Reverse Dependencies of toml
The following projects have a declared dependency on toml:
- sausage-bot-dev — A highly customisable Discord bot
- savvihub — A library and CLI for SavviHub
- savvy-rest — A comprehensive framework for testing RESTful APIs.
- sawtooth-sdk — Sawtooth Python SDK
- sbom4python — SBOM generator for Python modules
- sbom4rust — SBOM generator for Rust modules
- sbomgen — SBOM Generator in cyclonedx format
- sbomgencli — CLI tool for sbomgen
- sbomgentwo — SBOM Generator in cyclonedx format
- scalabel — Scalabel Python Package
- scannerpy — Efficient video analysis at scale
- scargo — C/C++ package and software development life cycle manager inspired by RUST cargo idea.
- scd — Something Completely different
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- schema-enforcer — Tool/Framework for testing structured data against schema definitions
- schematicpy — Package for biomedical data model and metadata ingress management
- schemed-yaml-config — no summary
- scifit — Scientific Fit for Python
- scikit-net — Machine Learning in Complex Networks
- scikit-tree — Modern decision trees in Python
- scilaunch — A tiny program for you, setting up the ground for grand discoveries. (2023)
- sciwing — Modern Scientific Document Processing Framework
- scMIDAS — A torch-based integration method for single-cell multi-omic data.
- scons517 — Pep 517 compliant Python Distribution Wheel Builder
- scoutbook_parser — Parse BSA Scoutbook export files into TOML, YAML, or JSON
- scrape-and-ntfy — An extremely customizable web scraper with a modular notification system and persistent storage via SQLite.
- scrape-glosbe-dict — Scrape glosbe dicts given a head words file
- scrape-nhs-conditions — no summary
- scraping-orbit — Tools for web-scraping and automation projects.
- scrapli — Fast, flexible, sync/async, Python 3.7+ screen scraping client specifically for network devices
- scrapli-cfg — Network device configuration management with scrapli
- scrapli-community — Easily add support for 'non-core' platforms to scrapli
- scrapli-netconf — Fast, flexible, sync/async, Python 3.7+ NETCONF client built on scrapli
- scrapli-replay — Tools to enable easy testing of scrapli programs
- screen-config-watcher — A tool to watch OS screen configuration changes and change the OBS profile and scene collection accordingly.
- script-args-parser — Script arguments parsing library.
- scriptflow — Like a makefile but in python, a stripped-down system of Airflow or Luigi
- scriptgui — organize and interact with scripts via a plugin style pattern, using a browser based interface
- scss-compile — A CLI for compiling SCSS files to CSS, and associated pre-commit hook.
- scyjava — Supercharged Java access from Python
- sd-fail-notify — Send a text message when a systemd process fails
- sd-prompt-reader — A simple standalone viewer for reading prompt from Stable Diffusion generated image outside the webui.
- sddmp — A Self Documenting Data Management Plan (SDDMP)
- sdk_entrepot_gpf — SDK Python pour simplifier l'utilisation de l'API Entrepôt de la Géoplateforme.
- sdmbc — Sub-Daily Multivariate Bias Correction (SDMBC)
- sdrcap — A software defined radio capture library in python
- sdRDM — Software-driven RDM converts markdown data models into powerful objects that can be serialized to JSON, XML, YAML and HDF5
- seaplane — Seaplane Python SDK
- search-that-hash — Search hashes quickly before cracking them
- seatools-chrome — Cookiecutter-seatools-python chrome拓展工具包
- seatools-codegen — Cookiecutter-seatools-python 代码生成拓展包
- seawave-retracking — no summary
- seawave-spectrum — no summary
- secret-garden — A better way to manage your dotenv variables
- sectile — Multidimensional file stitcher
- secure-test-automation — Crypto tool for automation frameworks
- security-dependency-pinning — A repository dedicated to maintaining a secure, stable environment by pinning critical library versions
- seductive — seductive pheromones
- seeact — SeeAct is a system for generalist web agents that autonomously carry out tasks on any given website, with a focus on large multimodal models (LMMs) such as GPT-4V(ision). It consists of two main components: (1) A robust codebase that supports running web agents on live websites, and (2) an innovative framework that utilizes LMMs as generalist web agents.
- seeact-bot — SeeAct is a system for generalist web agents that autonomously carry out tasks on any given website, with a focus on large multimodal models (LMMs) such as GPT-4V(ision). It consists of two main components: (1) A robust codebase that supports running web agents on live websites, and (2) an innovative framework that utilizes LMMs as generalist web agents.
- seebotesttrix — Qualitest package automation infrastructure kit tools for GUI and API tests
- seed-phrases-for-kin — Utility for generating Kin accounts from BIP39/Electrum seed phrases
- seedbank — Common infrastructure for initializing random number generators.
- SeeThru-Feeds — This is the seethrunetworks open source feed creation project
- seethrufeeds — The SeeThruNetworks feed framework
- selenible — selenium like ansible
- selenium-support — Usefull function for Selenium umbrella project
- seman — no summary
- semantic-test — Test python project
- send-s3 — CLI tool for uploading files to S3-compatible storage services.
- sendgrid-async — SendGrid using a client based on httpx.
- sendria — An SMTP server that makes all received mails accessible via a web interface and REST API.
- senior-swe-ai — SeniorSWE-AI is a command-line interface for in-context embedding that leverages the semantic comprehension capabilities of large language models to analyze the intended codebase and engage in a conversation with it, mimicking the behavior of a seasoned software engineer.
- senka — making journal for transactions on blockchain
- sentineltoolbox — no summary
- seoman — A Command Line tool that is designed for technical SEOs
- seoman-beta — Beta version for seoman
- sepay — SePay SDK for python.
- sequoia — An awesome package that does something
- serdelicacy — Serialize/deserialize Python objects from/to typed structures.
- sereto — Security Reporting Tool.
- serialix — Powerful and easy to use api for working with various human-readable data serialization formats
- seroup — CLI tool to manage sero servers
- serverlesshelper — no summary
- servox — Opsani Servo: The Next Generation
- setl — Packaging tool for PEP 518 projects with Setuptools backend.
- setupmeta-builder — no summary
- setuptools-git-versioning — Use git repo data for building a version number according PEP-440
- setuptools-pipfile — Dependency management via Pipfile
- setuptools-rust-tomlgen — Setuptools Rust Tomlgen extension plugin
- sevivi — Create a video with graphs synchronous to a source video
- sget — A simple snippet manager.
- shag — Implementation of spatial hashing approximate Gaussian processes.
- shamirs — Minimal pure-Python implementation of Shamir's secret sharing scheme.
- shangjian-api — Tool for shangjian sdk
- shanx-framework — Python Framework
- shec — An unofficial Splunk HTTP Endpoint Collector client (and more).
- shell-source — A python module for sourcing variables from shell scripts
- shellcraft — ShellCraft is a command line based crafting game.
- shifter-pandas — Convert some data into Panda DataFrames