Reverse Dependencies of textual
The following projects have a declared dependency on textual:
- pyliteadmin — A TUI for CRUDing sqlite databases.
- pynbx — Next generation of knolwedge management
- pyneng-quiz — CLI tool to run pyneng quiz
- pynenguk-quiz — CLI tool to run pyneng quiz
- pyqa-y8l — Python console appliction that searches the internet for asnwers to coding problems
- PyStorCLITUI — Python StorCLI TUI
- PyTerm-Shell — Making an aesthetic minimalist Linux shell in Python
- pytest-fold — Capture Pytest output and when test run is complete, drop user into interactive text user interface
- pytest-infinity — no summary
- pytest-textual-snapshot — Snapshot testing for Textual apps
- pytest-tui — Text User Interface (TUI) and HTML report for Pytest test runs
- pytetris-101 — no summary
- python-pod — Python terminal music player
- pythonexercises — exercises and quiz for beginner-intermediate level Python learners
- pytxtchat — Python Terminal Chat Using Apache Kafka
- qteasy — A fast quantitative investment tool kit
- qube_nic — NIC tool for flashing NICs
- quick-question — no summary
- quizzical — A trivia quiz game for the terminal
- quizzy — A Python TUI quiz app
- rcp-colors — A Rich Color Picker app
- re-renamer — [RE]name files and folders with [RE]gex.
- recoverpy — A TUI to recover overwritten or deleted data.
- redfetch — Download and publish EverQuest scripts and software using the RedGuides API
- redisamp — A Redis UI in your terminal
- reelity — The dreams that found there way to a canvas.
- regexexercises — 100+ exercises for Python Regular Expressions
- regexplayground — Playground for Python Regular Expressions. Also includes cheatsheet and interactive examples.
- renardo — Launcher/config editor for Renardo livecoding environment
- repype — Reproducible batch processing using pipelines for scientific computing.
- requestual — A WIP tool built on top of Textual
- retailwind — Reverse obfuscated tailwind classes
- rexi — Simpel and Interactive regex shell
- rich-cli — Command Line Interface to Rich
- rich-diff — CLI based diff Viewer
- rich-elm — Elm-style architecture for TUI apps, powered by Rich
- rich-format — Format rich Text
- richsmi — A terminal based graphical GPU monitoring tool
- rigol-ds1000z — Python library for interfacing with Rigol DS1000Z series oscilloscopes.
- riguima-stopwatch — Crônometro feito do repositório app ideas:
- rm-commander — reMarkable Commander
- rn-cli — no summary
- rspyai — explore rust functions in a TUI with an AI
- rtui-app — A TUI tool for ROS1/2
- rye-tui — Rye meets Textual. Manage your python projects with a Tui
- sachi — Terminal media files renamer (FileBot alternative)
- SanicKit — A web framework that applies some of the ideas of SvelteKit to Sanic
- satori-docs — Satori CI - Automated Software Testing Platform Documents
- sctt — SpeedCubeTimer-TUI (sctt)
- scythe-cli — A Harvest is always better with a good tool
- sd-wireless-demo — Wireless demo using the Sound Designer SDK on Windows
- sdrterm — Terminal-based tools for (mostly SDR-originated) signal analysis
- seaplayer — SeaPlayer is a player that works in the terminal.
- search-x-likes — Search posts from x that you have liked yourself usign the archive download files
- securenv — Simple TUI for Defining and Constraining Environment Variables
- sedexercises — 50+ exercises for GNU sed
- segmock — 7-segment clock (segmock)
- shellml — A texutal interface for monitoring ML experiments in the terminal
- shgpt — Chat with LLM in your terminal, be it shell generator, story teller, linux-terminal, etc.
- shira — Investigate!
- sifaka — Test your API endpoints from the Terminal.
- simple-config-sync — This tool is used to synchronize dotfiles across various Linux devices, with capabilities to automatically create and delete links, as well as selectively synchronize files.
- simpletyper — Typing speed tester powered by Textual
- sjtop — Terminal User Interface for Shioaji
- skald — 📟 a simple and efficient experiment logger for Python 🐍
- sklearn-smithy — Toolkit to forge scikit-learn compatible estimators.
- skyagi — AGI
- skylab — A TUI for showing latest upcoming rocket launches.
- slurm-gui — GUI/TUI frontends to squeue, sbatch and srun using the fabulous textual TUI framework
- slurm-tools — no summary
- slurm-viewer — View a SLURM cluster and inspect nodes and jobs.
- slurmtop — A Slurm top
- slurmtui — A simple Terminal UI (TUI) for Slurm
- slurmui — Terminal UI for Slurm
- smassh — A TUI based typing application
- sneko — Terminal GUI for Ethereum smart contracts
- soiree — The dreams that found there way to a canvas.
- sot — System Oberving Tool
- sounds — health checks module
- sphoin — Connect to Pro Slots
- spiel — A framework for building and presenting richly-styled presentations in your terminal using Python.
- spl-transpiler — Convert Splunk SPL queries into PySpark code
- spotidex — Spotify Downloader TUI
- spotify-cover-maker — no summary
- sqeleton — Python library for querying SQL databases
- sqint — Example package description
- squaretictactoe — Like Tic Tac Toe, but form a square with 4 corners instead of a line
- sshclick — SSH Config manager
- sshtmux — Powerful SSH terminal manager
- starwhale — An MLOps Platform for Model Evaluation
- Stat-o-Matic — no summary
- status-600 — The dreams that found there way to a canvas.
- stepview — 1 global view of all your stepfunctions statemachines
- story-1 — The dreams that found there way to a canvas.
- strptime-cli — no summary
- summ — Summ provides intelligent question-answering and search capabilities across user interview transcripts.
- SuricataLog — Scripts to display contents of Suricata eve.json log
- swe — Command line interface for Folkets lexikon, the Swedish-English dictionary
- sys-tui — A textual app to monitor system utilities.
- tab-pal — A TUI for adding and editing Tableau custom colour palettes.