Reverse Dependencies of seaborn
The following projects have a declared dependency on seaborn:
- YODE-Segmentation — An open sourced software for automatic chemical molecular structure maps extraction.
- YoDe-Segmentation-v3 — test
- Yodi-Umbaji — no summary
- yolotest — Ultralytics YOLOv8
- yolotext — no summary
- yolov5 — Packaged version of the Yolov5 object detector
- yolov5-E — Simplified yolov5 version
- yolov5-face — Real-time face detection using YOLOv5 - Fork
- yolov5-icevision — YOLOv5
- yolov5-sp — yolov5-v5.0 general model
- yolov5-utils — Packaged version of the Yolov5 object detector
- yolov5facedetector — Packaged version YOLOv5 Face Detector
- YOLOv7-with-depthmap — inference YOLOv7 with scratch very simply and caculate depth also if depth_map is for input
- yolov7-wky-package — no summary
- YOLOv7Detector — A simple Wrapper for YOLOv7
- yolov7x — no summary
- yolov8-pose-triton — Ultralytics YOLOv8 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- yolov8-rknn — Ultralytics YOLOv8 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- yolov9py — YOLOv9: Learning What You Want to Learn Using Programmable Gradient Information.
- yonlu — A deep learning based natural language understanding module
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.
- yourbench — Dynamic Evaluation Set Generation with Large Language Models
- ytanalysis — A package for analyzing YouTube channel statistics using the YouTube API
- ytd — object detection using yolo, tf2 and detectron2
- Yuan — description
- yucca — The modern framework for sandbox experimentation and out-of-the box machine learning on medical data.
- yutani — yutani is a Python package offering a suite of plotting functions to visualize machine learning models and data. It provides intuitive and customizable plots to aid in model evaluation and data analysis.
- yxquantgene — Xu Yuxing's personal quantitative genomic tools
- zaps — Low-code Python wrapper for Exploratory Data Analysis
- zarque-profiling — Data profiling tools for Big Data
- zerohertzLib — Zerohertz's Library
- zeus-mcmc — zeus: Lightning Fast MCMC
- zhiweimorgenexamplehahaha — example for March 31st
- zhutils — no summary
- zigzag-dse — ZigZag - Deep Learning Hardware Design Space Exploration
- zipml — A simple AutoML tool for small datasets with useful helper functions
- zipvehicle — no summary
- znmdakit — MD post processing tools.
- zohencel-ai — World's first 'Text to ML model' support library. Also comes with an analysis chart bot that plots graphs from your data through queries and a completely customizable AI voice assistant.
- zoobot — Galaxy morphology classifiers
- zoom-meet-attendance-visualizer — Manage and visualize data collected using extension zoom_meet_attendance
- zoviz — Unaffiliated visualization helper for Zotero data
- zpy-zumo — Create synthetic data with Blender.
- ZScoreCalculator — A package for calculating peptide and protein z scores.
- ztfparsnip — Generate noisified lightcurves based on the BTS sample and retrain Parsnip with these.
- zyplib — Common utilites code of myself