Reverse Dependencies of toml
The following projects have a declared dependency on toml:
- diconfig — 一个简单的配置管理工具(A simple dictionary configuration management tool),dict <-> config file [json, toml, yaml, ini, xml]
- digitout — Seek data structures of your Python application.
- dike — Python asyncio tools for web service resilience.
- diligence-fuzzing — A command line interface for the Diligence Fuzzing API
- dindbox — Lightweight, docker-capable virtual testing environment based on docker-in-docker (dind)
- dingo-python — A Comprehensive Data Quality Evaluation Tool for Large Models
- dir-assistant — Chat with your current directory's files using a local or API LLM.
- directory-components — Shared components library for Great services.
- directory-validators — Django validators for GREAT.
- dirt-ssg — no summary
- discern-reconstruction — Wasserstein Auto-Encoder for expression reconstruction
- discord.http — Python library that handles interactions from Discord POST requests.
- discord.socket — An extension to discord.http to add gateway event support, but as minimal cache as possible.
- discoverable-garage-door — no summary
- disperse — automation for creation of releases
- DisplayFx — Display progress indicator on CRT screen.
- divintseg — Tools for computing diversity, integration and segregation metrics
- dj-active-campaign — A Django Implementation of the Active Campaign Python SDK
- dj-angles — Add more bracket angles to Django templates </>
- dj-command — Run commands with `dj {command_name}`. Uses aliases defined in a simple config file or defaults to Django management commands.
- djallin2 — Twitch noisemaker
- django-activity-tracker — A reusable Django application to track user actions through the database..
- django-bloggy — A Django blog app with features of a standard blogging platform.
- django-blogorama — Blogging App to add to any project
- django-bridger — The bridge between a Django Backend and a Javascript based Frontend
- django-crunch — A data processing orcestration tool.
- django-fbv — Utilities to make function-based views cleaner, more efficient, and better tasting.
- django-fields-history — Store model fields history
- django-inventare-staticfiles — Multiple ways to collect static files from vendor's and local build files
- django-l10n — A different approach to Django localization
- django-loader — a configuration and secret loader for Django
- django-mathtext — Natural Language Understanding (text processing) for math symbols, digits, and words with a Gradio user interface and REST API.
- django-mdbook — Provide a view for serving and updating books created with mdBook
- django-migration-linter — Detect backward incompatible migrations for your django project
- django-planetscale — A Django database backend for PlanetScale.
- django-polaris — An extendable Django server for Stellar Ecosystem Proposals.
- django-pyproject — A package for storing Django settings in pyproject.toml.
- django-release-manager — A Release Manager for Embedded Apps in your website, such as an SPA.
- django-rest-exception-handler — The Django REST Framework Exception Handler is a Python package designed to streamline exception handling within Django REST Framework applications. It ensures a consistent format for error responses by structuring them in a predefined JSON format.
- django-rest-framework-query-tools — The package allows developers to enhance filtering capabilities within Django Rest Framework views by simply specifying the desired filter fields. By incorporating the URLFilter into views or adding it to the Django Rest Framework settings, the package streamlines the filtering process.
- django-rest-token-expiry — Django REST Token Expiry is a Python package designed to add token expiration functionality to Django REST Framework's default token authentication system. This package allows developers to set expiry durations for authentication tokens, enhancing security by automatically invalidating tokens after a specified period.
- django-rich-logging — A prettier way to see Django requests while developing.
- django-scaffolding-tools — Django tools for quick scaffolding.
- django-simple-deploy — Deployment, for Djangonauts with deadlines.
- django-unicorn — A magical full-stack framework for Django.
- django-unpoly — Unpoly integration for Django.
- django-urlconfchecks — a python package for type checking the urls and associated views.
- django-vendor — Django App Toolkit for selling digital and physical goods online.
- django-vendor-promo — Extension to Django Vendor to add Promo Code capabilities
- django-wechat-user — A wechat user model
- dl-cloud — Cloud resource management for deep learning applications.
- dlabel — docker label utilities
- dmppl — Dave McEwan's Personal Python Library
- dmriprep — dMRIPrep is a robust and easy-to-use pipeline for preprocessing of diverse dMRI data.
- dns-manager — Manage your DNS records with ease.
- doc-curation — A package for curating doc file collections, with ability to sync with youtube and doc items.
- docformatter-toml — no summary
- docker_analyzer — A lightweight to tool to analyse and compare Docker images instantly, focusing on layer analysis
- docker_credential_chamber — docker_credential_chamber
- dockerlab — Build a docker container as your workspace.
- docrunner — A command line tool which allows you to run the code in your markdown files to ensure that readers always have access to working code.
- docstrfmt — A formatter for Sphinx flavored reStructuredText.
- document-embedding — no summary
- document-tools — 🔧 Tools to automate your document understanding tasks.
- docutools — Documentation Tools for the Mkdocs Material Framework
- dogeek-cli — Interactive CLI to store scripts into
- doks — Automatically generated READMEs
- dolbaram — no summary
- dompap — Simulations of point-like particles in any dimension with any pair potential
- domus-tdd-api — A modular and semantic Thing Description Directory
- dophon-manager — base manager for dophon framwork
- doq — Docstring generator
- dorkylever-lama-phenotype-detection — Phenotype detection pipeline for finding abnormalities in mouse embryos
- dotcfg — no summary
- dotcontrol — no summary
- dotenvplus — Python library that handles interactions from Discord POST requests.
- dotfile — dot is a git wrapper for managing dotfiles
- dothttp-req — Dothttp is Simple http client for testing and development
- dothttp-req-wasm — Dothttp is Simple http client for testing and development
- dotmix — dotmix is a library and a cli that offers a template based solution to managing your dotfiles
- dotnetinteropt — A high-level .NET interop library for Python
- dou-utils — The utility package of Dou Inc.
- douya — no summary
- dover — A tool for tracking and incrementing project version numbering.
- dparse2 — A parser for Python dependency files
- dpymenus — Simplified menus for developers.
- dqpy — Danqing's shared Python library
- draccus — A slightly opinionated framework for simple dataclass-based configurations based on Pyrallis.
- dragg — no summary
- drand — Python client for drand.
- drawpyo — A Python library for programmatically generating charts.
- drb-client — Distributed Randomness Beacon client
- dressup — Dress up
- drfsc — A Python package implementing a distributed randomised feature selection algorithm.
- driftpy — A Python client for the Drift DEX
- driverlessai — Python client for H2O Driverless AI.
- driveway — Driveways Package
- driveways — Driveways Package
- driveways-project-cis4930-v6 — Driveways Package
- driveways-py — Driveways Package