Reverse Dependencies of ruamel.yaml
The following projects have a declared dependency on ruamel.yaml:
- apache-dolphinscheduler — pydolphinscheduler is Apache DolphinScheduler Python API.
- apache-flink — Apache Flink Python API
- apatite — CLI for awesomer Awesome™ list management and analysis. Originally designed for managing
- apidriver — api test framework cli
- APIFuzzer — Fuzz test your application using Swagger or OpenAPI definition without coding
- apiscrub — OpenAPI Scrubber
- apkrepotool — manage APK repos
- apluslms-yamlidator — An Yaml/Json validator with a schema registry
- aplusml — Conduct usefulness simulations of ML models embedded in workflows
- appengine-python-standard — Google App Engine services SDK for Python 3
- appengine-python-standard-tbafork — Google App Engine services SDK for Python 3
- appimage-builder — Recipe based AppImage creation meta-tool
- AppiumRunner — app ui 自动化测试工具
- application-download — Tools used to publish Python packages, Docker images and Helm charts for GitHub tag and branch
- applications-download — Tools used to publish Python packages, Docker images and Helm charts for GitHub tag and branch
- aqueduct-sdk — Python SDK for Aqueduct
- ara — ARA Records Ansible
- architecture-as-code — Standardise and speed up application architecture design and deployments
- ard — Agnostic Raw Data for Python
- argo-tugboat — Streamline your Argo Workflows with precision and confidence
- arnold-house-price-regression-model — Example regression model package by Arnold Ighiwiyisi
- arquants — arquants strategy engine
- arraylake — Python client for ArrayLake
- artemis-utils — ARTEMIS utility modules
- article-extract — Article extractor can extract title, time, author, article content, etc. according to article URL.
- asgardpy — Gammapy-based pipeline for easy joint analysis of different gamma-ray datasets
- asphalt — A microframework for network oriented applications
- asphalt-serialization — Serialization component for the Asphalt framework
- AssetBundleFramework — Framework for managing Aptible Asset Bundles
- assisted-ticket-search — A temporary package for testing
- astrochem-embedding — Language models for astrochemistry
- asyncapi-codegen — Generate C++ for an AsyncAPI Specification
- asyncapi-sphinx-ext — Sphinx extension for Pub/Sub Documentation
- atomate — atomate has implementations of FireWorks workflows for Materials Science
- atomic-hpc — A package for running multiple executable scripts on both local and remote hosts, configured using a YAML file
- atopile — A toolchain bringing the best of software development to the real-world!
- attendance-model — An end to end machine learning app to predict canteens attendance 2-3 weeks ahead in Nantes Metropole
- attrsfile — A file mapper for attrs classes.
- audentes — A package for writing component tests with docker compose
- — Auger python and command line interface package
- auger-cli — Command line tool for the Auger AI platform.
- aura-security — Security auditing and static analysis for python
- auto-unpack — 压缩包自动解压工具,支持多种压缩包格式。通过组合各种插件,编排流程,则可满足日常解压需求。
- autoalbument — AutoML for image augmentation
- autogram-commons — no summary
- autolab-core — Core utilities for the Berkeley AutoLab
- automatic-actions — Test lib for automatic actions.
- autopilot — Helper to create and distribute Python packages
- autopkg-wrapper — A package used to execute some autopkg functions, primarily within the context of a GitHub Actions runner.
- autosubmitconfigparser — An utility library that allows to read an Autosubmit 4 experiment configuration.
- aviary-genome — aviary - metagenomics pipeline using long and short reads
- avro-preprocessor — A preprocessor for Avro Schemata
- avtdl — Monitoring and automation tool for Youtube and other streaming platforms
- aws-cfn-update — Programmatically update CloudFormation templates
- aws-control-tower-manifest-builder — Python package to automatically build the AWS Control Tower Manifest given Cloud Formation templates as input.
- aws-sa — A aws script automation deploy
- aws-sam-translator — AWS SAM Translator is a library that transform SAM templates into AWS CloudFormation templates
- aws-ssm-secrets-cli — AWS Secret CLI for manage SSM SecureString and SecretsManager
- awspub — Publish images to AWS EC2
- azure-ml-component — Azure Machine Learning Component SDK
- azure-quantum-tgp — Topogap protocol code
- azureml-assets — Utilities for publishing assets to Azure Machine Learning system registries.
- azureml-contrib-automl-dnn-vision — AutoML DNN Vision Models
- azureml-designer-core — Core functionalities for data-type definition, data io and frequently-used functions.
- b3p — Command line tools for preprocessing of wind turbine blade models
- babu — A static site generator for Python
- backups-rotate — kind of like logrotate, but for backups
- bapctools — Tools for developing ICPC-style programming contest problems.
- bargets — Tiny arsenal of widgets for statusbars
- base-kivy-app — A base for kivy apps with flat layout and providing user configuration.
- basedosdados — Organizar e facilitar o acesso a dados brasileiros através de tabelas públicas no BigQuery.
- basic-lstm-model — Example lstm model package from lstm_deploy_ApiRest.
- bayesn — Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of type Ia SNe
- bblib — beambusters library to refine the detector center for crystallography data processing.
- bbrain.iac — no summary
- beambusters — no summary
- bedRMod — Converting RNA modification data into bedRMod format.
- beem — Unofficial Python library for HIVE and STEEM
- beep — beep is a python package supporting Battery Estimation and Early Prediction of battery cycle life.
- beer-garden — Beergarden Application
- behavioral-signals-cli — Command Line Interface for Behavioral Signals Emotion and Behavior Recognition Engine in the Cloud
- being — Robotic core for the PATHOS project.
- bella-tdsa — Target Dependent Sentiment Analysis (TDSA) framework.
- benji — A block based deduplicating backup software for Ceph RBD, image files and devices
- benten — CWL language server developed by Seven Bridges
- BETSE — The BioElectric Tissue Simulation Engine (BETSE) is a discrete exterior calculus simulator for 2D computational multiphysics problems in the life sciences -- including (electro)diffusion, (electro)osmosis, galvanotaxis, voltage-gated ion channels, gene regulatory networks, and biochemical reaction networks.
- bf-nlu — no summary
- bf-nlu-banki — no summary
- bg-utils — Shared utilities for beer-garden application components
- bhousing-model — Boston Housing model package.
- bids2cite — create a citation file for a BIDS dataset
- bidscoin — Converts and organises raw MRI data-sets according to the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)
- bike-rental-package — IISc Projects
- bikeshare-model — Bikeshare dataset regression model package
- binchicken — Bin Chicken - targeted recovery of low abundance metagenome assembled genomes through intelligent coassembly
- bio-embeddings — A pipeline for protein embedding generation and visualization
- biometalib — A set of helper functions for working with biological metadata from the SRA.
- bionorm — normalize, verify, and select genomic data
- birdfeeder-coinalpha — Helper library for CoinAlpha projects
- bitwarden_workflow_linter — Custom GitHub Action Workflow Linter