Reverse Dependencies of textual
The following projects have a declared dependency on textual:
- memray — A memory profiler for Python applications
- mentat — AI coding assistant on your command line
- mereja — no summary
- mineterm — A simple Minecraft launcher for the terminal.
- minimark — MiniMark : The CLI Markdown Editor / Viewer
- minimon — minimon
- mininterface — A minimal access to GUI, TUI, CLI and config
- misfits — A FITS table viewer for the terminal.
- mistly — Search for songs and fetch lyrics in your terminal
- mkdev — A command-line program that creates a develelopment environment from user-defined config files.
- mkdev-jcc — A command-line program that creates a develelopment environment from user-defined config files.
- mmng-ui — The textual user interface to multimon-ng.
- moneyterm — Terminal finance dashboard.
- monitorio — Monitor I/O
- moulti — Moulti is a CLI-driven Terminal User Interface (TUI) that enables you to assign the numerous lines emitted by your scripts to visual, collapsible blocks called steps.
- mpide — MicroPython Development Environment
- mrtracker — A TUI time tracker
- murfey — Client-Server architecture hauling Cryo-EM data
- musicbot — Music swiss army knife
- mutmut — mutation testing for Python 3
- mys-goods-tool — 米游社商品兑换工具|短信验证登录|终端TUI界面
- nanb — Not A NoteBook
- nanoflow — A simple and efficient workflow framework for Python
- Nasse — A web server framework written on top of Flask which lets you focus on your ideas 🍡
- natter — A terminal-based ollama chat interface
- nbx-ai — Next generation of personal knolwedge management
- nbx-cpu — Next generation of personal knolwedge management
- nbx-gpu — Next generation of personal knolwedge management
- netext — A graph (network) rendering library for the terminal.
- nf-core — Helper tools for use with nf-core Nextflow pipelines.
- nomenklatura — Make record linkages in followthemoney data.
- non-venomous — health checks module
- nonechat — Awesome chat console using Textual
- nostromo — pipeline builder, runner, process manager, background jobs, job scheduling
- notcli — Textual User Interface (TUI) application designed to streamline your command line tasks with easy-to-use shortcuts
- Notesh — NoteSH: A fully functional sticky notes App in your Terminal!
- nv2a-debug — Simulator/debugger for the Xbox nv2a vertex shader
- octologo — Simple program that generates a logo for your open source projects.
- ocui — ocui is a terminal user interface to facilitate the most common tasks around
- ofscraper — automatically scrape onlyfans
- OHF — health checks module
- oidia — A simple terminal-based streak tracker.
- ollama-manager — Manage Ollama models from your commandline!
- omniblack-moneta — A changelog manager for omniblack.
- omniopt2 — Automatic hyperparameter optimizer based on Ax/Botorch
- omnivorex — Omnivore Terminal App - Text User Interface
- oneping — LLM provider abstraction layer.
- onesie — health checks module
- onx — Noughts & Crosses (Tic Tac Toe) terminal based, client-server online game with your partner through websockets.
- OpenNTFY — A simple command line tool to send notifications to your telegram bot
- oshit — A terminal-based HackerNews reader
- oterm — A text-based terminal client for Ollama.
- ovos-docs-viewer — Cli Documentation Viewer for OVOS
- paita — paita - Python AI Textual Assistant
- palavreco — Palavreco é um jogo para terminal baseado no Wordle, Termo e Letreco.
- palettepal — Terminal-Based Color Editor and Palette Generator
- papyri — Papyri – in progress
- parllama — Terminal UI for Ollama
- parq-inspector — Parquet viewer for your terminal.
- parquetexplorer — no summary
- parsehub — 支持AI总结的社交媒体聚合解析器
- patch-cli — Spin up analytics APIs over your data in minutes, without writing any code.
- paxtual — no summary
- peptide — health checks module
- pfund-terminal — A free alternative to the Bloomberg Terminal.
- pgtui — PostgreSQL terminal user interface
- photon-platform-formulator — create and manage log entries for a python project
- piceli — Infrastructure for python
- pipe-strip — A terminal-based comic reader for the Garfield comic strip
- pipelime-python — Data workflows, cli and dataflow automation.
- pispy-client — A terminal-based Python package index inspector
- pixelart-tui — Terminal based app for Pixel Art that supports mouse!
- plainews — Distraction and clutter free reading
- playwright-trace-browser — A TUI app for exploring Playwright traces
- playwrighting — Get your ING account data
- plist-tracker — A tool to visually track changes in macOS config files.
- pocker-tui — CLI tool for docker images, containers, logs and more.
- pocketrockit — Live music coding inspired by Sonic Pi
- pomodorable — A pomodoro timer implemented as a Textual app
- portslist — List listening ports on terminal
- posting — The modern API client that lives in your terminal.
- postling — Add your description here
- potoo — Markdown presentation tool build on top of textual
- pqcow — no summary
- pqv — Simple parquet viewer
- pqviewer — View Apache Parquet Files In Your Terminal
- prodigy-tui — no summary
- prune-envs — Prune (conda) Environments
- pstui — A terminal UI for managing processes
- pub-analyzer — A text user interface, written in python, which automates the generation of scientific production reports using OpenAlex
- pycmd-todo — Command line todo application.
- pycronorg — a simple sdk
- pycurves — no summary
- pyegeria — A python client for Egeria
- pyfarkle — Farkle dice game with textual interface
- pyfile-runner — Simple Python library to help run multiple Python files and view their output while running
- pyflybygen — generate project pyflyby configurations
- pyfsdb-viewer — A pyfsdb and textual based viewer
- pyide — The Most Pythonic IDE
- pylfg — PyLFG is a Python library for working within the Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) formalism. It provides a set of classes and methods for representing and manipulating LFG structures, including lexical functional structures (f-structures) and c-structures.