d volumes
- ipywe — ipywidgets extensions
- ipywidgets — Jupyter interactive widgets
- ironflow — ironflow - A visual scripting interface for pyiron.
- itables — Pandas and Polar DataFrames as interactive DataTables
- iTheraPY — Environment for iThera Python tools
- itkwidgets — Interactive Jupyter widgets to visualize images, point sets, and meshes in 2D and 3D
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- j1-nbinteract — Export interactive HTML pages from Jupyter Notebooks for J1 Template
- jaffle — Python app and process orchestration tool for development environment
- jaffle2 — Version 2 of the original Jaffle. Python app and process orchestration tool for development environment
- jaxley — Differentiable neuron simulations.
- jdaviz — Astronomical data analysis development leveraging the Jupyter platform
- jdu — JingDong Union SDK
- jetson-adapter-pkg — A package for aiotlab adapter control
- jhproxy — A port proxy for JupyterHub when using the DockerSpawner, optionally with (token-based) authorization.
- jhub-apps — JupyterHub Apps
- jhub-swarmspawner — SwarmSpawner enables JupyterHub to spawn jupyter
- jovyan — no summary
- jTWA — Truncated Wigner on GPUs based on JAX.
- ju — JSON schema Utils
- junctionart — Procedural HD Map and Intersection Generator
- juno-ai — no summary
- jupyter-ai — A generative AI extension for JupyterLab
- jupyter-analysis-extension — A Jupyter Extension for Data Analysis
- jupyter-build2docker — Build2docker: Turn code repositories into Jupyter enabled Docker Images
- jupyter-builder — JupyterLab build tools
- jupyter-cell-extractor — ""
- jupyter-client — Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries
- jupyter_console — Jupyter terminal console
- jupyter_contrib_core — Common utilities for jupyter-contrib projects.
- jupyter-core — Jupyter core package. A base package on which Jupyter projects rely.
- jupyter_enterprise_gateway — A web server for spawning and communicating with remote Jupyter kernels
- jupyter_enterprise_gateway_kunliu — A web server for spawning and communicating with remote Jupyter kernels
- jupyter-events — Jupyter Event System library
- jupyter-js-widgets-nbextension — IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter
- jupyter-jsc-custom — Helper classes and functions, used for JupyterHubs running at Juelich Supercomputing centre
- jupyter-kernel-client — no summary
- jupyter_kernel_gateway — A web server for spawning and communicating with Jupyter kernels
- jupyter-kernel-mgmt — Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries
- jupyter-launcher-shortcuts — Provide arbitrary shortcuts for apps in JupyterLab
- jupyter_nbextensions_configurator — jupyter serverextension providing configuration interfaces for nbextensions.
- jupyter-omnicm — jupyter-omnicm is a flexible content manager system for Jupyter notebooks.
- jupyter-paperboy — Jupyter notebooks
- jupyter-protocol — Jupyter protocol implementation
- jupyter-repo2docker — Repo2docker: Turn code repositories into Jupyter enabled Docker Images
- jupyter-scheduler — A JupyterLab extension for running notebook jobs
- jupyter_server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.
- jupyter_server_kernels — A Jupyter Server Extension Providing Kernels.
- jupyter-server-proxy — A Jupyter server extension to run additional processes and proxy to them that comes bundled JupyterLab extension to launch pre-defined processes.
- jupyter_telemetry — Jupyter telemetry library
- jupyter-workflow — Jupyter Workflow Kernel
- jupyterhub — JupyterHub: A multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks
- jupyterhub-backendspawner — JupyterHub Spawner to spawn on different systems.
- jupyterhub-chameleon — Chameleon extensions for JupyterHub
- jupyterhub-couchdb-authenticator — Couchdb Authenticator for JupyterHub
- jupyterhub-forwardbasespawner — JupyterHub BaseSpawner class. Enables remote single-user server.
- jupyterhub-hashauthenticator — Hashed Password Authenticator for JupyterHub
- jupyterhub-inithooks — Help run hooks as root before dropping privs & running as unprivileged user
- jupyterhub-keystoneauthenticator — Keystone Authenticator for JupyterHub
- jupyterhub-kubespawner — JupyterHub Spawner for Kubernetes
- jupyterhub-ldap-authenticator — LDAP Authenticator for JupyterHub
- jupyterhub-ldapauthenticator — LDAP Authenticator for JupyterHub
- jupyterhub-legacy-py2-singleuser — Single-user server for running Jupyter Notebooks (on Python2) with JupyterHub
- jupyterhub-ltiauthenticator — JupyterHub authenticator implementing LTI v1.1 and LTI v1.3
- jupyterhub-moss — JupyterHub SLURM Spawner with specific spawn page
- jupyterhub-multicluster-kubespawner — JupyterHub Spawner for spawning into multiple kubernetes clusters
- jupyterhub-nomad-spawner — A JupyterHub Spawner that launches isolated notebooks as job
- jupyterhub-outpostspawner — JupyterHub OutpostSpawner enables start on multiple, remote system
- jupyterhub-roothooks — Help run hooks as root before dropping privs & running as unprivileged user
- jupyterhub-saml-auth — no summary
- jupyterhub-share — JupyterHub Share feature. Enables to easily share chosen UserOptions.
- jupyterhub-share-link — Make shareable links to notebooks.
- jupyterhub-simx — JupyterHub: A multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks
- jupyterhub-unicorespawner — JupyterHub Spawner for UNICORE
- jupyterlab-cognos-dashboard-embedded — Cognos Dashboard Embedded for JupyterLab
- jupyterlab-git — A JupyterLab extension for version control using git
- jupyterlab-multicontents-templates — Jupyterlab templates from different types of contentsmanager
- jupyterlab-thredds — A Jupyter Notebook server extension which crawls a thredds catalog
- jupyterlab-ws-chat — A chat extension for Jupyterlab