Reverse Dependencies of textual
The following projects have a declared dependency on textual:
- 3lc — 3LC Python Package - A tool for model-guided, interactive data debugging and enhancements
- abacura — Multi-session MUD client written in Python with Textual library
- acconeer-exptool — Acconeer Exploration Tool
- acmecse — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-dev — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-test — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- agentlens — lightweight abstractions for building agent scaffolds
- ai-kernel-explorer — Explore the Linux kernel source code with AI-generated summaries
- ai-rag-chat-evaluator — Tools for evaluation of RAG Chat Apps using Azure AI Evaluate SDK and OpenAI
- ai-signal — Terminal-based AI curator that turns information noise into meaningful signal
- aitui — no summary
- alacorder — Alacorder retrieves case detail PDFs from and processes them into data tables suitable for research purposes.
- aleph-client — Python Client library for the network
- amdgpu-stats — A module/TUI for AMD GPU statistics
- amdreader — A Markdown document viewer for the terminal
- animestreamer — TUI for streaming NyaaPy torrents with WebTorrent
- anitui — A TUI to browse Anime
- annadb — AnnaDB driver and shell
- antur — Antur is a Python TUI tool for browsing and debugging sitemap data.
- areader — Terminal based archives reader for Hyperkitty, GNU Mailman's archiver
- argparse-tui — Present your Argparse CLI as a Textual UI (TUI).
- arxivAssistant — Read daily arxiv feed with console
- ASMRManager — download, manage and play the voices on
- athlinks-races — Web scraper for race results hosted on Athlinks.
- atlaversity — Study aid for Atlantis PBEM game.
- atomic-agents — A versatile framework for creating and managing intelligent agents.
- awkexercises — 80+ exercises for GNU awk
- awktutorial — brief tour of the GNU awk command
- aws-pcluster-bootstrap-helpers — Helpers to bootstrap a AWS PCluster + SLURM + Custom AMIs
- aws-stuff-doer — ASD is a utility to help manage your AWS projects and sso sessions.
- aws-toolbelt — Default template for PDM package
- awsrun — CLI and library to execute commands over one or more AWS or Azure accounts concurrently.
- azure-keyvault-browser — A tool for browsing and searching for secrets in Azure Key Vault
- azurecr-browser — A terminal user interface for managing artifacts in Azure Container Registry
- baca — TUI Ebook Reader
- — Backend.AI Installer
- Bagels — Powerful terminal expense tracker.
- banjara — A terminal based point of sale for Stripe
- bapp-store — A simple app store for Beepy applications
- battleship-tui — Battleship TUI is an implementation of the popular paper-and-pen Battleship game for your terminal.
- bay-watch — TUI for TPB + Peerflix + Transmission
- beaver_cli — CLI application for Beaver project
- beepy-app-template-example — An example of the output you get when creating a new beepy app from the cookiecutter template.
- beepy-bluetooth-manager — A Bluetooth manager for Beepy.
- beepy-network-manager — Beepy app to manage WiFi networks
- beepy-web-radio — Beepy app to play web radio
- bept — BEPT is a Beginner friendly Electrostatics for Protein analysis Tool, a cross-platform interactive and user-friendly tool for protein electrostatics using APBS and PDB2PQR.
- bergmann — Password manager
- bibmancli — Simple CLI tool to manage BibTeX files.
- bioplumber — no summary
- bitbucket-cloud-cli — Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud CLI
- bitroom — BIT 场地预约查询接口(bitroom)
- bluesky-simulator — The Open Air Traffic Simulator
- bmds-ui — U.S. EPA Dose Response Modeling Software User Interface
- bogrod — Manage SBOM, VEX records and release notes in a single tool
- bookbot — no summary
- bp-help — no summary
- bracelet — health checks module
- browsr — TUI File Browser App
- bskytui — an incomplete Bluesky TUI client (using textual)
- bucketman — A terminal application for working with S3 buckets.
- budgetize — A Terminal User Interface (TUI) to create budgets, track your incomes/expenses and manage your finances.
- caillou — AI-powered toolbox for the terminal
- capabilities — Build trusted, faster, and more powerful applications with the Blazon Capabilities API.
- caterva2 — no summary
- cgse-tools — Tools for CGSE
- chap — Interact with the OpenAI ChatGPT API (and other text generators)
- charentais — health checks module
- chasten — Chasten checks the AST of a Python program!
- chatapp-evaltools — Super generic evaluation tools for AI chat apps
- chatgpt-tui — A simple TUI interface for ChatGPT.
- chatsh — Syntax-highlighted Claude-controlled bash.
- chatshit — Worst chatroom ever
- chatwithkafka — A Kafka Chat application as a TUI
- chess-insight — Modern package for analyzing chess games.
- chkapi — Console based app for browsing API
- christmas-card — A christmas card
- citerm — A tool to watch CI logs in the terminal
- citerus — citerus retrieves your crypto citations
- ck-widgets — Package with widgets and components for Textual TUI Framework.
- cli-board-manager — A clipboard manager for the terminal written in Python with the ✨awesome✨ Textual framework.
- cli-rename — CLI version of PowerRename in PowerToys
- clicerin — CLI for your quality of life
- clidat — CLI Tool for inspecting JSON Data from the Codat API
- clidb — CLI based SQL client for local data
- cliexercises — 70+ beginner to intermediate level questions on CLI text processing tasks
- clippets — TUI to build up clipboard content from (rich) text snippets.
- clir — A clear and fast way to store and recover your commands
- cmd-queue — The cmd_queue module for a DAG of bash commands
- cmon-net — An CLI app to manage all network interfaces namespace independent
- cobib — Console Bibliography
- codebased — AI-powered code search for the terminal and beyond.
- community-profiler — Github community profiler
- condom — health checks module
- conntextual — A network-application TUI using textual.
- consolechess — no summary
- container-mngr — Simple console application for managing Docker containers
- containers-sugar — Simplify the usage of containers
- controlflow — A framework for building agentic LLM workflows
- convbaspy — Convertidor de Bases IEEE754