Reverse Dependencies of selenium
The following projects have a declared dependency on selenium:
- scripy-utils — Short description
- Scweet — Tool for scraping Tweets
- sdss-marvin — Toolsuite for dealing with the MaNGA dataset
- sealant — Библиотека с инструментом для поиска утечек памяти в процессе выполнения тестов в Chrome или Node.js
- search-buddy — A tool to simplify initial literature searches
- search-buddy-linux — A tool to simplify initial literature searches
- search-buddy-mac — A tool to simplify initial literature searches
- search-engine-tool — 搜索引擎API Bing / Google / Yahoo / Baidu / Sogou / 360
- search-engine-tool-vito1317 — 搜索引擎API Bing / Google / Yahoo
- secmind — Automation library for xPAM
- secondary-market-client-deskent — Secondary Market
- seebotesttrix — Qualitest package automation infrastructure kit tools for GUI and API tests
- seekout — Library for parsing web pages
- sekupy — Detergent for your dirty neuroimaging pipelines
- sel-auto-base — A basic Selenium wrapper for Python
- sel2driver — It manages all browser driver automatically
- seldegen — The package containing tools to warm up Web3-based project using Selenium
- SeleCrawler — Collection Of Tools To Ease Selenium Operation
- selectq — Non cryptic XML/HTML parsing
- selen-enchanted — A selenium wrapper that makes it easier to use
- selen-kaa — A lightweight wrapper around Selenium python repo.
- selench — Selenium wrapper for Python
- selene — Concise API for selenium in Python + Ajax support + PageObjects (Selenide port from Java to Python)
- selene-kentastik — Concise API for selenium in Python + Ajax support + PageObjects (Selenide port from Java to Python)
- Selene-wdm-4.0.1 — User-oriented browser tests in Python (Selenide port)
- selene_with_new_wdm — Selene 2.0.0rc4 + webdriver-manager-4.0.2
- selenew — SeleNew is a framework over Selenium to simplify UI Test Automation
- selenible — selenium like ansible
- selenide — Automation powered by Selenium WebDriver.
- selenious — Enhancement to Selenium WebDriver for timeouts and more.
- selenium-2captcha-solver — no summary
- selenium-actions — Selenium Actions - Action Based Selenium library - selenium in more accessible way :)
- selenium-assist — Helper functions for Selenium
- selenium-astride — Framework to use Selenium loud and clear, astride. Use it with Django, Flask or your favourite web framework.
- selenium-async — Wrapper for Selenium to make it easy, with asyncio support!
- selenium-authenticated-proxy — A python package to add authenticated proxy support to selenium.
- selenium-auto-executor — selenium_auto_executor
- selenium-automation — Selenium automation
- selenium-axe-python — Python library to integrate axe and selenium for web accessibility testing.
- selenium-browser — selenium_browser
- selenium-chrome — selenium_chrome
- selenium-clay — it is hard to use a web browser nowadays
- selenium-cmd — Tool to control Selenium from command line
- selenium-components — Page objects for common components
- selenium-configurator — Helper API to define multiple webdrivers in config files.
- selenium-cookies — Cookie handling for selenium webdrivers.
- selenium-datatable — A small library for simplifying a table object in selenium
- selenium-driver-initializer — A Python package to initialize Selenium WebDriver with custom configurations.
- selenium-driver-setup — A utility package for Selenium WebDriver setup and handling.
- selenium-driver-updater — Download or update your Selenium driver binaries and their browsers automatically with this package
- selenium-elements — Page object model made easy.
- selenium-enhancer — A package to streamline and enhance your Selenium code
- selenium-essentials — Speed up selenium development
- selenium-extension — Provides additional methods for selenium automation
- selenium-fetch — access `fetch()` with selenium!
- selenium-firefox — selenium_firefox
- selenium-generator — A framework for automated generating of Selenim WebDriver tests from yaml based on unittest framework.
- selenium-google-signin — Helps you sign in to Google and remember it automatically.
- selenium-helpers — Tools to make certain selenium tasks more straightforward.
- selenium-library — A human readable wrapper class for selenium
- selenium_loader — Configuration loader and action executor for Selenium
- selenium-odoo-pages — A set of pages and elements used to interact with odoo pages and widget using the page selenium objects pattern
- selenium-oxide — A Selenium boilerplate for automating web exploits. Use responsibly and ethically.
- selenium-page-objects — page object based on selenium.
- selenium-pagefactory-impl — A Selenium Page Factory implementation for Python
- selenium-peacemaker — Stealth emulate and automate Chrome using profiles, proxy and selenium.
- selenium-print — A minimal printing utility based on selenium and chrome that is able to render any HTML to PDF.
- selenium-probes — A framework for building Selenium-based probes.
- selenium-profiles-brand — Emulate and Automate Chrome using Profiles and Selenium
- selenium-python-tools — Quick driver instantiation for M1 Selenium
- selenium-react-select — package for react select : version 1 and 2
- selenium-recaptcha — reCaptcha v2 solver for selenium
- selenium-recaptcha-solver — no summary
- selenium-remote — A package for handling and using a selenium grid server.
- selenium-requests — Extends Selenium WebDriver classes to include the request function from the Requests library, while doing all the needed cookie and request headers handling.
- selenium-requests-html — Fork of selenium-requests that extends Selenium WebDriver classes to include the functionality from the Requests-HTML library, while doing all the needed cookie and request headers handling. Credit for most of what makes this work goes toto Chris Braun and his original work done on Selenium-Requests
- Selenium_Scraper — Selenium Scraper
- Selenium-Screenshot — This package is used to Clipped Images of Html Elements of Selenium Webdriver
- selenium-seo — selenium-seo extends Selenium by providing a keyword analyzer on a given webpage
- selenium-session-client — Bypass your app login screen by managing your browser session (cookies)
- selenium-simplification — Make Selenium simple. Using Selenium in a pythonic style without having to google how to do non-trivial stuff.
- selenium-simplified — A free, open-source web automation library for the Chrome browser using Selenium Python
- selenium-simulate-ui — The method to provide a simulated UI for taking screenshots with Selenium.
- selenium-smart-locator — A (somewhat) smart locator class for Selenium.
- selenium-stealth — Trying to make python selenium more stealthy.
- selenium-support — Usefull function for Selenium umbrella project
- selenium-supporter — Selenium supporter
- selenium-swift — A high-performance async web scraping and automation framework using Selenium.
- selenium-testing-library — A Python Selenium library inspired by the Testing Library
- selenium-tkit — Another selenium toolkit
- selenium-to-pdf — Given an HTML document, converts thereupon to a PDF using Selenium's DevTools.
- selenium-toolkit — this is not a awesome description
- selenium-tools — Datetime and range slider tools for python selenium
- selenium-translator — no summary
- selenium-userway-web-accessibility — UserWay Web Accessibility Plugin for Selenium
- selenium-utils — Common utils for working with Selenium
- selenium-web-browser — Module covering Selenium browser
- selenium-webdriver-extender — Selenium webdriver extender for simplifying webdriver installation and managment, webdriver execution and more.
- selenium-wire — Extends Selenium to give you the ability to inspect requests made by the browser.
- selenium-wire-2 — Extends Selenium to give you the ability to inspect requests made by the browser.