Reverse Dependencies of toml
The following projects have a declared dependency on toml:
- data-science-document-ai — "Document AI repo for data science"
- databeakers — no summary
- databricks-converter — It should convert a python module to databricks and viceversa.
- databricks-genai-inference — Interact with the Databricks Foundation Model API from python
- datactl — no summary
- datadog-agent-dev — Tool for developing on the Datadog Agent platform
- datadog-checks-dev — The Datadog Checks Developer Tool
- datadreamer — A library for dataset generation and knowledge extraction from foundation computer vision models.
- datafold-sdk — The datafold SDK
- datagouv-python — Unofficial python client for ``
- datahunters — library for collecting data
- datahyve — Server metrics in real-time with RAG-powered insights 🚀
- datajoint-cleaner — A tool for cleaning up external DataJoint stores
- datajuggler — Utility for data juggling.
- datajunction-query — OSS Implementation of a DataJunction Query Service
- dataknead — Fluent conversion between data formats like JSON, XML and CSV
- datamodel-code-generator — Datamodel Code Generator
- datamodel-code-generator-michael2to3 — Datamodel Code Generator
- datapac — no summary
- dataride — Lightning-fast data platform setup for small/medium projects & PoCs
- datastreamservicelib — AsyncIO eventloop helpers and Abstract Base Classes for making services that use ZMQ nice, easy and DRY
- datatask — General-purpose data structure and representation format for tasks (stand-alone or part of a larger data workflow) that involve multiple data resources.
- datazimmer — sscu-budapest utilities for scientific data engineering
- datazone — Datazone Client Package
- dawson-college-pyscrapper — A Python module which contains useful functions to help scrap data from Dawson College which is a CEGEP in Montreal Quebec Canada.
- daybook — daybook is a reading log cli app
- db-hooks — A simple sqlalchemy connection configuration manager
- db-playmate — Client scripts for Databrary PLAY project.
- dbpystream — no summary
- dbrief — Python package for quickly creating lightweight HTML reports
- dbt-bouncer — Configure and enforce conventions for your dbt project.
- dcicutils — Utility package for interacting with the 4DN Data Portal and other 4DN resources
- dcore — DMFT software for CORrelated Electrons
- dcos — DCOS Common Modules
- dcos-python — DCOS Python Libraries
- dcoscli — DC/OS Command Line Interface
- dcs-cli — SDK for DataChecks
- dcs-interactive — Interactive Simulations and Visualizations for the Lecture in Digital Communication Systems
- dcs-release-check — "Tool to query latest versions from source code hosting platforms such as GitHub."
- dcs-sdk — SDK for DataChecks
- ddeutil-io — Input/Output transport utility objects
- deadlink — Check and fix URLs in text files
- deaduction — Graphical proof assistant for learning proofs
- debatewiki — A wiki that only allows valid arguments to make it into its pages.
- debops — Your Debian-based data center in a box
- debspawn — Build Debian packages automatically or interactively in systemd-nspawn containers
- deciphon-api — RESTful API for Deciphon scheduler
- decker — Simple development tool that simplifies a pythonist's daily tasks.
- decorrelation — An InSAR postprocessing tool
- decy-tools — CLI tool to utilize with Decypher automation
- deepdiff6 — Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data. Recreate objects by adding adding deltas to each other.
- deepgrp — DNA repeat annotations
- deepqmc — Deep-learning quantum Monte Carlo for electrons in real space
- deepts-forecasting — Deep Learning Models for time series prediction..
- deepview-profile — Interactive performance profiling and debugging tool for PyTorch neural networks.
- deew — Dolby Encoding Engine Wrapper
- defender2yara — Convert Microsoft Defender Antivirus Signatures(VDM) to YARA rules.
- dekcli — no summary
- dekpkglock — no summary
- dekvenv — no summary
- delfino — A collection of command line helper scripts wrapping tools used during Python development.
- della-tasks — Top-level package for Della.
- deltalake — Python binding for delta-rs
- deltares-coastalhazardstoolkit — no summary
- deltaver — no summary
- demisto-sdk — "A Python library for the Demisto SDK"
- demo-package-python — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- dendritecli — Manage the Dendrite API from your command line!
- denvr — Python SDK for the Denvr Cloud API
- dep-license — Report licenses information for dependencies in use by a Python project
- dep2req — Create a requirements.txt from dependencies in a pyproject.toml
- depcon — Convert requirements files to pyproject.toml format used in uv
- depend — A dependency analysis tool for various languages and package managers.
- deplodocker — Locker of dependency files for deploy in docker and etc.
- deploy-ostree — Deploy and configure an OSTree commit
- deploybot — A CLI tool for deploying ECS and Lambda services
- deployfish — AWS ECS related deployment tools
- deployment-tools — Simple to use command running tools and file transformation/move tools.
- depoverflow — Watches StackOverflow answers and GitHub issues referenced in code for changes
- deps-rocker — A rocker plugin to help installing apt and pip dependencies
- depsland — User oriented dependency management and application distribution tool.
- descarteslabs-vector — no summary
- DesignSpark.ESDK — DesignSpark ESDK support library
- detectree — Tree detection from aerial imagery in Python.
- dev-assistant-client — Dev Assistant client
- devapps — Apps - End to End.
- devcli — no summary
- devcoderopop — dcoder is op
- devHelper — Dev Package for Dev Helper.
- devsecrets — Read secrets from environment variables or files
- devwrangler — Bringing peace, freedom, justice, and security to your Python empire.
- dew-gwdata — Python module for accessing groundwater data internally at DEW
- dexter-cqa — A Benchmark for Complex Heterogeneous Question answering
- dfsync — no summary
- dg-itest — 接口自动化测试框架
- dgenerate — Batch image generation and manipulation tool supporting Stable Diffusion and related techniques / algorithms, with support for video and animated image processing.
- dh2vrml — Library and CLI tool to convert Denavit-Hartenberg parameters to an X3D model
- dial-core — Deep Learning, node-based framework
- DialSim — DialSim package
- dicomhandler — dicomhandler is a package for wrapping many pydicom objects of the same patient, performing transformations in structures and comparing them with the originals.