Reverse Dependencies of toml
The following projects have a declared dependency on toml:
- fringes-gui — Graphical user interface for the 'fringes' package.
- frittomisto — A fried mix of python utilities
- frutils — Utilities for frkl projects.
- fs2elastic — Python based CLI for Syncing File System based Data (CSV file etc.) to Elasticsearch.
- fsai-pottery — Redis for humans. 🌎🌍🌏
- fsapp — Fastapi web-app
- fsttest — Test Foma FSTs
- ftoml — Python library unifying f-stringswith Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language
- ftrack-utils — ftrack utils library
- funbuild — funbuild
- functions-cli — CLI tool for managing local and cross-cloud FaaS serverless resources
- funlib.persistence — Interfaces for data (arrays and graphs) and storage formats (databases and file formats)
- funpoetry — no summary
- furiosa-registry — FuriosaAI model registry
- furiosa-server — FuriosaAI model server interacting Furiosa NPU.
- furnace — A lightweight pure-python container implementation
- fusion-sdk — JPMC Fusion Developer Tools
- fuzz-introspector — Package for analyzing Fuzzing set ups.
- fuzzycat — Fuzzy matching utilities for scholarly metadata
- fwl-janus — Temperature structure generator for planetory atmospheres.
- fzpycreate — pycreate
- Gaelina — Config as folder
- gai-sdk — Refer to for more information
- GailBot — GailBot API
- GailBotTools — A set of tools for handling data to create GailBot plugins
- gaitmap_challenges — A set of benchmark challenges for IMU based human gait analysis
- galilei — the galilei project.
- galini — Mixed Integer Solver
- gama-cli — A CLI for interacting with the GAMA platform
- gammasimtools — Tools for the Simulation System of the CTA Observatory
- ganf — no summary
- ganzo — Project creator (from templates)
- gaohn-common-utils — A small utility package
- gaql — A command line interface to the Google Ads Query Language (GAQL). Run with `gaql` or `gaql-tools`
- gaql-console — Google Ads Query Language Interactive Console
- gateoverflow — A command line interface for gateoverflow links
- gcloud-connectors — Python utilities to simplify connection with Google APIs
- gcommon — Common Python Library for server and client application.
- gcscontents — A ContentsManager for managing Google Cloud APIs.
- gcscore — Generic Command System, a tool to help the creation of custom procedures.
- gd-excelexporter — Godot Excel导表工具
- gd.rpc — Geometry Dash Discord Rich Presence.
- gda-importer — GDA Importer provides simple command-line utilities that aide the installation of Python packages.
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- gdrf — Pytorch+GPytorch implementation of GDRFs from San Soucie et al. 2020.
- gdsfactoryplus — GDSFactory+: adds powerful features such as foundry PDKs, simulations, and verification tools like DRC and LVS.
- ge25519 — Pure-Python data structure for working with Ed25519 (and Ristretto) group elements and operations.
- gelee — Configuration format validator for CSV, INI, JSON, TOML, XML, and YAML.
- gemini-cli — google gemini api for terminal (CLI)
- gemnine — Wrapper for Gemini AI API
- gencsr — no summary
- gender-spacy — A spaCy component for identifying grammatical gender in English texts.
- generic-connection-pool — generic connection pool
- generic-crawler-sdk — Generic Crawler SDK
- genestboost — General boosting framework for any regression estimator
- genisys — A framework for building intelligent microservices
- genutility — A collection of various Python utilities
- geomeffibem — A small library to facilitate some building energy modeling geometry operations with OpenStudio and EnergyPlus in mind.
- geomprompt — GeomPrompt is the default project generated by GDA Cookiecutter. GeomPrompt contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package according to the best-practices of Geometric Data Analytics, Inc.
- geospacelab — Collect, manage, and visualize geospace data.
- gepcat — no summary
- get-args — get args from command line, environment and configuration file.
- geyser — Compose and execute python objects
- gff3toddbj — Create a DDBJ annotation file from GFF3 and FASTA files
- gh-echo — A command-line tool built to obtain in-depth, actionable information about GitHub repositories.
- ghubunix — Browse GitHub like it is Unix
- gid_tasks — GidTasks
- gig-python — Interface For GIG Server
- gila — A simple python3 config library based ongolang's spf13/viper
- ginja — CLI to batch-convert directories by Jinja2
- ginz — Ginz is a command-line utility that simplifies the process of cloning multiple repositories from GitHub by allowing you to specify the repositories and their branches in a single configuration file.
- gisrep — The command line Github issues reporter
- git-inquisitor — Git Inquizitor is an analysis and reporting tool for git repositories.
- git-mirror — Make your local git repos look like github or gitlab. See readme for how this differs from the many other multi-repo tools.
- git-multi-clone — CLI tool to clone multiple git repositories
- git-pijul — update pijul from git
- git-pr-branch — A command line tool to manage the relationship between branches and pull-requests.
- git-pyinit — no summary
- git-regex-search — This program allows you to search for a specific pattern within the files of a GitHub repository(using PyGithub).
- git-scan — Scan local or remote git repositories for history divergent from origin
- git-split — A history-preserving file splitter for Git.
- git-time-tracking — This is a small frontend, which is supposed to help with time tracking using git.
- git996 — One command to sync multiple git repositories
- giternity — Mirror git repositories and retrieve metadata for cgit.
- github-commit-status — A simple command line for updating a commit's status on GitHub
- gitlab-activity — Grab recent issue/PR activity from a GitLab repository and render it as markdown.
- gitlab-evaluate — Scans GitLab instance and ranks projects against a set of criteria. Can be used to identiy projects that may have too much metadata/size to reliably export or import.
- gitlab-issue-delete — Delete GitLab issue in bulk
- gitlab-sync — synchronise GitLab repositories
- gitmuse — GitMuse is an AI-powered tool that helps developers craft meaningful and descriptive Git commit messages.
- GitSubmoduleExample — Insert project description here
- givenergy-modbus — A python library to access GivEnergy inverters via Modbus TCP, with no dependency on the GivEnergy Cloud.
- gl-parser — General ledger Excel parser and converter..
- gl-search — Script to help search code in self-hosted gitlab
- glap — GitLab Artifact Puller / Downloader
- glbuild — A lightweight library and CLI tool for historical GitLab build data and logs collection.
- glesys — A SDK/helper library to work with Glesys API.
- glitchtip-cli — A Glicthtip CLI
- global-entry-alerter — A bot that helps you find an open Global Entry interview appointment
- glory-reservoir — A python package for estimating global reservoir yield and costs for water supply.