Reverse Dependencies of toml
The following projects have a declared dependency on toml:
- speechpro-cloud-python — Python клиент для API распознавания и синтеза речи Облака ЦРТ
- speedscope-to-codeperf — no summary
- spellbot — The Discord bot for SpellTable
- spendpoint — SPARQL endpoint for ontologies.
- sphinx-asdf — Sphinx plugin for generating documentation from ASDF schemas
- sphinx-graph — 'Sphinx-Graph' is a plain-text, VCS-friendly, requirements management tool.
- sphinx-imgur — Embed Imgur images and albums in Sphinx documents/pages.
- sphinxcontrib-screenshot — A Shpinx extension to embed webpage screenshots.
- sphynxml — no summary
- spiir — A Python library for the SPIIR gravitational wave science pipeline.
- spines — Backbones for parameterized models.
- spinspg — Python package for detecting spin space group on top of spglib
- spirit-extras — Package to be used with the magnetism simulation tool spirit
- spirograph — A tool to help building ML pipeline easier for non technical users..
- splitme-ai — Break down docs, build up knowledge.
- splunk-app-packager — A tool to package up your splunk app and deploy it.
- sports2d — Detect pose and compute 2D joint angles from a video.
- spotifynews — Spotify news
- spoty — CLI tool for management of Spotify, Deezer and other music services as well as local music files.
- springer — Bulk Springer Textbook Downloader
- SpriteSheet-Bella — no summary
- spriteutil-detection — A small example package
- spriteutil-KV — spriteutil-KV can detect and create a new image contain the original image sprites
- spriteutilNhungLai — no summary
- Spriteutils-Ngoc-Dang — A Sprite dectection tool
- spseg-tool — SP-SEG: Proof of concept tool for manual segmentation by spheripixel projection
- sptk — The Spectral Parameters Toolkit (SPTK) is a Python package for investigating the ability of a multispectral imaging system to identify distinct materials and material groups through differences in reflectance spectra.
- spycio — Distances in python
- sqeleton — Python library for querying SQL databases
- sqlalchemy-crud — Basic C.R.U.D for SQLAlchemy models
- sqlctx — A tool for generating LLM context from database tables
- sqlfluff — The SQL Linter for Humans
- sqlLibraryNabeel — Process json and convert it into dataframes
- sqss — pyqt's simple qss.
- squirrel-writer — A command line program to track writing progress
- srecli — srecli is a click based CLI tool to cater common SRE related system automation tasks.
- ssb-fagfunksjoner — Fellesfunksjoner for ssb i Python
- ssb-klass-python — A Python package built on top of KLASS's API for retrieving classifications, codes, correspondences etc.
- ssb-utdanning — SSB Utdanning Fellesfunksjoner
- sshtmux — Powerful SSH terminal manager
- ssm-client — SSM Python Client
- ssm-dotenv — manage project dotenv parameters in aws parameter store
- ssm-dox — CLI tool for building and publishing SSM Documents.
- ssm-ps-template — CLI for rendering configuration templates with SSM Parameter Store as a data source
- ssm-selector — An interactive SSM Session starter'
- st-menu — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developers
- st-menu-component — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developes
- stack_alert — Be notified when interesting questions are posted to Stack Exchange sites.
- stack-exchange-cli — Stack Exchange CLI for searching
- stagekit — A workflow manager.
- standalorm — A Python library that enables you to harness the power of Django's ORM in standalone Python scripts.
- stapel — Manage IRC logs and statistics.
- stapesai-ssi — This project builds upon Whisper and VAD systems to provide plug and play solutions (FastAPI router) that can be easily included in any AI Assistant type project to have Streaming ASR in their application.
- starfyre — A Python Framework for writing Reactive web Front-Ends
- starknet-interface-generator — Generate interfaces for your Starknet contracts
- starknet-simple-deploy — Starknet Simple Deploy
- starspotter — Stellar contamination estimates from rotational light curves
- startbenchmark — Benchmarking the performance of agents far and wide, regardless of how they are set up and how they work
- startinpy — Modelling terrains with Delaunay triangulation
- startnew — Start new python project with this light cli tool
- statements-manager — no summary
- static-deployer — Deploy static websites using a single command
- static_tl — Generate a static HTML website from your twitter time line
- staticXYZ — A static site builder written in Python
- statline-bq — Library to upload CBS open datasets into Google Cloud Platform
- stdf-tamer — a stdf reader/writer/analyser/converter and robotframework library
- stdl — Extended Python Standard Library
- steamship — The fastest way to add language AI to your product.
- steamsync — Tool to automatically add games from the Epic Games Launcher to Steam
- steck — Client for pinnwand pastebin.
- stela — Organize your project settings and secrets with ease
- stellar-sdk — The Python Stellar SDK library provides APIs to build transactions and connect to Horizon and Soroban-RPC server.
- stewchef — A MediaWiki API wrapper for RegiSoup
- stitches-gis — A task runner for GRASS GIS
- stk_data — This is a library of functions for manipulating data.
- stock-market-adapter — no summary
- stockmarketmba — no summary
- stonecharioteer — My personal utils and configs, managed via python library
- stonewave-sql-udtfs — no summary
- stormevents — Python interfaces for observational data surrounding named storm events
- strava — Parse website using asyncio
- StrawberryFields — Open source library for continuous-variable quantum computation
- streamcables — Syndicate audio streaming metadata to webservices.
- streamkit — A simple, cross-platform SDK for pub-sub messaging in Python.
- streamlit — Streaming Data Science
- streamlit-chromadb-connection — A simple adapter connection for any Streamlit LLM-powered app to use ChromaDB vector database.
- Streamlit-menu — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developers
- structure_clustering — Python package to cluster molecular structures into groups of similar ones.
- structure-generator — This is a tool to generate eta and comp structure data.
- structure-generator-by-xakepanonim — This package automatically generates a project architecture description and saves it in the file.
- structure-learning — Generate data from causal graphical models.
- stt-listen — Transcribe long audio files with STT or use the streaming interface
- sttpg-qats — sttpg package used in QATS
- stubbles — Inline seamless code generation
- suade-reverse-repo — This package includes classes to model reverse repo transactions and calculate the associated ktcd factor.
- suai-observer — A library and a script to get list of all reports from your SUAI profile
- suan-pyqt-vtk-mat — This is a tool to vtk and matploblib.
- subaligner — Automatically synchronize and translate subtitles, or create new ones by transcribing, using pre-trained DNNs, Forced Alignments and Transformers.
- submanager — A bot framework for Reddit to manage threads, wiki pages, widgets, menus and more.
- subsearch — Subsearch