Reverse Dependencies of pytest-xdist
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-xdist:
- ansible-dev-environment — A pip-like ansible collection installer.
- ansible-dev-tools — Ansible Developtment Tools kit bundles all tools needed for content creation and testing.
- ansible-development-environment — A pip-like ansible collection installer.
- ansible-lint — Checks playbooks for practices and behavior that could potentially be improved
- ansible-navigator — A text-based user interface (TUI) for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
- ansibug — Ansible Debug Adapter Protocol Implementation
- Antares-Launcher — Antares_Launcher to run Antares on a remote linux machine
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-beam — Apache Beam SDK for Python
- apache-beam-ai2 — A FORK! for testing with different dill version
- ape-accounts — Plugin for Ape Ethereum Framework for working with local accounts
- ape-addressbook — ape-addressbook: Ape plugin that allows tracking addresses and contracts
- ape-alchemy — ape-alchemy: Alchemy provider plugins
- ape-arbitrum — ape-arbitrum: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Arbitrum
- ape-aurora — ape-aurora: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Aurora
- ape-avalanche — ape-avalanche: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Avalanche
- ape-aws — Ape AWS KMS: Ape plugin to make transactions through AWS KMS
- ape-base — ape-base: Base ecosystem for Ape
- ape-blast — ape-blast: Blast ecosystem for Ape
- ape-blockscout — ape-blockscout: Blockscout Explorer Plugin
- ape-boba — ape-boba: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Boba
- ape-bobabeam — ape-bobabeam: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Bobabeam
- ape-bsc — ape-bsc: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Binance Smart Chain
- ape-cairo — ape-cairo: A compiler plugin for the cairo programming language
- ape-chainstack — ape-chainstack: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Chainstack
- ape-ens — ape-ens: Ape plugin for ENS argument conversion and contracts
- ape-etherscan — ape-etherscan: Etherscan Explorer Plugin for Ethereum-based networks
- ape-fantom — ape-fantom: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Fantom
- ape-filecoin — ape-filecoin: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Filecoin
- ape-flashbots — ape-flashbots: ApeWorx implementation of web3-flashbots. Allows for bundled transactions
- ape-foundry — ape-foundry: Ape network provider for Foundry
- ape-frame — ape-frame: Frame ( account plugin for Ape
- ape-ganache — ape-ganache: Ape network provider for Ganache
- ape-gnosis — ape-gnosis: Gnosis Ecosystem Plugin for Ape
- ape-hardhat — ape-hardhat: Ape network provider for Hardhat
- ape-infura — ape-infura: Infura Provider plugins for Ethereum-based networks
- ape-keyring — ape-keyring: Store secrets for ape using Keyring.
- ape-ledger — ape-ledger: Plugin for Ledger Hardware Wallet
- ape-linea — ape-linea: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Linea
- ape-llamanodes — ape-llamanodes: LlamaNodes Provider plugins for Ethereum-based networks
- ape-mantle — ape-mantle: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Mantle
- ape-notebook — ape-notebook: Instantiate a Jupyter Notebook
- ape-openzeppelin — ape-openzeppelin: Easily use OpenZeppelin in your Ape projects
- ape-optimism — ape-optimism: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Optimism
- ape-pokt — ape-pokt: Pokt Provider plugins for Ethereum-based networks
- ape-polygon — ape-polygon: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Polygon
- ape-polygon-zkevm — ape-polygon-zkevm: Ecosystem plugin for Polygon ZkEVM
- ape-quicknode — ape-quicknode: QuickNode Provider plugin
- ape-risk — ape-risk: DeFi risk analysis as an ApeWorX plugin
- APE-Rootstock — ape-rootstock: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Rootstock
- ape-safe — ape-safe: Gnosis Safe account plugin for Ape
- ape-scroll — ape-scroll: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Scroll
- ape-solidity — Plugin for Ape Ethereum Framework for compiling Solidity contracts
- ape-starknet — ape-starknet: An ape plugin for the StarkNet networks
- ape-template — ape-template: ape plugin for cookiecutter based templates
- ape-tenderly — ape-tenderly: Provider Plugin for
- ape-titanoboa — ape-titanoboa: Titanoboa integration
- ape-tokens — ape-tokens: tokenlists plugin for Ape
- ape-trezor — ape-trezor: Plugin for Trezor Hardware Wallets
- ape-tx — ape-tx: transact from the command line
- ape-vyper — Plugin for Ape Ethereum Framework for compiling Vyper contracts
- apexpy — A Python wrapper for Apex coordinates
- api-automation-tools — Tools for API automation
- apidriver — api test framework cli
- apify-shared — Tools and constants shared across Apify projects.
- apiqa-storage — Apiqa user storage backend for django projects
- ApiQlient — Quickly create REST clients
- appworld — AppWorld: A Controllable World of Apps and People for Benchmarking Interactive Coding Agents
- AProxyRelay — A Proxy Relay, forwarding requests through different IP.
- arbiterd — A collection of daemons to arbitrate power and performance
- archinfo — Classes with architecture-specific information useful to other projects.
- argdantic — Typed command line interfaces with argparse and pydantic
- argopt — doc to argparse driven by docopt
- argsloader — Configuration Parsing and Management Based on ChainLoader
- arize-phoenix — AI Observability and Evaluation
- ark-operator — K8s operator for managing ARK server clusters
- arpoon — Tools for data in Python
- arps — Multi-Agent System (MAS) Framework for managing resource;It also providers a discrete event simulator component to evaluate agents before deploying them
- artificial-artwork — Create artificial artwork by transfering the appearance of one image (eg a famous painting) to another user-supplied image (eg your favourite photograph).
- ase — Atomic Simulation Environment
- ase-core — Atomic Simulation Environment
- ase-koopmans — Atomic Simulation Environment for Koopmans
- asf-search — Python wrapper for ASF's SearchAPI
- ashx — Geometry and mesh tools
- ask-pypi — Ask PyPI about whether a Python Package has alread been released/registered under a given name.
- askastro — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- Aspidites — Aspidites is the reference implementation of the Woma Language
- aspire — Algorithms for Single Particle Reconstruction
- astel — Python package for asyncronous web crawling.
- astra-multivector — Multivector Tables using the DataAPI from AstraDB
- astro-prospector — Stellar Population Inference from Spectra and SEDs
- astroCAST — Package to analyze calcium fluorescence events in astrocytes
- asttokens — Annotate AST trees with source code positions
- asv — Airspeed Velocity: A simple Python history benchmarking tool
- async-service — async-service: Lifecycle management for async applications
- async-wrapper — async wrapper
- asyncio-cancel-token — asyncio-cancel-token: Task cancellation pattern for asyncio applications
- asyncio-run-in-process — asyncio-run-in-process: Asyncio friendly replacement for multiprocessing
- asyncrepo — A library for providing a unified asyncio API for various data sources
- ataraxis-automation — Provides scripts that support tox-based development automation pipelines used by other Sun Lab projects.