Reverse Dependencies of ruamel.yaml
The following projects have a declared dependency on ruamel.yaml:
- gwas-sumstats-tools — no summary
- h1st — Human-First AI (H1st)
- h1st-contrib — Human-First AI (H1st)
- h2cow — Monitoring drinking behaviour of animals.
- HA-cfg-cleaner-DiosWolf — no summary
- habu-databricks-cli — Habu Databricks Cli
- hackgame — A Hacking Game for Coders.
- hammer-vlsi — Hammer is a physical design framework that wraps around vendor specific technologies and tools to provide a single API to create ASICs.
- hammurabi — Hammurabi is an extensible CLI tool responsible for enforcing user-defined rules on a git repository.
- hamqtt-fs-publisher — Publish file content as MQTT topic compatible with HomeAssistant.
- hana-injector — An MQTT stream to SAP HANA database injector
- hapm — Home Assistant package management applications
- harrier — Static site generator
- hashboard-cli — Command-line tools for interacting with Hashboard
- HASS-data-detective — Tools for studying Home Assistant data.
- hass-deps — 3rd party dependency manager for Home Assistant
- hasso — A simple library for data analysis
- hatch-conda-build — conda-build using pyproject.toml
- hatchery — Continuous delivery helpers for python projects
- hazard-feed — storm warning rss parser
- hdmf — A hierarchical data modeling framework for modern science data standards
- hdmf-docutils — Collection of CLIs, scripts and modules useful to generate the NWB documentation
- hdx-python-utilities — HDX Python Utilities for streaming tabular data, date and time handling and other helpful functions
- heart-dissease-classifier-dgcr — E2E classifier for heart disease.
- heart-model — Heart decease model package.
- heartdisease-model — Heart disease model package.
- heisenbridge — a bouncer-style Matrix IRC bridge
- helm-tag-updater — A python `values.yaml` helm updater cli.
- helm-upgrade — A Python CLI to manage Helm Chart dependencies
- helm-yaml-tui — TUI navigator for rendered Helm YAML output with tree navigation and syntax highlighting
- helmstack — See
- helmYAMLizer — Minimal local renderer for Helm template YAML
- helpohelpo — A library of python helpers
- hermes — Workflow to publish research software with rich metadata
- hermespy — The Heterogeneous Radio Mobile Simulator
- hesiod — no summary
- hexagon — Build your Team's CLI
- heysops — no summary
- hf-deepali — Image, point set, and surface registration library for PyTorch.
- hi-ml-azure — Microsoft Health Futures package to elevate and monitor scripts to an AzureML workspace
- hikaru-core — Hikaru allows you to smoothly move between Kubernetes YAML, Python objects, and Python source, in any direction. Hikaru-core provides the basic machinery for all Hikaru model packages to work with Kubernetes.
- hlayers — no summary
- homeassistant_cli — Command-line tool for Home Assistant.
- homework-checker — A generic homework checker.
- hoppr — A tool for defining, verifying, and transferring software dependencies between environments.
- hotelAlpha-housePricePrediction — Example regression model package from Train In Data.
- houbrahim-regression-model — Example regression model package from Train In Data.
- house-price-prediction-regression-model — Example regression model package from Train In Data.
- howfairis — Python package to analyze compliance with recommendations
- hpcflow — Generate and submit jobscripts for an automated simulate, process, archive workflow on high performance computing (HPC) systems.
- hpcflow-new — Computational workflow management
- hpcflow-new2 — Computational workflow management
- hpl-rv-ros — Runtime Verification tools for ROS systems
- HTMACat — A high-throughput modeling, calculation, and analysis framework for catalytic reaction processes.
- htruc — HTRUC, a toolkit for HTR-United cataloging
- HttpTesting — Httptesting HTTP(s) interface testing framework.
- humanbingo — Create cards for the "Human Bingo" icebreaker game, with customizable properties and templating
- hummingbot — Hummingbot
- hwpwn — Hardware security testing tool
- hydra-lsp — Language server for Hydra YAML config files
- hydrocnhs — A Python Package of Hydrological Model for Coupled Natural–Human Systems
- HyperPyYAML — Extensions to YAML syntax for better python interaction
- iac-init — no summary
- iac-test — A CLI tool to render and execute Robot Framework tests using Jinja templating.
- iac-validate — A CLI tool to perform syntactic and semantic validation of YAML files.
- iambic-core — IAMbic is a multi-cloud IAM control plane that unifies cloud identity management for AWS, Okta, Azure Active Directory, Google Workspace and more into Git.
- iambic-plugin-generic-git-provider — Run iambic inside a AWS Lambda with generic git provider that supports repository clone via https
- ibek — IOC Builder for EPICS and Kubernetes
- ibis-genome — Ibis (Australian bin chicken) - targeted recovery of low abundance genomes through intelligent coassembly
- idem-codegen — no summary
- ideology-rdf-generator — no summary
- idf-component-manager — Espressif IDF Component Manager
- ilexconf — Configuration library for Python 🔧 Load from multiple sources
- Imane-regression-model — Example regression model package from Train In Data.
- IMMP — A modular processing platform for instant messages.
- imogen — Imogen system image generator
- implant — Remote execution via stdin/stdout messaging.
- importmod — A CLI tool to import mods into the Portmod repository format
- importnb — import jupyter notebooks as python modules and scripts.
- imteksimfw — Fireworks additions
- imxInsights — python imx insights module to get information from imx files
- in-metricflow — Translates a simple metric definition into reusable SQL and executes it against the SQL engine of your choice.
- inferless-cli — Inferless - Deploy Machine Learning Models in Minutes.
- ingraph — InGraph is an Infrastructure Graph DSL for AWS CloudFormation.
- inmanta-core — Inmanta deployment tool
- insight-plugin — Plugin tooling for the Rapid7 Insight platform
- instructlab — Core package for interacting with InstructLab
- instrument-server — A tool for creating Test and Measurement microservices
- instrumentkit — Test and measurement communication library
- insurance — A package that calculates insurance cost from a set of features: age, sex, body mass index, number of children, whether the person smokes or not, and the region in the US.
- intelmq — IntelMQ is a solution for IT security teams for collecting and processing security feeds using a message queuing protocol.
- Interleave-Playlist — no summary
- ioos-qc — IOOS QARTOD and Quality Control tests implemented in Python
- ipalab-config — Generates compose and inventory files to create a container based FreeIPA cluster.
- ipfx — Intrinsic Physiology Feature Extractor (IPFX) - tool for computing neuronal features from the intracellular electrophysiological recordings
- ipypublish — A workflow for creating and editing publication ready scientific reports, from one or more Jupyter Notebooks
- ipyvue-flatsurf — Visualizations for Translations Surfaces in Jupyter Notebooks and JupyterLab
- IQData — no summary
- iqm-pulse — A Python-based project for providing interface and implementations for control pulses.
- irrep — A tool to get symmetry proberties of ab-initio wavefunctions, irreduible representations and more.