Reverse Dependencies of pytest-xdist
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-xdist:
- 0x-web3 —
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- a2ml — A powerful API to Automate Machine Learning workflows from multiple vendors.
- a2rl — Make recommendations for sequential decision problems using offline data
- aa-fastapi-template — A robust and sensible baseline for kick-starting any new FastAPI application.
- ab-lab — no summary
- abilian-devtools — A curated set of dependencies for quality software development
- ablator — Model Ablation Tool-Kit
- aboutcode-toolkit — AboutCode-toolkit is a tool to document the provenance (origin and license) of third-party software using small text files. Collect inventories and generate attribution documentation.
- accelerate — Accelerate
- access — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- acme — ACME protocol implementation in Python
- acsploit — A tool for generating worst-case inputs for algorithms
- adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- adapters — A Unified Library for Parameter-Efficient and Modular Transfer Learning
- AdcircPy — Python package for working with ADCIRC input and output files
- advanced-aicode — Front End for which makes it super simple to use
- aesfile — A python xxxFile like ( ie GzipFile, BZ2File, ...) for manipulating AES encrypted files.
- affect — Build robust python applications
- agentic-fleet — A powerful multi-agent system for adaptive AI reasoning and automation
- agentlab — Main package for developing agents and experiments
- agentopera — no summary
- agilecode-test-tools — Package contains reusable code for api and unit tests
- agjax — A jax wrapper for autograd-differentiable functions.
- ahocode-test — ahocode is a fallback pure Python library for pyahocorasick.
- AI-Dashboard — no summary
- ai-transform — no summary
- ai2-catwalk — A library for evaluating language models.
- ai2-olmo-core — Core training module for the Open Language Model (OLMo)
- aiapy — Python library for AIA data analysis.
- aibo-server — aibo: AI partner
- aifn — Documentation for `aifn`, a client facing API for interacting with the WecoAI's AI functions.
- aiida-kkr — AiiDA plugin for the JuKKR codes
- ailment — The angr intermediate language.
- aio-geojson-client — An async GeoJSON client library.
- aio-geojson-generic-client — An generic async GeoJSON client library.
- aio-geojson-geonetnz-quakes — An async GeoJSON client library for GeoNet NZ Quakes feed.
- aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano — An async GeoJSON client library for GeoNet NZ Volcanic Alert Level feed.
- aio-geojson-nsw-rfs-incidents — An async GeoJSON client library for NSW Rural Fire Service Incidents.
- aio-geojson-usgs-earthquakes — An async GeoJSON client library for the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program.
- aio-georss-client — An async GeoRSS client library.
- aio-kraken-ws — Get ohlc from kraken web sockets.
- aioblackbird24180 — Python module to control Monoprice 24180 Blackbird 8x8 HDMI Matrix.
- aiocli — Simple and lightweight async console runner.
- aioddd — Async Python DDD utilities library.
- aiodi — Container for the Dependency Injection in Python.
- aiogo — Tiny helper for running your async code
- aioiregul — Asynchronous library to get data from IRegul systems
- aioredis-cluster — Redis Cluster support extension for aioredis
- aiorequestful — An asynchronous HTTP and RESTful API requests framework for asyncio and Python
- airflow-fernet-secrets — airflow filesystem secret backend using fernet
- aitestflow — aitestflow is a Python package used for creating automated test scripts for all types of applications.
- aixd — AI-eXtended Design (AIXD)
- akride — Data Explorer Client SDK
- al-otto — The ottomatic video engine
- aladindb — 🔮 Super-power your database with AI 🔮
- — PlatON alaya network SDK
- alchemiscale — a high-throughput alchemical free energy execution system for use with HPC, cloud, bare metal, and Folding@Home
- algo-app-dev — Utilities to help in the development of PyTeal contracts for Algorand.
- alicat — Python driver for Alicat mass flow controllers.
- AlphaClops1 — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- alphalens-cn — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphalens-reloaded — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphalens-tej — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- altadb — AltaDB platform Python SDK!
- altair — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- alteryx-open-src-update-checker — an update checker for alteryx open source libraries
- altrustworthyai-core — The AffectLog’s Trustworthy AI (ALT-AI) provides a suite of tools for the explanation, visualization, and understanding of complex machine learning models.
- amalgam-lang — A direct interface with Amalgam compiled DLL, dylib, or so.
- amazon-braket-algorithm-library — An open source library of quantum computing algorithms implemented on Amazon Braket
- amazon-braket-build-tools — A set of build tools for Amazon Braket
- amazon-braket-default-simulator — An open source quantum circuit simulator to be run locally with the Amazon Braket SDK
- amazon-braket-default-simulator-kshitijc — An open source quantum circuit simulator to be run locally with the Amazon Braket SDK
- amazon-braket-ocean-plugin — An open source framework for interacting with D-Wave's Ocean library through Amazon Braket
- amazon-braket-pennylane-plugin — An open source framework for using Amazon Braket devices with the PennyLane quantum machine learning library
- amazon-braket-qrack-cpu-simulator — An open source quantum circuit simulator to be run locally with the Amazon Braket SDK
- amazon-braket-qrack-cuda-simulator — An open source quantum circuit simulator to be run locally with the Amazon Braket SDK
- amazon-braket-qrack-simulator — An open source quantum circuit simulator to be run locally with the Amazon Braket SDK
- amazon-braket-schemas — An open source library that contains the schemas for Amazon Braket
- amazon-braket-sdk — An open source library for interacting with quantum computing devices on Amazon Braket
- amazon-braket-sdk-kshitijc — An open source library for interacting with quantum computing devices on Amazon Braket
- amazon-braket-simulator-v2 — Local simulation of quantum circuits
- amazon-braket-strawberryfields-plugin — An open source framework for using Amazon Braket devices with the Strawberry Fields photonic device programming library
- amora — Amora Data Build Tool
- ampworks — Processing and visualization tools for battery experiments.
- amypad-core — Core utilities for the AMYPAD project
- amypet — Amyloid imaging to prevent Alzheimer's Disease
- analyzeAudio — Measure one or more aspects of one or more audio files.
- ancile — Ancile is a release risk assessment tool that analyzes differences between Git tags and evaluates changes based on configurable risk categories.
- andrew-test-weave — A toolkit for building composable interactive data driven applications.
- android-env — AndroidEnv environment and library for training agents.
- android-inspector — A collection of pipelines dedicated to Android APK analysis.
- angr — A multi-architecture binary analysis toolkit, with the ability to perform dynamic symbolic execution and various static analyses on binaries
- angr-management — The official GUI for angr
- anjl — A neighbour-joining library for Python.
- anndata — Annotated data.
- annsel — A Narwhals powered DataFrame-style selection, filtering and indexing operations on AnnData Objects.
- anomalib — anomalib - Anomaly Detection Library
- anomalyHTM — Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing
- ansible-creator — A CLI tool for scaffolding Ansible Content.