Reverse Dependencies of seaborn
The following projects have a declared dependency on seaborn:
- wgcna — WGCNA in Python. Fast.
- wgcpy — Data analysis and PMML model framework!
- whampy — Python Package to Interact with, Visualize, and Analyze the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper - Sky Survey
- WhatsApp-Analyzer — Basic Version library
- whatsapp-chat-analyze — Ingest and analyze WhatsApp chat data, and plot beautiful visualizations.
- whatsapp-groupchat-analyzer — A Python package for analyzing WhatsApp group chats.
- WhatsappInspect — A simple package for letting user to track and analyze all the exported whatsapp chat data for differnt usage
- wheeltennis — Basic scripts for wheelchair tennis analysis
- whiffle-client — Python based web client to interact with Whiffle services
- whiteboxml — Fancy data functions that will make your life as a data scientist easier.
- widefield-analysis — no summary
- WigglyRivers — Exploring the multiscale meandering characteristics of river transects
- wiizin-plots — Fast EDA plots
- wikinetworks — A user-friendly Python package to process pathways from the WikiPathways database into machine-readable network representations.
- wikipedia_tools — This is a Wikipedia Tool to fetch revisions based on a period of time.
- wikirec — Recommendation engine framework based on Wikipedia data
- wing — Utility functions for data science
- wishbone-dev — Wishbone algorithm for identifying bifurcating trajectories from single-cell data
- witcher — Automated AI tool including: recommender system, deep Learnings ...
- wiutils — Exploration utilities for Wildlife Insights projects.
- wke — no summary
- wmbook — Templete of wmbook
- woe-credit-scoring — Tools for creating credit scoring models
- wolfeutils — Utilities for Wolfe Lab
- wordpca — Principal Component Analysis adequate for bag of words representation
- wordtm — Topic Modeling Package
- workflow-uva — A workflow for Canvas and Nbgrader
- workforcerappi — no summary
- workforcesim — Synaptans WorkforceSim is a free open-source web app for simulating the complex dynamics of a factory workforce – including workers’ daily job performance, personal interactions with their peers and supervisors, and attrition. The simulated activity is analyzed visually and outputted in a CSV file whose format is designed for use with predictive analytics packages like Comport_AI.
- worldmap — worldmap is to plot and color countries or specific regions in a country using offline approaches.
- wpdm3333 — Warsztat Praktyka Data Mining
- wqio — wqio: Water Quality Inflow/Outflow
- wrangl — Parallel data preprocessing for NLP and ML.
- wraplorenzmie — A package to easely fit movies using pylorenzmie.
- wrongbutusefulsbi — no summary
- wsingular — Wasserstein Singular Vectors
- wsmf — Package with encoder-based approaches to warm-starting Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization.
- wtlike — Time-dependent analysis of point sources in Fermi-LAT data
- wutils — A collection of useful functions/classes for data analysis and ML.
- wvu — Simple utilities for teaching Pandas and scikit learn.
- wzyFunc — My Python Package
- x-goals — X-Goals package. Generated with cookiercutter-pylibrary using the command line cookiecutter gh:ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary
- xai-compare — This repository aims to provide tools for comparing different explainability methods, enhancing the interpretation of machine learning models.
- XaI-Ensemble-VOCs-API — A library for do the explaination of data using a new ensenble of XAI methods
- xai-metrics — A package for analysis and evaluating metrics for Explainable AI (XAI)
- XAISuite — XAISuite: Training and Explanation Generation Utilities for Machine Learning Models
- xaiz — Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Library
- Xana — Analysis software for XPCS, XSVS and SAXS data.
- xarray — N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
- xash — Data Science, Data Analysis, Plotting, ...
- XBBO — A Python toolbox for performing Black-Box Optimization.
- xbinary-classifier — no summary
- xcube — Extreme Multi-Label Text Classification
- xdart — A pyFAI based GUI utility to rebin and visualize X-ray Diffraction data
- xenonpy — material descriptor library
- xeofs — Comprehensive EOF analysis in Python with xarray: A versatile, multidimensional, and scalable tool for advanced climate data analysis
- XeroGraph — A Python implementation of Little's MCAR test, MAR vs MNAR analysis, missing value visualization and imputation
- XeroML — A data management platform
- xform — Library for transforming data
- xgboostlss — XGBoostLSS - An extension of XGBoost to probabilistic modelling.
- xgbsearch — An implementation of grid search, random search for XGBoost with eval_set and early stopping support.
- XGenTS — An eXplainable framework for Generative Time Series in Python
- XGI — XGI is a Python package for higher-order networks.
- xiRT — xiRT: Multi-dimensional Retention Time Prediction for Linear and Crosslinked Peptides.
- xiutilities — A collection of corss-link mass spectrometry tools.
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- xLSTM — A novel LSTM variant with promising performance compared to Transformers or State Space Models.
- XlsxPandasFormatter — XlsxPandasFormatter
- xlutil — Excel utilities for easier workflow when dealing with dataframes and excel files
- xn-ultralytics — This is a public fork of Ultralytics YOLOv8 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification. Free for anyone to use, for non-commercial purposes.
- xomics — Python framework for eXplainable Omics analysis
- xonv — xonv: Extended convolutional layers
- XPER — XPER (eXplainable PERformance) is a methodology designed
- xplainable — Real-time explainable machine learning for business optimisation
- XplainML — XplainML is a comprehensive Python package designed for Explainable AI (XAI) and Responsible AI practices. It provides a suite of tools and algorithms to enhance the transparency, interpretability, and fairness of machine learning models.
- xplotter — Explore visual insights from data in an easy and intituitive way with few lines of code.
- xputer — An XGBoost powered robust imputer
- XQuantiPy — Module for financial analysis
- xregi — A package for automatic 2D/3D registration of X-ray and CT images
- xron — A deep neural network basecaller for nanopore sequencing.
- xsc — xsc
- xswem — A simple and explainable deep learning model for NLP.
- xtlib — A set of tools for organizing and scaling ML experiments
- xtract-nlp — A tool to process codebases, generate embeddings for code chunks, and query code snippets using natural language models like CodeBERT.
- xypy — A simulation framework for supervised learning data. The functionalities are specifically designed to let the user a maximum degrees of freedom, to ultimately fulfill the research purpose. Furthermore, feature importances of the simulation can be created on a local and a global level. This is particular interesting, for instance, to benchmark feature selection algorithms.
- xyt — xyt is a python package for processing raw gps data into mobility data. xyt offers privacy-based capabilities and aims to provide a plug-and-play pipeline to leverage gps data.
- y5facegg — Packaged version of the Yolov5 facial landmark detector
- y5gg — Packaged version of the Yolov5 object detector
- yamllm-core — YAML-based LLM configuration and execution
- yamlu — yet another machine learning utility library
- yarllib — Yet Another Reinforcement Learning Library
- YCSAI — AI Training API developed by SphereAX.
- yctmodel — ModelSelector automates ensemble creation, added AutoTuner.
- ydata-profiling — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydata-profiling-infoworks — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydata-profiling-snowpark — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame in Snowpark
- ydata-profiling-thorrester — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydata-sdk — YData allows to use the *Data-Centric* tools from the YData ecosystem to accelerate AI development
- ydne — A collection of data utilities
- yescarpenter — A library providing frequently used functions in data analysis for YESlab members and other researchers