Reverse Dependencies of tensorflow-gpu
The following projects have a declared dependency on tensorflow-gpu:
- adversarial-robustness-toolbox — Toolbox for adversarial machine learning.
- aggmap — Jigsaw-like AggMap: A Robust and Explainable Omics Deep Learning Tool
- ai-serving-server — Mapping a variable-length sentence to a fixed-length vector using BERT model (Server)
- animius — A deep-learning virtual assistant engine
- anyrl — A library for Reinforcement Learning
- ardiss — Automated Relevance Determination for Imputation of GWAS Summary Statistics
- arenets — Tensorflow-based framework which lists implementation of conventional neural network models (CNN, RNN-based) for Relation Extraction classification tasks as well as API for custom model implementation
- atman-kg-nlp — a nlp toolkit package for atman corp
- attention-tensorflow-mesh — A bunch of attention related functions, for constructing transformers in tensorflow mesh
- auDeep — auDeep is a Python toolkit for unsupervised feature learning with deep neural networks (DNNs)
- autodl-gpu — Automatic Deep Learning, towards fully automated multi-label classification for image, video, text, speech, tabular data.
- autogame — A python framework for automatic game playing, which can be used to develop automatic game scripts.
- azureml-accel-models — Used to create and train a model using various deep neural networks (DNNs).
- batchglm — Fast and scalable fitting of over-determined generalized-linear models (GLMs)
- bent — BENT: Biomedical Entity Annotator
- bert-base — Use Google's BERT for Chinese natural language processing tasks such as named entity recognition and provide server services
- bert-multitask-server — A service to serve bert_multitask_learning models(server)
- bert-qa — Question-Answering system using state-of-the-art pre-trained language models.
- bert-serving-multilingual-server — Mapping a variable-length sentence to a fixed-length vector using BERT model (Server)
- bert-serving-server — Mapping a variable-length sentence to a fixed-length vector using BERT model (Server)
- bert-tensorflow — BERT
- bert-text — tf.keras bert
- Bert2TF — ('A framework for user easy to load pre trained models with tensorflow keras, like bert gpt2 etc',)
- bidaf-keras — Implementation of Bidirectional Attention Flow for Machine Comprehension in Keras 2
- biofit — BioFit: Bioinformatics Machine Learning Framework
- biosets — Bioinformatics datasets and tools
- bore — Bayesian Optimization by Density-Ratio Estimation
- capibara-ent — A flexible multimodal AI library for advanced contextual understanding and deployment.
- cctv-analysis — A ready-to-use server to analyse cctv feeds. Pip install, boot up server, and make requests to analyse videos.
- cerebro-dl — Resource-efficient Deep Learning Model Selection on Data Systems
- ckipneutools — DEPRECATED, please shift to install and import 'ckiptagger'
- CkipTagger — Neural implementation of CKIP WS, POS, NER tools
- classification-text-email — compiled packages
- classitransformers — An abstract library for implementing text classification tasks based on various transformers based language models
- concise — CONCISE (COnvolutional Neural for CIS-regulatory Elements)
- ConfNet — no summary
- connar-package — no summary
- conveiro — Visualization of filters in convolutional neural networks
- ctr-acn — test code based on deepctr
- CTRZOO — CTR ZOO for CloudML
- d3m-simon — Character-level CNN+LSTM model for text classification
- darkon — Performance hacking for your deep learning models
- DataProfiler — What is in your data? Detect schema, statistics and entities in almost any file.
- datascienv — Data Science package for setup data science environment in single line
- dcase-models — Python library for rapid prototyping of environmental sound analysis systems
- ddpg-tf2 — Simple yet effective DDPG implementation for continuous action space,
- decuen — Reinforcement learning framework built in modern Python for experimentation, ease-of-use, modularity, and extensibility.
- Deep-floorplan — Deep FloorPlan
- deep-svdd — Tensorflow implementation of Deep SVDD
- deepconsensus — DeepConsensus
- deepctr — Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep learning based CTR(Click Through Rate) prediction models with tensorflow 1.x and 2.x .
- deepdefacer — Automatic Removal of Facial Features from MRI Images
- deepevolution — A genetic algorithm to evolve tensorflow keras neural networks.
- deepfastmlu — Machine learning utilities to help speed up your prototyping process.
- deepfastvision — A Python library for rapid prototyping of deep transfer learning vision models
- deeplite-profiler — Profiler for deep learning models
- deepmatch — Deep matching model library for recommendations, advertising. It's easy to train models and to **export representation vectors** for user and item which can be used for **ANN search**.
- deepModel — This is a toolkit for deep learning development
- deepmodels — framework for build, train and test deep learning models
- DeepSpectrum — no summary
- deepview_tensorflow — TensorFlow extensions of DeepView.
- deepvog — Deep VOG for gaze estimation
- DeFi-Assessment — A prototype project to perfrom risk assessment for DeFi lending platforms.
- delira — no summary
- denseblock — Keras Extended Dense Layer
- denseclus — A clustering library with optional GPU support by AnupamAS01
- DigiPathAI — Deep Learning toolbox for WSI (digital histopatology) analysis
- disentangle — Quickly create disentanglement pipelines for machine learning research.
- disentanglement-lib — Library for research on disentangled representations.
- distil-primitives — Distil primitives as a single library
- dm-sonnet — Sonnet is a library for building neural networks in TensorFlow.
- dmae-gpu — TensorFlow implementation of the dissimilarity mixture autoencoder (DMAE)
- dnikit_tensorflow — TensorFlow extensions of DNIKit.
- docproduct — BERT in TF2.0 for Medical QA info retrieval + GPT2 for answer generation
- document-classifier — A simple CNN for n-class classification of document images.
- dragonn — Deep RegulAtory GenOmic Neural Networks (DragoNN)
- dream-on-gym — no summary
- drl-model — DRL logic
- easyasr — PAI EasyASR Toolkit
- easycheml — A simple tool for using artificial intelligence in chemistry
- easydistill — PAI EasyDistill Toolkit
- easymatch — EasyMatch
- easyrl — PAI EasyRL Toolkit
- easytransfer — PAI EasyTransfer Toolkit
- Edward — A library for probabilistic modeling, inference, and criticism
- efficient-det — Efficient-Det Implementation in Keras
- einshape — DSL-based reshaping library for JAX and other frameworks
- email-txt-classification — compiled packages
- evaluate — HuggingFace community-driven open-source library of evaluation
- evolly — Evolutionary NAS framework
- face-detector — State-of-the-art face detection and landmarks localization
- face-identifier — Recognition implement with MTCNN and VGGFace
- faceverification — A Face Verification module using keras VGGFace
- fibber — Fibber is a benchmarking suite for adversarial attacks on text classification.
- FireSpark — FireSpark data processing utility library
- flowdec — TensorFlow Implementations of Signal Deconvolution Algorithms
- gamornet — A CNN to classify galaxies morphologically
- genebench — Benchmark-ing framework used in analyzing methods that detect deferentially expressed genes from biological samples
- geode-ml — Classes and methods to help with the creation of geospatial training datasets and deep-learning models.
- geonet — no summary