Reverse Dependencies of toml
The following projects have a declared dependency on toml:
- substrait-validator — Validator for Substrait query plans
- sui-brownie — Sui Package Tool
- sullivan — Cargo for Python - a hassle-free package manager for Python
- summon-python — A collection of Python project-related tasks for Summon.
- sunspecdemo — EPC SunSpec demonstration tool
- supabase-pydantic — A Pydantic(+) model generator for Supabase
- superconf18-midibadge — Generate Basic code for the Hackaday Superconf 2018 Badge from a MIDI file
- surrortg — surrortg
- survivalist-gamedata — Utility for extracting information about Survivalist: Invisible Strain from the game's XML files and saving it in CSV and Steam Community markup formats.
- svante — Configurable Arrhenius plots with uncertainties and ratios
- svtter_template_creator — no summary
- sw-sql-udtfs — no summary
- swagger-codegen — Generate API clients by parsing Swagger definitions
- swarmake — The OpenSwarm Implementation.
- swarmauri — This repository includes base classes, concrete generics, and concrete standard components within the Swarmauri framework.
- swarmauri-standard — This repository includes standard components within the Swarmauri framework.
- swarms — Swarms - TGSC
- swarmzero — This library provides you with an easy way to orchestrate AI Agents and Swarms on SwarmZero
- swaystatus — Generate a status line for swaybar
- swcc — no summary
- swh.lister — Software Heritage lister
- swisslandstats-geopy — Python for the Swiss Federal Statistics Geodata
- switchboardpy — Switchboard V2 API
- symbolicai — A Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Large Language Models
- symbolism — Extensible combinator library for building symbolic expressions that can be evaluated at a later time.
- sync-back — no summary
- sync-ends — Sync Ends - End Development Overheads CSC 510 Project
- sync-ends-api-service — Sync Ends - End Development Overheads
- synchronx — synchro - Pytorch
- SynopticPy — Retrieve mesonet weather data as Polars DataFrames from Synoptic's Weather API.
- synth-a-py — Project configuration as code
- synthdid — Synthdid
- synthientpy — Synthient API bindings.
- sysloss — Power tree analysis of circuits, boards and systems.
- sysrsync — Simple and safe python wrapper for calling system rsync
- tabben — A package for working with datasets from an open benchmark for tabular data
- tabletop-tools — Tools for interacting with Tabletop Simulator mods.
- tabpipe — A toolkit for tabular data ML preprocessing pipelines.
- tabulous — A table data viewer for Python
- taccsite-cms — DjangoCMS backend for the TACC ACI-WMA Core-CMS Codebase.
- tack-cli — An extendable tagging system for files
- tackle — Tackle is a declarative DSL for building modular workflows and code generators. Tool is plugins based and can easily be extended by writing additional hooks or importing external providers that can be turned into a self documenting CLI, all out of yaml, json, toml.
- tackle-box — Tackle box is a declarative DSL for building modular workflows and code generators. Tool is plugins based and can easily be extended by writing additional hooks or importing external providers creating a web of interoperable CLIs.
- tacotron — A PyTorch implementation of Location-Relative Attention Mechanisms For Robust Long-Form Speech Synthesis.
- tacs — TOML yet Another Configuration System
- tact — Taxonomic addition for complete trees: Adds tips to a backbone phylogeny using taxonomy simulated with birth-death models
- tagify — Parser that converts strings with variables and functions to more advance strings
- taipy-config — A Taipy package dedicated to easily configure a Taipy application.
- taipy-core — A Python library to build powerful and customized data-driven back-end applications.
- tapdata-cli — Tapdata Python Sdk
- task-assembly — SDK and CLI for using the Task Assembly crowdwork service
- tasklit — A task scheduling app build on streamlit.
- tavolo — Collection of deep learning modules and layers for the TensorFlow framework
- tawnyapi — no summary
- taxhub — Application web de gestion centralisée des taxons basée sur le référentiel TAXREF
- taxontabletools2 — taxontabletools - A comprehensive, platform-independent graphical user interface software to explore and visualise DNA metabarcoding data
- tbcp-devops — DevOps stuff for working with files, folders, project structures, sementic versioning, Git management and so on
- tc-sam-cli — Tc sam cli
- tcfg — Typed dataclass like configuration objects
- tdsc — no summary
- tdsr — tdsr
- teal-lang — The Teal Programming Language
- teampulls — teampulls lists all of the pull requests for a list of users and repositories and highlights the old ones in red.
- ted-talk-video-downloader — Awesome ted_talk_video_downloader created by WagnoLeaoSergio
- telebot-components — Framework/toolkit for building Telegram bots with telebot and redis
- telegram-logger-x — Logs Telegram events to your console, file(s) or both simultanously.
- telegram-rss — Fetch rss and send the latest update to telegram.
- telegramexplorer — Telegram Explorer
- telq — Python SDK for TelQ Telecom API
- tempcache — Python library to cache data and function results in temporary files
- template — A CLI tool for generating files from Jinja2 templates and environment variables.
- template-formatter — Wrapper to jinja2 template system
- templateflow — TemplateFlow Python Client - TemplateFlow is the Zone of neuroimaging templates.
- templatepy — templatepy: Template repo for python repositories & PyPi integration
- templatise — You can use to create a new GitHub repository.
- temporal-lib — A library for working with datetime and other temporal concepts.
- tensorflow-datasets — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- tentamaker — TentaMaker
- tergite-autocalibration — commandline application to calibrate the WACQT quantum computers automatically
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- terracotta — A modern XYZ tile server written in Python
- terragen — Configure, generate and apply Terraform modules to create and destroy Cloud Infrastructure
- tessti — A tool to schedule SLURM jobs made as simple as possible.
- test-cole-wilson-test — A quick and easy way to ship your python projects.
- test-inferactively-pymdp — A Python package for solving Markov Decision Processes with Active Inference
- test-lib-39485735 — just for testing
- TEST-TC — Lo scopo di questa libreria è fornire uno strumento completo per il rilascio di modelli predittivi basati su serie temporali nell'ambito della Telemedicina, al fine di supportare la gestione e la pianificazione delle attività sulla Piattaforma Nazionale di Telemedicina (PNT)
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- testgen — Generate random reproducible competitive programming tests
- testpilot — Format, lint and test only the files that have changed on the current branch.
- testrium — A modern, advanced testing framework.
- teststack — Manage the infrastructure for running tests against
- tetrascience-cli — Tetrascience CLI
- teuthology — Ceph test framework
- texbld — A dockerized build tool for paper compilation
- texnomagic — TexnoMagic module for digital Magic
- texrelenv — A Python package for generating data sets based on Hugh Perkins' TexRel (
- text-validator — pluggable command-line tool for validating the formatting and orthography of text files