Reverse Dependencies of seaborn
The following projects have a declared dependency on seaborn:
- a2 — Package for predicting information about the weather from social media data as application 2 for maelstrom project
- a2rl — Make recommendations for sequential decision problems using offline data
- AA-stat — A utility for validation of peptide identification results in proteomics using amino acid counting.
- aat — Algorithmic trading library
- aatools — Utility tools for advanced analytics
- AB-library — A comprehensive Python library for A/B testing analysis
- ab-testing-kit — Useful functions for A/B testing and data exploration
- abc-network — This package provides code linked to the paper "Multimorbidity analysis with low condition counts: a robust Bayesian approach for small but important subgroups" <>.
- abeliantensors — Library for Abelian symmetry preserving tensors.
- ablator — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- ablator-ken-test — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- ablator-ken-test2 — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- ablator-ken-test3 — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- abmap — AbMAP: Antibody Mutagenesis Augmented Processing
- abmarl — Agent Based Simulation and MultiAgent Reinforcement Learning
- abnativ — AbNatiV: a VQ-VAE-based assessment of the nativeness of antibodies.
- AbPyTools — Python package for antibody analysis
- abses — ABSESpy makes it easier to build artificial Social-ecological systems with real GeoSpatial datasets and fully incorporate human behaviour.
- absplit — Generates A/B/n test groups
- abstcal — Calculate abstinence using the timeline followback data in substance research.
- abstractMLBaseModelTask — Abstract Machine learning base model with analysis
- ABtests — Automated AB tests
- abutils — Utilities for analysis of adaptive immune receptor repertoire (AIRR) data
- acad-iot — Adaptive Clustering and Anomaly Detection for IoT Network Security
- Academic-Forecasting-System — no summary
- accuasset — SK Accuinsight Asset package
- acdc-py — A package to quickly identify unbiased graph-based clusterings via parameter optimization in Python
- acdumo — Accelerated dual momentum
- acequia — Python package for reading, writing and analyzinggroundwater head time series.
- aces-apps — A collection of utilities developed out of the ACES working group to support the processing of ASKAP data.
- acia — The acia library provides utility functionality for analyzing 2D+t time-lapse image sequences in microfluidic live-cell imaging experiments.
- aclustermap — Convert YAMLized pandas DataFrame to Seaborn clustermap
- acmenewscollectors-pkg-rioatmadja2018 — Python wheel to collect news articles, videos, and images.
- acmetric — acmetric package and sample project.
- acmetric-plotting — A package to easily build ACMetric branded plots
- acopoweropt — Ant Colony Power Systems Optimizer
- Actflow — The Brain Activity Flow (Actflow) Toolbox. Tools to quantify the relationship between connectivity and task activity through network simulations and machine learning prediction. Helps determine how connections contribute to specific brain functions.
- actionable-recourse — actionable-recourse is a python library for recourse verification and reporting.
- ACTIONet — ACTIONet single-cell analysis framework
- active-vision — Active learning for computer vision.
- acv-dev — ACV is a library that provides robust and accurate explanations for machine learning models or data
- acv-exp — ACV is a library that provides robust and accurate explanations for machine learning models or data
- adaptfx — Package for computing dose fractionation schemes in MR guided Adaptive Radiotherapy
- adaptive-dbnn — Adaptive Deep Bayesian Neural Network Implementation
- adaptive-hybrid-sort — An enhanced adaptive sorting algorithm with pattern detection
- AdaptiveDecisionMaking-2018 — Code and lab resources for Neural and Cognitive Models of Adaptive Decision Making course (2018)
- adaswarm — An implementation of particle swarm optimisation loss function for PyTorch
- addereq — 地震前兆数据自动处理框架
- adhs — Adaptive Hierarchical Shrinkage
- adix — Automated exploratory data analysis (EDA).
- ADMCode — Code and lab resources for Neural and Cognitive Models of Adaptive Decision Making course (2018)
- AdsorptionBreakthroughAnalysis — This program is used to analyse the breakthrough curves generated by the RCCS adsorption rig
- adval — Adversarial validation for train-test datasets
- advanced-data-processing — An advanced data processing pipeline for machine learning workflows
- advanced-plot — no summary
- advanced-radiomics — Advanced Radiomics Functions.
- advanced-value-counts — A package to perform an advanced version of pandas' value_counts()
- advdpp — An advanced data processing pipeline
- AdvEMDpy — Advanced Empirical Mode Decomposition package with numerous extensions to various aspects of core algorithm.
- aegis-framework — A comprehensive, extensible AI agent framework with local LLM integration
- aequilibrium — Python package for classification of imbalanced data.
- aequitas — no summary
- aequitas-lite — The bias and fairness audit toolkit.
- AeroSandbox — A Python 3 package for playing around with aerodynamics ideas related to vortex lattice methods, coupled viscous/inviscid methods, automatic differentiation for gradient computation, aircraft design optimization, and the like. Work in progress!
- AeroViz — Aerosol science
- aestene-lib — Package containing reusable tools for different applications.
- af-analysis — `AF analysis` is a python library allowing analysis of Alphafold results.
- affinitree — Distillation of piece-wise linear neural networks into decision trees
- afipcaeqrdecode — Package to decode and extract invoice metadata from an AFIP CAE qr code link
- AFM-Learn — A Python package for visualizing and analyzing Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM) and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy(PFM) experimental data, offering tools to process, visualize, and extract meaningful insights from AFM images and measurements.
- afplot — Plot allele frequencies in VCF files
- aftool — Asdil Fibrizo's tool
- agam-conservation — no summary
- agamPrimer — A package to design primers in Anopheles gambiae whilst considering genetic variation with malariagen_data
- agentic-fleet — A powerful multi-agent system for adaptive AI reasoning and automation
- aggmap — Jigsaw-like AggMap: A Robust and Explainable Omics Deep Learning Tool
- agi-gui — AGI GUI
- agility — Analysis tool for simulations of grain boundaries and interfaces
- agrivoltaics-supply-side-management — Optimizes Supply Side Management with Agrivoltaics by Artificial Intelligence
- Agrothon — A Farm Monitoring Bot
- AI-Aquatica — The project is used to analyze water quality data using AI/ML tools.
- AI-Education-Tools — AI Education Tools for Teaching
- ai4scr-athena — ATHENA package provides methods to analyse spatial heterogeneity in spatial omics data
- ai4scr-scQUEST — scQUEST package
- ai4scr-spatial-omics — Installable spatialOmics package
- aiae — no summary
- aiagents4pharma — AI Agents for drug discovery, drug development, and other pharmaceutical R&D.
- aibasics — AI Uncovered: A Comprehensive Guide to AI Basics and Applications
- aidatafactory — Data factory for producing synthetic data.
- aideml — Autonomous AI for Data Science and Machine Learning
- aidevlog — Templete of AIDevLog
- aif360 — IBM AI Fairness 360
- aif360-fork2 — IBM AI Fairness 360
- aifeynman — AI Feynman: a Physics-Inspired Method for Symbolic Regression
- aigct — AI Genomics CollecTive (AIGCT) is a platform for systematically evaluating ML/AI models of variant effects across the spectrum of genomics-based precision medicine
- aij — AI Journalist
- ailever — Clever Artificial Intelligence
- aime-xai — AIME implementation for XAI
- aimodelshare — Deploy locally saved machine learning models to a live rest API and web-dashboard. Share it with the world via
- aimodelshare-nightly — Deploy locally saved machine learning models to a live rest API and web-dashboard. Share it with the world via