Reverse Dependencies of toml
The following projects have a declared dependency on toml:
- pyconfs — PyConfs, unified handling of configuration files for Python
- pyconfviewer — A Python library for generating HTML views and diffs for configuration files.
- pyconn0 — python database manipulation with advanced features
- pycoretoolkit — no summary
- pycosmiconfig — Python port of Cosmiconfig. Find and load configuration from a pyproject.toml property, rc file, Python file, and more!
- pycryptex — Python CLI application to easily encrypt and decrypt file and folders. Easy and fast for the lovers of the CLI.
- pycrypy — Esta utilidad, desarrollada en Python3, simplifica significativamente el proceso de configuracion de Alacritty, permitiendo ajustar de manera simple la fuente, el tema, el padding, los cursores y los estilos de la fuente.
- pydantic-forms — Pydantic-forms engine.
- pydantic_loader — pydantic loader module.
- pydantic_serdes — A Python package that standardizes data serialization and deserialization from/to pydantic models.
- pydantic-xml — pydantic xml extension
- pydase — A flexible and robust Python library for creating, managing, and interacting with data services, with built-in support for web and RPC servers, and customizable features for diverse use cases.
- pydataconn — Python Data Connection
- pydatagenerator — Generate template data from xml specification
- pydatamanager — Physical Data Management - Manipulation - Mathematical operations - Saving - Plotting
- pydebuginfod — A python client for the debuginfod server
- pydecs — This tool enables us to analyze equilibrium concentrations of point and complex defects in crystalline solids
- pydep-extractor — Extractor for python dependencies form pyproject.toml file and create requirements.txt file to be used in docker image builds
- pydev-cli — A single python development dependency to rule them all
- PyDIVOC — Python library for decoding and verifying the COWIN Covid19 Credentials for India from DIVOC
- pydnst — DNS Tunneling client and server
- pydoctor — API doc generator.
- pydra-mriqc — Pydra tasks package for mriqc
- pydra2app — Pydra2App: a tool for quickly turning Pydra tasks and workflows into containerised applications (e.g. BIDS Apps or XNAT pipelines)
- pydriveways — Driveways Package
- pyechonext — EchoNext is a lightweight, fast and scalable web framework for Python
- pyedb — Higher-Level Pythonic Ansys Electronics Data Base
- pyee — A rough port of Node.js's EventEmitter to Python with a few tricks of its own
- pyensemblorthologues — Tool to download ortologue genes from ensembl compara.
- pyentrypoint — pyentrypoint manages entrypoints in Docker containers.
- pyenvcfg — no summary
- pyet-mc — Python package for calculating energy transfer rates between lanthanide ions
- pyewelink — ewelink client debug tools
- pyexafs — A simple package for fast analysis of EXAFS data
- pyfasttrack — Easy-to-use solution to integrate the tracking technology of the FastTrack software in Python projects.
- pyfingerd — finger (RFC 1288) server-side daemon
- pyflyby — pyflyby - Python development productivity tools, in particular automatic import management
- pyfml — python factory meta language
- pyfund — no summary
- pyfwimagebuilder — Firmware image builder for Microchip mdfu bootloaders
- pygenstrings — Simplifies managing localization files for ObjC/Swift projects.
- pygo-tools — Simplify Python-Go integration for Libraries with Precompiled Extensions
- pyhectiqlab — Python client for the Hectiq Lab plateform.
- pyhershey — pyhershey enable simple usage of Hershey fonts within python.
- pyIcarus — Tools library for Security Research
- pyimport — A CSV importer for MongoDB
- pyjitutils — timestamp convert to datetime
- pyjoern — PyJoern lifts Joern data and APIs into Pythonic form, focused on graph manipulation.
- pyjsonquery — A simple to use query api for json data
- pykage — no summary
- pykanidm — Kanidm client library
- pykern — Python application support library
- pykindler — Schedules conversion of e-books to mobi, mails it to your kindle
- pyKVFinder — Python package to detect and characterize cavities in biomolecular structures
- pykx — An interface between Python and q
- pylagg — A CLI tool for creating images from DNA sequences
- pylama — Code audit tool for python
- pylandstats — Computing landscape metrics in the Python ecosystem.
- pyLARDA — Data cube for handling atmospheric observations of profiling remote sensing instruments.
- pylarm — Minimalistic tool to set alarms from the terminal.
- pylegs — Legacy Survey Data Retriever
- pyleiter — Simple task manager
- pylic — A Python license checker
- pylint-nautobot — Custom Pylint Rules for Nautobot
- pylocalproxy — A local proxy management tool
- pyls-black — Black plugin for the Python Language Server
- pylunch — Pylunch cli and web tool to get lunch info
- pymc3-ext — PyMC3 Extras extracted from the
- pymcfunction — PyMCFunction is a tool to write Minecraft datapacks in Python.
- pymechtest — Python package to automate the boring bits of mechanical test data analysis!
- pymedphys — Medical Physics library
- pymentoring — Anton Husiev Python Learning Course.
- pymetasnap — This package allows you to scrape metadata from the Python Package Index
- pymodaq — Modular Data Acquisition with Python
- pymodaq_data — Modular Data Acquisition with Python
- pymodaq_gui — User Interface components for PyMoDAQ
- pymodaq-plugins — Set of base PyMoDAQ plugins including Mock ones for development
- pymodaq-plugins-alcatel — PyMoDAQ plugin for the Alcatel ACM1000 6-port gauge controller.
- pymodaq-plugins-amplitude — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for Amplitude Systems Lasers
- pymodaq-plugins-andor — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for Andor Camera (CCD camera using SDK2, SCMOS cameras using SDK3...)
- pymodaq-plugins-arduino — Set of instrument plugins implemented using an Arduino Board
- pymodaq-plugins-AvaSpec — some word about your plugin
- pymodaq-plugins-basler — PyMoDAQ plugins for cameras of Basler
- pymodaq-plugins-bnc — PyMoDAQ module for communication and readout from BNC575 delay/signal generator
- pymodaq-plugins-crystal-technology — some word about your plugin
- pymodaq-plugins-daqmx — Hardware plugins for PyMoDAQ using the NiDAQmx framework (pydaqmx wrapper)
- pymodaq-plugins-femto — Plugin to simulate acquisition from ultrashort pulse measurement device based on the pypret package
- pymodaq-plugins-flim — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for FLIM Measurements (Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy) (using a conjugation of Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TSCPC) and xy stages)
- pymodaq-plugins-greateyes — some word about your plugin
- pymodaq-plugins-hamamatsu — Plugin for Hamamatsu cameras based on DCAM-API
- pymodaq-plugins-hinds — PyMoDaq plugins for instruments from Hinds Instruments
- pymodaq-plugins-holoeye — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for Holoeye Spatial Light Modulator (SLM)
- pymodaq-plugins-horiba — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for Horiba Instruments (Lapspec6TCP to communicate with labspec softaware using the AFM TCP/IP protocol)
- pymodaq-plugins-KDC101 — some word about your plugin
- pymodaq-plugins-keithley — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for various physical measurements from keithley
- pymodaq-plugins-MozzaSpectro — some word about your plugin
- pymodaq-plugins-newport — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for instruments from Newport (Conex, ESP100, SMC100, AG-CU8, ...)
- pymodaq-plugins-nkt — A PyMoDAQ plugin for NKT Photonics instruments
- pymodaq-plugins-oceaninsight — Set of PyMoDAQ plugins for OceanInsight (OceanOptics) spectrometers
- pymodaq-plugins-opencv — plugin to use camera instrumented using the opencv library