Reverse Dependencies of ruamel.yaml
The following projects have a declared dependency on ruamel.yaml:
- iso3166-scraper — A Python utility that scrapes ISO 3166 country code data from Wikipedia
- isops — Utility to ensure SOPS secrets are encrypterd.
- ixontray — A tray application and launcher to connect to remote systems using IXON
- j-repo-tools — This repo contains a number of tools Open edX uses for working with GitHub repositories.
- j2gpp — A Jinja2-based General Purpose Preprocessor
- j2tools — Useful tools for jinja2 template processor.
- jacobs-json-doc — A JSON/YAML loader
- jais — Just Artificial Intelligence Snippets (JAIS)
- jamesbot — Download and Store financial data.
- janis-pipelines.core — Contains classes and helpers to build a workflow, and provide options to convert to CWL / WDL
- janis-pipelines.runner — Easier way to run workflows, configurable across environments
- jc — Converts the output of popular command-line tools and file-types to JSON.
- jekyll-cli — Jekyll Blog CLI Tool
- jenkins-autojobs — Scripts for automatically creating Jenkins jobs from SCM branches
- jetblack-fixparser — A parser for FIX messages
- jgtutils — A utility package common to other JGT projects.
- jiav-backend-ansible — Ansible backed for jiav
- jinjat — A low-code data application framework that uses dbt Core and OpenAPI
- jlhfw — Custom FireWorks additions
- jobflow-remote — Jobflow Remote is a Python package to run jobflow workflows on remote resources
- johann — Johann, the lightweight and flexible scenario orchestrator
- jomiel-comm — Python library for communicating with jomiel
- jomiel-kore — Minimalistic foundation for creating new Python applications
- jrnl — Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line.
- jrnlsync — Easily sync jrnl entries between different devices using git
- json2mqtt — Json2MQTT: A simple python daemon that crawls json apis and sends a selection of the data to a MQTT broker
- json2python-models — Python models (pydantic, attrs, dataclasses or custom) generator from JSON data with typing module support
- jsonschema-validator-new — Tool to validate files against a JSON Schema
- jsw-nx — Next toolkit for python.
- jtech — Jtech Project CLI
- Julep — The official Python library for the julep API
- junifer — JUelich NeuroImaging FEature extractoR
- jupyter-apache-zeppelin-proxy — Jupyter Server Proxy for Apache Zeppelin
- jupyter-brat-proxy — BRAT jupyter server proxy
- jupyter-build2docker — Build2docker: Turn code repositories into Jupyter enabled Docker Images
- jupyter-glances-proxy — Jupyter server proxy for glances
- jupyter-pgadmin-proxy — Jupyter server proxy for pgAdmin
- jupyter-pgweb-proxy — Jupyter server proxy for pgweb
- jupyter-releaser — Jupyter Releaser for Python and/or npm packages.
- jupyter-repo2docker — Repo2docker: Turn code repositories into Jupyter enabled Docker Images
- jupyter_telemetry — Jupyter telemetry library
- jupyter-tigervnc-novnc-proxy — Jupyter server proxy for NOVNC
- jupyterhub-multicluster-kubespawner — JupyterHub Spawner for spawning into multiple kubernetes clusters
- jupyterhub-traefik-proxy — JupyterHub proxy implementation with traefik
- jupyterlab-server — A set of server components for JupyterLab and JupyterLab like applications.
- k8t — Kubernetes templating engine based on Jinja2
- kahnfigh — Boosted dictionaries to make complex and nested configuration files easier
- kameris — A fast, user-friendly analysis and evaluation pipeline for some DNA sequence classification tasks.
- kaniko-remote — Enable familiar `docker build` semantics using kaniko on k8s
- kapla-cli-v2 — Python monorepo package manager
- karr-lab-aws-manager — Package to manage aws services run by karr lab
- kasane — A simple kubernets deployment manager
- kaybee — Knowledgebase system for Sphinx
- kclvm-py — KCLVM
- kdtest — A keyword-driven automated testing framework
- kedro-neptune — integration with Kedro
- keecas — A set of tools for symbolic math computation done in a jupyter notebook, aimed specifically for Quarto. It is based mostly on sympy.
- keel-telegram-bot — A telegram bot for
- kelvin-python-api-client — Kelvin Python API Client
- kelvin-rest-api-client — Python library to interact with the UCS@school Kelvin REST API.
- kelvin-sdk — Kelvin SDK
- kelvin-sdk-client — Kelvin API Client
- kep-solver — A Python package for reading and solving single instances of kidney exchange problems.
- kerncraft — Loop Kernel Analysis and Performance Modeling Toolkit
- kgdata — Library to process dumps of knowledge graphs (Wikipedia, DBpedia, Wikidata)
- khard — A console address book manager
- kharma — Kharma is a state-of-the-art grammar fuzzer
- khldaemon — Plugin system based on
- kiara — Data-centric workflow orchestration.
- kidx-core — Machine learning based dialogue engine for conversational software.
- kidx-nlu — Kidx NLU a natural language parser for bots
- kindsealion — Add your description here
- kinto-wizard — kinto-wizard is a tool to configure a kinto server from an YAML file.
- kipp — Python Utils
- kirami-cli — CLI for KiramiBot
- klingon-tools — A set of utilities for running and logging shell commands in a user-friendly manner.
- kodak — HTTP server for uploading images and generating thumbnails
- kometautils — Util Methods for Kometa
- kondunite — Kubernetes Conditional Manifests Unifier
- konverter — YAML templating for responsible users
- kordesii — A framework for decoding encoded strings and files in malware via IDA Pro IDAPython scripting.
- koussi — Secrets koussi
- kreate-kube — kreate kubernetes application from templates
- ksux — Easy customization of kubernetes manifests
- ktdg — Library to simulate knowledge tracing datasets
- kube-hunter — Kubernetes security weaknesses hunter for humans
- kubedev — Kubernetes development workflow made easy
- kubehelper — no summary
- kubemarine — Management tool for Kubernetes cluster deployment and maintenance
- kubescaler — Helper classes for scaling Kubernetes clusters
- kubextract — cli framework generator for developing ML on kubeflow
- kudaf_datasource_tools — CLI tools for the creation of Kudaf Data Source components: 1) Variables Metadata, and 2) REST API Datasource back-end
- kudaflib — This Python library contains KUDAF metadata schema definitions and logic that is common and applicable to other KUDAF Python packages
- kwgis — The kwgis module
- kwonfig — Complete, extensible configuration manager
- kwutil — The kwutil module
- kyoushi-dataset — no summary
- kyoushi-simulation — no summary