Reverse Dependencies of tensorflow-gpu
The following projects have a declared dependency on tensorflow-gpu:
- gin-config — Gin-Config: A lightweight configuration library for Python
- gpflow-old — Gaussian process methods in tensorflow
- gpflowopt-master — Bayesian Optimization with GPflow
- gpt2-estimator — GPT2 in estimator
- gravityspy — no summary
- gumbelcodes — Neural compression for word embeddings
- HDLTex — HDLTex: Hierarchical Deep Learning for Text Classification
- hf-datasets — HuggingFace/NLP is an open library of NLP datasets.
- histomics-detect — A TensorFlow 2 package for cell detection
- hops-petastorm — Petastorm is a library enabling the use of Parquet storage from Tensorflow, Pytorch, and other Python-based ML training frameworks. This is a fork of Petastorm that is compatible with Hops installations
- hotWater — The program uses a residual deep learning model to predict water hot-spots on the surface of proteins
- idtrackerai — A multi-animal tracking algorithm based on convolutional neural networks
- imageGenie — State of the Art low-code Deep Learning Package for Image Classification
- Img2Vec — {'An implementation for Img2Vec.'}
- impartial-text-cls — Text classifier, based on the BERT and a Bayesian neural network, which can train on small labeled texts and doubt its decision
- iqradre — no summary
- ISR — Image Super Resolution
- janggu — Utilities and datasets for deep learning in genomics
- JLpyUtils — General utilities to streamline data science and machine learning routines in python
- keras-ernie — Keras ERNIE
- keras_vggface — VGGFace implementation with Keras framework
- kerasAC — keras Accessibility Models (kerasAC)
- kf-d3m-primitives — All Kung Fu D3M primitives as a single library
- kfac — K-FAC for TensorFlow
- kryptoflow — Add a short description here!
- larq — An Open Source Machine Learning Library for Training Binarized Neural Networks
- larq-compute-engine — Highly optimized inference engine for binarized neural networks.
- larq-zoo — Reference implementations of popular Binarized Neural Networks
- libra — Ergonomic machine learning
- lookout-style — Machine learning-based assisted code review - code style analyzers.
- Lucid — Collection of infrastructure and tools for research in neural network interpretability.
- lucid2 — Collection of infrastructure and tools for research in neural network interpretability.
- ludus — Reinforcement learning library to expediate application and research
- ludwig-myelin — A deep learning experimentation toolbox
- luminoth — Computer vision toolkit based on TensorFlow
- lungs — 3D Neural Network for Lung Cancer Risk Prediction on CT Volumes
- LVPocket — A Protein Binding Pocket Prediction Methods.
- m3gnet — Materials Graph with Three-body Interactions
- magenta-gpu — Use machine learning to create art and music
- maml — MAterials Machine Learning (maml) is a machine learning library for materials science.
- markertif — Marker Extraction Algorithm
- maupassant — no summary
- mdatpy — A pypi release of the MDAT
- megnet — MatErials Graph Networks for machine learning of molecules and crystals.
- mercury-ml — A library for managing Machine Learning workflows
- merlintf-mri — Machine Enhanced Reconstruction Learning and Interpretation Networks (MERLIN) - merlintf
- miscnn-TF-1.14 — Framework for Medical Image Segmentation with Convolutional Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- ML-IIITL — A helping package for ML written by Sankalp
- ml-playground-attention — no summary
- ml4a — A toolkit for making art with machine learning, including an API for popular deep learning models, recipes for combining them, and a suite of educational examples
- mliiitl — A helping package for ML written by Sankalp
- mmae — Package for multimodal autoencoders with Bregman divergences.
- mnist-pipeline — no summary
- molmap — MolMap: An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network Based Molecular Deep Learning Tool
- monk-cls-test3 — Monk Classification's Tf-Keras backend
- monk-cuda100 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda100 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda100-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda100 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda101 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda101 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda101-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda101 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda102 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda102 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda102-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda102 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda90 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda90 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda90-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda90 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda92 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda92 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-cuda92-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda92 - backends - pytorch, keras, gluon
- monk-keras-cuda100 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda100 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda100-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda100 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda101 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda101 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda101-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda101 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda102 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda102 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda102-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda102 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda90 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda90 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda90-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda90 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda90-test1 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda90 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda92 — Monk Classification Library - Cuda92 - backends - keras
- monk-keras-cuda92-test — Monk Classification Library - Cuda92 - backends - keras
- mpunet — Multi-Planar UNet for autonomous segmentation of 3D medical images
- mricluster — MRI image set clustering module based on Convolutional Neural Network model
- mskit — Utils for MS data processing
- MultiGATE — MultiGATE single cell
- museflow — Music sequence learning toolkit
- mxnet-donkeycar — An Mxnet Implementation of DonkeyCar, adjusted from the original repo:
- my-unique-isr-package — Image Super Resolution
- n2dit — Deep learning-based Night-to-Day image-translation software
- naszilla — python framework for NAS algorithms on benchmark search spaces
- NiMARE — NiMARE: Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis Research Environment
- nlp — HuggingFace/NLP is an open library of NLP datasets.
- NLP-LIB — Python library for Language Model / Finetune using Transformer based models.
- nn-tuning-prednet — Analyse the tuning functions of neurons in artificial neural networks
- nocode-autonn — An AutoML framework for deep learning
- nosypy-gpu — NosyPy is a self supervised novelty detection package built for time lapse imagery using Python.
- npcnn — test code based on deepctr
- nvidia-eff — NVIDIA Exchange File Format
- object-detection-tf — A Thin Wrapper around Tensorflow Object Detection API for Easy Installation and Use
- ocgan — Tensorflow implementation of OCGAN
- ocrd-cor-asv-ann — sequence-to-sequence translator for noisy channel error correction
- ocrd-gbn — Collection of OCR-D compliant tools for layout analysis and segmentation of historical german-language documents published in Brazil
- ocrd-keraslm — character-level language modelling in Keras
- OpenMedicalChatBox — OpenMedicalChatBox
- paiutils — An artificial intelligence utilities package built to remove the delays of machine learning research.