Reverse Dependencies of selenium
The following projects have a declared dependency on selenium:
- xpanther — Find Unique Xpath of any HTML/XML element
- xRevChatGPT — ChatGPT is a reverse engineering of OpenAI's ChatGPT API
- xscrapers — A simple webscraper library
- XSS-Checker — XSS-Checker is a tool used to Check / Validate for XSS vulnerabilities
- xstavka-parse-package — this unstable package
- xueba-biliup-mysql — stream download and upload
- xueqiu — A humanize XueQiu API wrappers.
- xwtools — xwtools
- yadc — Yet Another DVSA Cancellation checker
- yahooquery — Python wrapper for an unofficial Yahoo Finance API
- yandex-conqueror — An opinion adder to inform the Russian public about what's going on in Ukraine
- yandex-images-crawler — Crawler/parser for Yandex Images
- yandex2lightroom — Python Script to download images from Yandex.Images for the use in Adobe Lightroom.
- yangke — 个人工具综合平台,包含常用工具,网络爬虫,知识图谱,神经网络预测等工具
- yank — A high-level web scraping utility kit for Python 3 and above
- yantranslate — automates text translation using yandex
- yaoys-checkin — yaoys_checkin
- yawast — The YAWAST Antecedent Web Application Security Toolkit
- ycombinator-scraper — A Python command-line tool and package for scraping company, job, and founder data from
- ykenan-util — Tool class
- yonlu — A deep learning based natural language understanding module
- youbit — Host any file on YouTube, for free.
- YOUCOS — youcos is a simple Python package for collecting YouTube videos and comments
- youtube-auto-publish — no summary
- youtube-channel-scraper — Scrape videos from YouTube channels.
- youtube-comment — A Python package to scrape YouTube comments using Selenium and BeautifulSoup
- youtube-comments-scrapper — A Python package to scrape YouTube comments using Selenium and BeautifulSoup
- youtube-cookie-uploader — A Youtube 3rd Party Library that uses selenium and webdriver_manager
- youtube-download-transcription — no summary
- YouTube-Driver — Programmatically interact with YouTube's interface.
- youtube-mix-dl — A Python library for downloading YouTube Mix playlists
- youtube-selenium-py — A Python package to create youtube channels, sub channels, upload videos, create community posts, edit channel, delete channel, and so much more.
- youtube-up — Upload videos to YouTube using the internal YouTube API. Does not require an API key.
- youtubeCommentScrapper — no summary
- youtuber — Support tools including crawler, video editing, YouTube API, etc.
- ypyapi — A collection of tools for Python
- ys-dl — Command-line program to download images from Genshin Impact Community
- Yspeed — Yspeed is a library that scrapes the Speedtest site
- yt-community-post-archiver — Archives YouTube community posts.
- yt-pld — Uploading videos to YouTube
- yt-rank-checker — Find where videos rank on YouTube by keywords for a youtube channel
- yt-videos-list — YouTube bot to make a YouTube videos list (including all video titles and URLs uploaded by a channel) with end-to-end web scraping - no API tokens required. 🌟 Star this repo if you found it useful! 🌟
- yt2mp4 — Download YouTube videos and playlists as MP4 files (and other formats)
- YWP — This is a library to simplify the Python language for beginners while adding some features that are not found in other libraries
- zarinpal-py-sdk — A Python SDK for Zarinpal Payment Gateway
- zbrowser — zen browser library
- zbsmsa — ZimmerBiomet Surgery Management System Automation
- zeed-movs-viewer — no summary
- zerodhawrapper — no summary
- zeroset — Useful collection of features.
- zf-sampleSprider — 简易爬虫
- zgautomation — A Powerful Module To Interact And Manipulate Browser
- zhaohua — 一个简单的,自用的Python库。
- zhongwen — 中文數轉換、字元切換、翻譯、民國紀年處理、文檔轉換及臺灣地址等中文工具
- zimo-web-screenshot — A simple CLI tool to take screenshots of Zimo Web pages with Selenium.
- ZJFootballAutoSign — A script used for automatically signing in on Zhejiang Professional Football Club's website.
- ZJUCrawler — no summary
- zjwbox — a box for package
- zklibweb — Library for read data from zklib maquines, using selenium and requests
- zlai — A LLM Agent Python package.
- zomato — Zomato restaurants Scraper
- zomato-scrape — A package for scraping Zomato restaurant data
- zpassistant — 公司内部使用单点登录
- zs-selenium-youtube — zs_selenium_youtube