Reverse Dependencies of tensorflow-gpu
The following projects have a declared dependency on tensorflow-gpu:
- pdfflow — PDF interpolation with Tensorflow
- petastorm — Petastorm is a library enabling the use of Parquet storage from Tensorflow, Pytorch, and other Python-based ML training frameworks.
- petroflow — A framework for well data processing
- PLANBERT — A Bi-directional Transformer based sequential baskets recommender which incorporates future items
- poeem — A library for jointly training embedding retrieval model and product quantization based index
- posemaro — Dataset Management Framework (Posemaro)
- predflow — Predictive coding with tensorflow
- probflow — A Python package for building Bayesian models with TensorFlow or PyTorch
- pura — Clean chemical data quickly
- py7dtd — Collection of 7 Days to Die bots, scripts and hacks
- pyDSlib — General utilities to streamline data science and machine learning routines in python
- pyNNsMD — Neural Network for learning potential energy surface for molecular dynamics.
- racket — Serve your models with confidence
- regressionmetrics — Regression Metrics Calculation Made easy.
- reinforcement — A reinforcement learning module
- rlgraph — A Framework for Modular Deep Reinforcement Learning
- rlmc — Python utils for AI 🚀
- rlzoo — A collection of reinforcement learning algorithms with hierarchical code structure and convenient APIs.
- rocks-classifier — Rock classifier deployed on railway and monitored using Weights and Biases!
- rpnet-dev — Robust P-wave first motion determination using deep learning (Han et al., 2025; SRL)
- scalarstop — A framework for managing machine learning experiments.
- scmvae — a comprehensive single-cell multimodal analysis python package based on mixed variational autoencoder
- scScope — scScope is a deep-learning based approach for single cell RNA-seq analysis.
- secml — A library for Secure and Explainable Machine Learning
- seqeval — Testing framework for sequence labeling
- Simba-UW-tf — Toolkit for computer classification of complex social behaviors in experimental animals
- simnets — SimNets implementation in tensorflow
- simple-elmo — Handy library to work with pre-trained ELMo embeddings in TensorFlow
- simplified-keras — Common used code in Keras
- sk-nlp — nlp kit.
- SmartAnno — A smart snippet annotation tool with deep learning backbone.
- snare-ml — Scorebased Neural Architecture REduction
- sourced-ml — Framework for machine learning on source code. Provides API and tools to train and use models based on source code features extracted from Babelfish's UASTs.
- sourced-ml-core — Library containing the core algorithms for machine learning on source code. Provides API and tools to train and use models based on source code features extracted from Babelfish's UASTs.
- sparseml — Libraries for applying sparsification recipes to neural networks with a few lines of code, enabling faster and smaller models
- sparseml-nightly — Libraries for applying sparsification recipes to neural networks with a few lines of code, enabling faster and smaller models
- spherenet — Deep Hyperspherical Learning.
- stn — Spatial Transformer Networks.
- StrawberryFields-gpu — Open source library for continuous-variable quantum computation
- SubBrainSegment — Package for subcortical brain segmentation
- subtitle-sync — no summary
- tabnet — Tensorflow 2.0 implementation of TabNet of any configuration.
- tamu-axolotl — 2021.04.08
- tcellmatch — Predicting T-cell to epitope specificity.
- tensor2tensor-dev — Tensor2Tensor
- tensor2tensor-test — Tensor2Tensor
- tensor2tensorManuel — Tensor2TensorManuel
- tensorflow-addons — TensorFlow Addons.
- tensorflow-addons-theo — TensorFlow Addons.
- tensorflow-graphics-gpu — A library that contains well defined, reusable and cleanly written graphics related ops and utility functions for TensorFlow.
- tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem — TensorFlow IO
- tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem-nightly — TensorFlow IO
- tensorflow-lattice-gpu — TensorFlow Lattice provides lattice models in TensorFlow
- tensorflow-rl — tensorflow-rl: Modular Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework.
- tensorflow-similarity — Metric Learning for Humans
- TensorflowTTS — TensorFlowTTS: Real-Time State-of-the-art Speech Synthesis for TensorFlow 2
- tensorlayer — High Level Tensorflow Deep Learning Library for Researcher and Engineer.
- tensorlayer3 — High Level Tensorflow Deep Learning Library for Researcher and Engineer.
- tensorvault — no summary
- textoir — TEXTOIR is the first high-quality Text Open Intent Recognition platform.
- tf-datasets — tensorflow/datasets
- tf-env — RL environments for TensorFlow.
- tf-object-detection — A Thin Wrapper around Tensorflow Object Detection API for Easy Installation and Use
- tf-quat2rot — Convert between quaternion and rotation matrices in tensorflow.
- tf-rbdl — Rigid Body Dynamics Library using Tensorflow.
- tf-tagger — NLP tool
- tf-yarn-gpu — Distributed TensorFlow on a YARN cluster with Gpu support
- tf2rl — Deep Reinforcement Learning for TensorFlow2.0
- tfa-nightly — TensorFlow Addons.
- tfdatamap — A implementation of the datamap shown in "Dataset Cartography: Mapping and Diagnosing Datasets with Training Dynamics"
- tfdeeplab — Deeplab
- tfmesos — Tensorflow on Mesos
- TFPWA — Partial Wave Analysis program using Tensorflow
- tfsim-nightly — Metric Learning for Humans
- tfunicode — Unicode string ops for TensorFlow
- timeseria — An object-oriented time series processing library
- tlaunch — tlaunch
- tnk — tensor-numpy-keras
- toolkit-bert-ner — Use Google's BERT for Chinese natural language processing tasks such as named entity recognition and provide server services
- top-hat — Recommendation system in TensorFlow
- torchlite — A high level library on top of machine learning frameworks
- transformer-as-service — Use your pretrained models as service
- trax — Trax
- trfl — trfl is a library of building blocks for reinforcement learning algorithms.
- troj — TrojAI provides the troj Python convenience package to allow users to integrate TrojAI adversarial protections and robustness metrics seamlessly into their AI development pipelines.
- trojai-rl — TrojAI RL model generation library
- uclmr-jack — Jack the Reader is a Python framework for Machine Reading
- urduhack — Natural Language Processing (NLP) library for Urdu language.
- uv-metrics — Shared tooling for Blueshift research.
- vacuum-cleaner — Deep Vacuum Cleaner
- verse16 — nlp rap text-generation
- vggface — VGGFace for TFv2
- viasegura — A python package to interact with Inter-American Development Bank machine learning models to automatic label elements for iRAP certification
- visualdata — library to manage image data
- wavenet — An implementation of WaveNet for TensorFlow.
- waymo-open-dataset-tf-1-15-0 — Waymo Open Dataset libraries.
- waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-0-0 — Waymo Open Dataset libraries.
- waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-1-0 — Waymo Open Dataset libraries.
- waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-2-0 — Waymo Open Dataset libraries.
- waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-3-0 — Waymo Open Dataset libraries.