Reverse Dependencies of selenium
The following projects have a declared dependency on selenium:
- Sunnybytech-STT — This is a speech-to-text package created by Sunil Kahar
- supbot — An unofficial WhatsApp automation library
- super-rpa — 二次封装 Selenium,并且后期会维护搭载各种文本、csv、xlsx、本地文件等操作。
- superbrowser — Selenium browser with extended functionality
- SuperMiner — Web miner built based on selenium but more simple operations
- SuperRPA — 二次封装 Selenium,并且后期会维护搭载各种文本、csv、xlsx、本地文件等操作。
- superscraper — the friendliest scraper around
- surferrr — Control web browser like a surfer.
- sushida — Sushida API for Python
- sustainable-wage-tool-data — no summary
- sveltest — 高效率测试开发集成框架
- swagger-plugin-for-sphinx — Sphinx plugin which renders a OpenAPI specification with Swagger
- Swaiter — The loop waits until the selenium element has loaded.
- SwimScraper — A package to scrape professional and college swimming data.
- syamaguc — A Python Project of TEMPLATE
- sylenium — Selenium wrapper for stable system testing
- symbolicai — A Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Large Language Models
- synology-drive-api — synology drive api python wrapper
- sypter — Frontend testing framework
- szpt-course-reptile — use for get szpt course and option course
- t-helpers — Tafarel personal helper tools
- t5_grp — A tool to generate and visualize pipeline diagrams
- ta-tooling — Various tools for teaching assistants working with Blackboard
- tabelog-robot — Scriping library for
- TableauConMan — no summary
- tablex-nuuuwan — no summary
- tablextract — Extract the information represented in any HTML table as database-like records
- Taiwan-News-Crawler — A political news crawler for 34 Taiwanese stream media.
- Takamol-Custom-Library — Takamol Custom Library
- takelessons-scraper — Scrape chat content from
- — This small script tries to detect subdomain takeovers from a list of domains. Fingerprints are taken from
- talked — Call recording for Nextcloud Talk
- talkingheads — A library to communicate with AI assistants such as ChatGPT, Claude, Copilot, Gemini, HuggingChat, and Pi, and enabling multiagent interactions between them.
- talkytimes-package — Talkytimes package
- tanjiro — A simple library to interact with various APIs including ChatGPT, YouTube, Instagram, and more.
- taqdir — no summary
- tarsier — Vision utilities for web interaction agents
- taser — Security Resource library
- TaskMorph — Methods that will help you in coding RPAs
- taxi-data-core — Core modules for taxi_data funcitonality.
- tbselenium — Tor Browser automation with Selenium
- tcb-sheet-tools — A Collection of Utilities. Not even can be described.
- tda-api — An unofficial wrapper around the TD Ameritrade HTTP API.
- tdameritrade — APIs for TD Ameritrade
- tdameritrade-ext — This package extend from
- teamplify — Teamplify on-premise runner
- teams_puppet — Retrieves teams users JSON web tokens.
- teamverify — Automated reasoning tool for competitive Pokemon teambuilding
- TeamWebQaUPT — Paquete para pruebas automatizadas de interfaces web
- tear — TExt Analytics for Reconnaissance.
- tefas — Extract text from a YouTube video in a single command, using OpenAi's Whisper speech recognition model
- temprl-pro — no summary
- temu-captcha-solver — This package integrates with Selenium or Playwright to solve any Temu captcha in one line of code.
- tenkichecker — Enter any prefecture name to output the place name, weather, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and humidity as listed in Yahoo Weather
- TenshiTranslator — Novel Translation utility using Sugoi Translator
- tepimport — Utility for quickly downloading and loading the Tennessee Eastman Process data set
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- test-ai-selenium — A package to bring ai to selenium scripts.
- test-automation — test framework for yogiyo
- test-automation-libraries — Basic libraries for test autoamtion
- test-automation-package-dsm — Used for automated test cases to test apps build in Mendix
- testarsenal — Testing tools
- testcontainers — Python library for throwaway instances of anything that can run in a Docker container
- testcontainers-selenium — Selenium component of testcontainers-python.
- testevoo — Pacote para obter o menor preço de passagens aéreas
- testform-888 — person
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- testproject-python-sdk — Selenium and Appium powered SDK for
- TEStribute — Task distribution for GA4GH TES instances
- testutilz — Utilities required for performance and functional tests
- Tetis — 基于Posedion项目中常用工具类插件
- textgraphs — TextGraphs + LLMs + graph ML for entity extraction, linking, ranking, and constructing a lemma graph
- tfuc — some useful tools
- th3n1c3l1b — Common library for Th3N1c3Guy
- thameswater — An application for dowloading daily water usage data from thames Water (UK).
- thatscraper — A selenium adapter for automated actions on browsers.
- thatscrapper — A selenium framework for automated actions on browsers
- the-generic-crawler — A simple web scraper for downloading images, tables, and text from a webpage.
- the-octopus-test — The-Octopus-Test is a Python project for E2E testing, based on Selenium, Appium and the Test Automation Hybrid Framework concepts.
- theark — meltQA Tools Common Library.
- thedevilseye — Darkweb osint tool
- therix — Therix is the SDK for langchain based applications.
- thetennisplay — Automates tennis court reservation checks and notifications
- — Python API for
- thickly-plugins — Useful plugins/extensions for Locust
- thonny-struktog-test — Struktog webdriver client plugin for thonny
- threadingwebdriver — Selenium webdriver using thread pool. (Chrome only now.)
- threads-scraper — A Python package for scraping Threads posts.
- thursday — Thursday reduces the time it takes to get up and running with Selenium.
- tiktok-captcha-solver — This package integrates with Selenium or Playwright to solve any TikTok captcha in one line of code.
- tiktok-scraper — Scrapes TikTok videos
- tiktok_uploader — An automatic TikTok video uploader w/ CLI. Uploads videos automatically using an automated browser and your cookies for authentication.
- tiktokget — A tiktok getter.
- TikTokUsersPy — A WebScraper that provides tiktok user data.
- tinderbotz — Tinder automated bot and data scraper
- TinyEarn — Simple selenium webscaper to pull earnings data from
- tithiwa — tithiwa - Web WhatsApp bot: Automate Web WhatsApp with selenium in python.
- title-checker — A Python script for checking the titles of each youtube links in a text file