Reverse Dependencies of toml
The following projects have a declared dependency on toml:
- pymodaq-plugins-optosigma — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for various physical measurements from optosigma
- pymodaq-plugins-physik-instrumente — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for Actuators from Physik Instumente (All the ones compatible with the GCS2 commands as well as the old 32bits MMC controller...)
- pymodaq-plugins-picoquant — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for Picoquant instruments (TimeHarp260, ...)
- pymodaq-plugins-piezoconcept — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for Actuators from Piezoconcept (Tested on the Bio200 XY stage. Include a version of the controller firmware emulating functions from PhysikInstrumente)
- pymodaq-plugins-piezosystemjena — Pymodaq Plugin for the Control of Piezosystem Jena microscopy stages
- pymodaq-plugins-princeton-instruments — Control for hyperspy of scientific cameras using the picam library
- pymodaq-plugins-pylablib-camera — Generic pymodaq plugins based on the pylablib library
- pymodaq-plugins-raspberry — Set of instrument plugins to use with a raspberry
- pymodaq-plugins-redpitaya — PyMoDAQ Plugin to use the Redpitaya electronic board
- pymodaq-plugins-signal-recovery — Hardware plugin for instruments from Signal Recovery
- pymodaq-plugins-smaract — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for linear actuators from Smaract (SLC positioners). MCS and MCS2 controllers are supported.
- pymodaq-plugins-srs — Set of plugins for the Stanford Research Systems (SRS) Instruments
- pymodaq-plugins-stellarnet — Plugin for StellarNet spectrometers
- pymodaq-plugins-thorlabs — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for instruments from Thorlabs (Kinesis K10CR1 (stepper rotation actuator), Kinesis Flipper, Kinesis KSP100, DCx camera...)
- pymodaq-plugins-uniblitz — some word about your plugin
- pymodaq-plugins-zaber — Plugin for Zaber actuators
- pymodaq_utils — Modular Data Acquisition with Python
- pymortar — no summary
- pyMPPost — Post MCNP-Polimi Simulation Processing
- pymtools — Miscellaneous tools for Python
- pymudclient — A MUD client core written in Python
- pymultilint — Utility tying multiple code quality tools together
- pynadc — Python Sciamachy/GOSAT/Tropomi read and SQLite3 library
- pyneorain — Simple Matrix Rain
- pyntegrant — A system assembly framework based on Integrant
- pynumstim — Python library to create symbolic number and arithmetic stimuli for psychological experiments
- pyocse — Python Organic Crystal Simulation Environment
- pyodk — The official Python library for ODK 🐍
- PyOPIA — A Python Ocean Particle Image Analysis toolbox.
- pypackagebuilder — Python packages builder
- PyPaperBot — PyPaperBot is a Python tool for downloading scientific papers using Google Scholar, Crossref, and SciHub.
- pypas-cli — Python Practical Assignments
- pypath-omnipath — Molecular signaling prior knowledge processing
- pypawapi — API wrapper for pythonanywhere
- pypawcli — CLI tool for PythonAnywhere
- pypechain — Codegen python interfaces for contracts.
- pypelinez — no summary
- pypet2bids — A python library for converting PET imaging and blood data to BIDS.
- pypetal — A pipeline for estimating AGN time lags
- pypi2nix — A tool that generates nix expressions for your python packages, so you do not have to.
- pypisd — CLI tool to fetch source distribution url links from for a given python package and its version.
- pyplater-cli — Create Python Script CLI
- pypoet — Poet helps you declare, manage and install dependencies of Python projects, ensuring you have the right stack everywhere.
- pyportable-installer — Build and distribute portable Python application by all-in-one configuration file.
- pyppl-report — A report generating system for PyPPL
- pyPrairieView — Darik & Doug Do A Thing
- pyproject-autoflake — pyproject-autoflake (pautoflake), a monkey patching wrapper to connect autoflake with pyproject.toml configuration.
- pyproject-indirect-import-detector — CI tool to detect indirect import
- pyproject-pip — Install and manage pyproject.toml with pip commands.
- pyproject-script — no summary
- pyproject-tag-check — Verify version in pyproject.toml is not already used
- pyprojectify — pyprojectify is a utility allowing python package authors/maintainers/packagers to painlessly migrate their package from to the new pyproject.toml.
- pypromice — PROMICE/GC-Net data processing toolbox
- pyqtdeploy — PyQt Application Deployment Tool
- pyquotes — pyquotes normalizes quotes in your Python codebase
- pyrb — Python Rebalancer
- pyrepr — Pretty-printing serializable objects for humans
- PyReQTL — A python library equivalent to R ReQTL Toolkit.
- pyrfume — A validation library for human olfactory psychophysics research.
- pys5p — Software package to access Sentinel-5p Tropomi data products
- pyscaLR — scaLR: Single cell analysis using low resource.
- pyscivis — A visualization tool for ISMRMRD files. Can be used standalone or embedded into Jupyter Notebooks.
- PyScript — Command Line Interface for PyScript
- pyscript-cli — Command Line Interface for PyScript
- pySDI — Calculator of non-parametric standardized drought indices.
- pyshelltest — Generate test cases for shell scripts
- pyship — freezer, installer and updater for Python applications
- PySide6WidgetCollection — A collection of widgets and tools for PySide6 Applications
- pysight — Create images and volumes from photon lists generated by a multiscaler
- pysimdeum — A stochastic water demand end-use model in Python
- pysiml — SiML - a Simulation ML library
- PySIMS — The CLI for managing IoT sensors and meter data.
- pysistentclass — A small settings module for python
- pysm3 — "PySM generates full-sky simulations of Galactic emissions in intensity and polarization"
- pysmelt — smelt is a system to describe, run, and analyze integration tests
- pysnaffler — Snaffler. But in python.
- PySocialForce — Numpy implementation of the Extended Social Force model.
- pysolver_view — Visualization of solver convergence evolution
- pysonar-scanner — Sonar Scanner for the Python Ecosystem
- Pysor — A Python package for sensor simulations
- pysparkgui — pysparkgui - a GUI for pandas
- pyspectcl — Python interface to SpecTcl server
- pySpMAC — spmac
- pysqlitekg2vec — Python implementation and extension of RDF2Vec
- pystencil — placeholder
- pystoplight — A tool that enables educators to easily control push access to GitHub Classroom assignment repositories.
- pysudoers — Python interface to the Linux sudoers file
- pysurfex — Python API to SURFEX
- pysurfex-experiment — Pysurfex experiment
- pysurfex-scheduler — Python abstraction layer for a scheduling system
- pyswarms — A Python-based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) library.
- pytablewriter — pytablewriter is a Python library to write a table in various formats: AsciiDoc / CSV / Elasticsearch / HTML / JavaScript / JSON / LaTeX / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / MediaWiki / NumPy / Excel / Pandas / Python / reStructuredText / SQLite / TOML / TSV / YAML.
- pytelecontrol — Remotely access to your PLC, with auto discover feature
- pytest-allure-spec-coverage — The pytest plugin aimed to display test coverage of the specs(requirements) in Allure
- pytest-black — A pytest plugin to enable format checking with black
- pytest-black-ng — A pytest plugin to enable format checking with black
- pytest-cloudflare-worker — pytest plugin for testing cloudflare workers
- pytest-embedded-wokwi — Make pytest-embedded plugin work with the Wokwi CLI.
- pytest-enabler — Enable installed pytest plugins
- pytest-exception-script — Walk your code through exception script to check it's resiliency to failures.