Reverse Dependencies of pytest-xdist
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-xdist:
- coix — Inference Combinators in JAX
- collimator-ai — core simulation engine and API client
- combustion — Helpers for PyTorch model training/testing
- comets — CoMETS, the Cosmo Model Experimentation Toolbox, is a Python library for experimenting with numerical models and simulators
- commoncode — Set of common utilities, originally split from ScanCode
- compclasses — Prefer composition over inheritance
- compfs — Composite Feature Selection using Deep Ensembles
- completor — Advanced multi-segmented well completion tool.
- compliance-trestle — Tools to manage & autogenerate python objects representing the OSCAL layers/models
- compliance-trestle-fedramp — Trestle plugin for FedRAMP validation and format conversion
- composed-trackers — Trackres adapters and interfaces
- composeml — a framework for automated prediction engineering
- conan-zbuild — Conan C/C++ package manager
- configbase — A Typed, Compositional Configuration Library
- configupdater — Parser like ConfigParser but for updating configuration files
- conflowgen — A generator for synthetic container flows at maritime container terminals with a focus on yard operations
- confluent-avro — An Avro SerDe implementation that integrates with the confluent
- conflux-web3 — Python SDK for Conflux network
- conjugator — Add a short description here!
- container-inspector — Docker, containers, rootfs and virtual machine related software composition analysis (SCA) utilities.
- contourpy — Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids
- controlflow — A framework for building agentic LLM workflows
- cook-executor — Custom Mesos executor for Cook written in Python
- cookiecutter-python — 1-click Generator of Python Project, from Template with streamlined "DevOps" using a powerful CI/CD Pipeline.
- cookiecutter-python-package — Cookiecutter for creating Python packages
- coppyr — A collection of boilerplate for Python applications.
- copul — Risk analysis with copulas.
- coreax — Jax coreset algorithms.
- cornac — A Comparative Framework for Multimodal Recommender Systems
- corrct — Physically corrected projectors for X-ray induced emission CT.
- cotede — Quality Control of Oceanographic Data
- cotyledon — Cotyledon provides a framework for defining long-running services.
- coupledmodeldriver — coupled model configuration generation
- coursera-dl — Script for downloading videos and naming them.
- coursera-helper — Script for downloading videos and naming them.
- coxeter — Tools for creating and manipulating shapes.
- cpack — cpack: Minimal Smart Contract Packages
- cpc-fusion — CPC Fusion
- cpymadtools — Lightweigth pythonic wrapper around cpymad, extracted from pyhdtoolkit
- cr39py — Python package for analyzing CR-39 particle track data
- craft-providers — no summary
- cramjam — Thin Python bindings to de/compression algorithms in Rust
- crashlink — Just another HashLink decompiler/disassembler.
- credmgr — Credential Manager API Client
- crontabs — Simple job scheduling for python
- crosscompute — Automate your Jupyter notebooks and scripts as tools, reports, dashboards.
- crosshair-tool — Analyze Python code for correctness using symbolic execution.
- crow-client — A client for interacting with endpoints of the FutureHouse crow service.
- crowsetta — A Python tool to work with any format for annotating animal sounds and bioacoustics data
- cryosparc-tools — Toolkit for interfacing with CryoSPARC
- cryptographic_estimators — This library provides bit security estimators and asymptotic complexity estimators for cryptographic problems.
- cryptography — cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers.
- csbschema — JSON Schema and validator for IHO B-12 Crowdsourced Bathymetry metadata and data
- CslBot — An easily extensible, modular irc bot.
- css-mini — Customer Success Scorecard
- CTADIRAC — CTADIRAC is an extension of the DIRAC interware for dedicated CTA usage.
- ctapipe — Event reconstruction framework for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes developed for CTAO.
- ctapipe-io-nectarcam — ctapipe plugin for reading NectarCam files
- cthingsco-pymodbus — A fully featured modbus protocol stack in python
- cudf-cu12 — cuDF - GPU Dataframe
- cudf-polars-cu11 — Executor for polars using cudf
- cudf-polars-cu12 — Executor for polars using cudf
- cumin — Automation and orchestration framework and CLI written in Python
- Cupboard — Abstracted interface for a variety of key-value storage systems.
- cuquantum-python-cu11 — NVIDIA cuQuantum Python
- cuquantum-python-cu12 — NVIDIA cuQuantum Python
- curldl — Safely and reliably download files with PycURL
- CurviRiver — Generate curvilinear mesh from river outline polygons
- custom-settings — Utility for the settings file
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cwe2 — cwe2 is a CWE common weakness enumeration library for Python
- cx_Freeze — Create standalone executables from Python scripts
- cybertensor — cybertensor
- cycler — Composable style cycles
- cyclic-classes — Allow creation of circular module dependencies between classes
- cylc-flow — A workflow engine for cycling systems
- cylc-rose — A Cylc plugin providing support for the Rose rose-suite.conf file.
- cython-demo — A releasable demo for cython.
- cyvl-python-semantic-release — Automatic Semantic Versioning for Python projects
- cz-bitbucket-jira-plugin — Commitizen plugin that links your Bitbucket commits with your Jira issues
- DA-DAPPER — DAPPER benchmarks the performance of data assimilation (DA) methods.
- dagster — Dagster is an orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.
- dagster-custom — A data orchestrator for machine learning, analytics, and ETL.
- dapper — DAPPER benchmarks the performance of data assimilation (DA) methods.
- dash-file-cache — Utilities for providing convenient methods to serve cached data in Plotly-Dash or Flask.
- dash-json-grid — Dash porting version of the react project React JSON Grid. Provide structured and nested grid table view of complicated JSON objects/arrays.
- dash-picture-annotation — Dash porting version of the React project React Picture Annotation. Provide a simple annotation window for a single picture.
- dask — Parallel PyData with Task Scheduling
- dask-cudf-cu12 — Utilities for Dask and cuDF interactions
- data-iq — Data-IQ: Characterizing subgroups with heterogeneous outcomes in tabular data
- data-morph-ai — Teaching tool on the importance of data visualization.
- databend-sqlalchemy — Sqlalchemy adapter for Databend
- databricks-sdk — Databricks SDK for Python (Beta)
- databricks-sdk-secure — Databricks SDK for Python (Beta)
- datachain — Wrangle unstructured AI data at scale
- dataclass-array — Dataclasses that behave like numpy arrays (with indexing, slicing, vectorization).
- datacontract-cli — The datacontract CLI is an open source command-line tool for working with Data Contracts. It uses data contract YAML files to lint the data contract, connect to data sources and execute schema and quality tests, detect breaking changes, and export to different formats. The tool is written in Python. It can be used as a standalone CLI tool, in a CI/CD pipeline, or directly as a Python library.
- datagnosis — A Data-Centric AI library for measuring hardness categorization.
- datahub-sdk — Macaca DataHub Client
- datahugger — One downloader for many scientific data and code repositories!